Weekly Newsletter 5/2019

You have a chance to take part in the design contest for the TOKYO and AYY Design Calendar until Thursday this week. The contest proposals must be handed in at AYY’s Central Office by 4 pm on Thursday 31 Jan 2019. Read more: /en/blog/2018/12/18/will-the-next-design-calendar-be-your-handiwork/

Week 5

Week 6



  1. Miestentien uudisrakennus ja peruskorjattu JÀmerÀntaival 3 C saavat uudet asukkaat 1. helmikuuta!
  2. KehitÀ AYY:n kertavuokrattavia tiloja Kampusjaoston kanssa!
  3. Haku Aalto-yliopiston hallinnon opiskelijaedustajaksi


  1. Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship
  2. Hae AYY:n viestintÀharjoittelijaksi 31.1. mennessÀ


  1. Polyteknikkojen partioklubi Teepakin kevÀtkauden avajaiset 6.2. klo18
  2. Keskustelutilaisuus: Uskonnot ja katsomukset yhteisöjÀ rakentamassa to 7.2. klo 17
  3. KY-Speksi 2019 KASVUKIPUJA


  1. Tule tanssimaan Polijazzin tunneille
  2. OtaKopin tutustumistreenit Otahallilla 3.2. sunnuntaina klo 14:30!
  3. KY-Sail DionySOS ‘19 with Volvo
  4. Aalto Tennis etsii tennisvalmentajia
  5. Skipoli Spring Break 2019!
  6. PSK Kuplan nitroksisukeltamisen perusteet 12.2-18.2.


  1. Hiljaisuuden retriitti 12. – 14.4.2019 opiskelijoille ja oppilaitosten henkilökunnalle


  1. OpintopisteitÀ jÀrjestö- ja vapaaehtoistoiminnasta
  2. Uudet professorit luennoivat 30.1.



1. Miestentie newbuild and renovated JÀmerÀntaival 3 C get new residents on 1 February!

There will be exceptionally many people moving house in early February, as both the Miestentie newbuild and JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3, completing its renovations, get their new residents. Miestentie 2, located in Otaniemi’s new residential area, is a joint project of AYY and HOAS. AYY’s residential building has a total of 131 apartments, and the journey into the campus area measures about one kilometre. People moving into Miestentie can pick up their keys from the second floor of their new building on 1 Feb at 12–4 pm, AYY is on call on location. If you do not pick up your keys on the first day of the month, you can pick them up from the AYY Office from Monday 4 Feb onwards. The movers of JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3 C will get their keys the normal way from the AYY Office on 1 Feb from 12 noon onwards. Remember to bring your ID or a letter of attorney when picking up the keys!

2. Join the Campus Section in developing AYY’s rentable facilities!

The Campus Section wants to know what your association has been using the soon-to-be-renovated facilities for and what kinds of wishes you have for the them in the future. You can answer all of the questions or just some of them.

The survey focuses particularly on the following facilities: Rooftop Sauna, Game Room, Takka Cabinet, Sitsi Kitchen.

The Campus Section is also happy to get other comments and ideas for developing the campus. You can reach the Campus Section at kampusjaosto@list.ayy.fi.

Answer the survey and make an impact: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kertavuokrattavien-tilojen-kehitys/

3. Call for applications to Student Representatives in Aalto University administration

On 24 Jan 2019, Aalto University Student Union opens a call for applications to Student Representatives in Aalto University administration for the calendar year 2019 for the following administrative bodies. All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply to Student Representatives. The call for applications closes on 7 Feb 2019 at 11.59 pm.

  • Aalto Ventures Program (AVP) steering group, 1 ordinary representative
  • Degree Programme Committee for Electronics and Nanotechnology, 1 ordinary representative and 3 deputy representatives
  • Master’s Programme in Urban Studiesand Planning Education Council, 3 ordinary representatives and 3 deputy representatives

Read more: /en/blog/2019/01/24/call-for-applications-for-student-representatives-in-the-administration-of-aalto-university-9/



4. Make your summer count – Vaisala Giant Leap Internship

Is your ideal summer job made of meaningful opportunities? Would you like to kick-start your career in an innovative and international environment? We at Vaisala offer you a highly valued internship programme that our previous generations of Giant Leapers describe as memorable, challenging and just a splendid experience in general. Do your future self a favour and apply now!

Our challenging and meaningful programme is designed for 3rd+ year students in a university or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational backgrounds. Each year, we handpick exciting real business challenges for our Giant Leapers to manage. The projects range from product and software development to industrial engineering, sourcing, marketing and human resources – just to name a few. Our unique approach helps you improve your skills and gain special insight into our mission of creating observations for a better world. The highlight of your three-month #myvaisalasummer will be presenting the outcomes of your project to our Board of executives.

We appreciate our Giant Leapers and treat them as our own right from the get-go. The open and supportive atmosphere makes it easy to enjoy your summer with us. We don’t expect you to have all the answers, but we hope you have lots of questions.

So, if you are ready to work hard, do your best and take this leap with us, see our projects for the upcoming summer and pick yours! We invite 20 bright and motivated young talents to Helsinki, Finland or to the United States, to Boulder, Colorado. Learn more about the programme and project details on Giant Leap Facebook and web page and submit your application before February 10th. Come as you are, as long as you’re curious!

5. Apply to AYY Communications Intern by 31 Jan

Aalto University Student Union, creating the best student’s life in the world, is looking for a Communications Intern for our diamond Communications team. As the intern, you will be involved with launching AYY’s new website, planning and executing communications about the parliamentary and European elections as well as the crowning of Havis Amanda taking place on May Day.

We will fill the position as soon as a suitable person is found, so please act fast! Send an application and your CV to rekrytointi@ayy.fi soon, at the very latest by 31 Jan 2019. More information on the position can be found at /
/avoimet-tyopaikat/viestinnan-harjoittelija/ (in Finnish).



  1. OtaHoas Tenant Committee Elections on Tue 29 Jan

The Hoas joint Tenant Committee for tenants living in Hoas properties in Otaniemi (also known as OtaHoas) will be elected in a tenant meeting hosted on Tue 29 Jan 2019 from 6 pm onwards in the JÀmerÀntaival 11 AB clubroom.

The meeting will start with a basic look into OtaHoas tenant activities: basics of the operations, typical yearly responsibilities and events, co-operation partnerships as well as the Tenant Committee’s composition and expectations of those who are willing to join. The meeting is open for all interested parties, but only those living in Hoas Otaniemi properties (JMT 9–11, SMT 3, SK 5–6) can be candidates. The term of office is roughly a year (from January to next January).

Additional information in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2115640822059654/

7. Polytech Scouting Club Teepakki’s spring season opening on 6 Feb at 6 pm

Come kick off the spring season together with Polyteknikkojen partioklubi (the Polytech Scouting Club) Teepakki on 6 Feb, starting at 6 pm. The evening is organised at the Sivistys rooftop sauna at LeppĂ€suonkatu 11 (top floor, press the buzzer “sivistys”).

The evening will feature hanging out, games, eating and sauna. Teepakki will be serving self-made cakes. Feel free to bring something you have baked for the communal table. The evening also offers an excellent chance to meet the Board of 2019, share your ideas and join in the organising of events and activities.

If you are struggling to find the place, call Jukka on 0503562693. Please note that the event is alcohol-free.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/412899529252829/

8. Discussion event: Religions and belief systems helping build communities on Thu 7 Feb at 5 pm

Discussion event ‘Religions and belief systems helping build communities’ on Thu 7 Feb 2019 at 5–7 pm in the Learning Centre, Makerspace (Otaniementie 9, floor K)

How can the different religions and belief systems collectively promote wellbeing in human communities? What could this mean for a multicultural university? Join us for a discussion!

Opening statements from Bishop Mikko Heikka and Chair of the Jewish congregation Yaron Nadbornik, comment statements from Technology Manager Kenrick Bingham (SCI) and Advocacy Specialist Rosa VÀisÀnen (AYY). The event is hosted by researcher and reverend Heidi Zitting.

The discussion event is part of the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week and open to all interested parties.

The event is organised by the Aalto chaplains. More information from Juha Lassila (etunimi.sukunimi@evl.fi).

9. KY-Speksi 2019 KASVUKIPUJA

KY-Speksi is back! The performances – which are Finnish-language – take place at Teatteri Forum in Helsinki in February:

Sat 9 Feb at 7 pm (premier) // Tue 12 Feb at 7 pm // Wed 13 Feb at 7 pm // Fri 15 Feb at 7 pm

KASVUKIPUJA (Growing Pains) is the story of a startup accelerator. A centre of innovations, constantly introducing new ideas to the world. Competition is tough, and when a new startup comes along and gets into conflict with another, the situation grows even tenser.

Come and experience it for yourself! Tickets: www.kyspeksi.mycashflow.fi (in Finnish)



10. Come dance in the Polijazz classes

Welcome to the Polijazz dance classes! The classes are held in the Association Room at JÀmerÀntaival 1 (ground floor in the inner yard). Your first class is free!

  • Break dance (open level) Tuesdays at 8.30–9.30 pm
  • Modern dance (open level) Wednesdays at 5.45–7 pm
  • Oriental dance (open level) Fridays at 4–5 pm

Sign up on the Polijazz website, https://polijazz.ayy.fi/index.php.

11. OtaKoppi introduction practice in Otahalli on Sunday 3 Feb at 2.30 pm!

Is Finnish baseball (pesĂ€pallo) close to your heart, or do you look back fondly on playing baseball in school? Come along for an introduction to the Aalto University PesĂ€pallo Club’s practices on the first Sunday of February, 3 Feb, at 2.30 pm in Otahalli! We do not require a background in playing, even though many of us have one. OtaKoppi trains in Otahalli through the winter, the practices are open to everyone, and the club provides you with the necessary equipment. Also, visit our website otakoppi.fi (in Finnish) to become a member for free, and you will get the info on our events straight to your email!

What? When? Where?

Open pesÀpallo practice on Sunday 3 Feb at 2.30 pm in Otahalli.

12. KY-Sail DionySOS ‘19 with Volvo

Our annual sailing trip to the Mediterranean heads to the turquoise waters and spectacular landscapes of Greece. The endless sunshine, picturesque villages and a fleet of fellow students will guarantee an unforgettable experience.

A basic day consists of a good dose of sailing activities with the guidance of our experienced KY-Sail skippers, a laughter-filled restaurant dinner with the whole fleet and varying evening activities. Jump onboard and grab your spot from the ticket sale!

  • WHAT: KY-Sail DionySOS ’19 with Volvo
  • WHERE: Athens, Greece
  • WHEN: 28 Sept–5 Oct 2019 or 5 Oct–12 Oct 2019
  • TICKET SALES:  on 4 Feb at 8.00 am at an undisclosed location in Otaniemi. The exact place will be announced at 6.00 am on the same day. At the scene, normal KY queuing rules will apply. Take with you 200€ in cash for the deposit payment!

Check the event page for more information! https://www.facebook.com/events/2161814984128726/

13. Aalto Tennis is looking for tennis coaches

Aalto Tennis is looking for tennis coaches for the training courses starting on Mon 11 Feb 2019. The courses last 10 weeks, 1.5h/session.

Training takes place Mon–Thu at 9–10.30 pm at the Esport Centre (hall next to Urheilupuisto metro station). So, you can come along to coach 1–4 times a week. The salary is 20€/h. We expect you to have previous tennis coaching experience and/or a good playing background as well as Finnish and English language skills.

If you are interested, get in touch as soon as possible, either on Facebook (Aalto Tennis) or by email at puheenjohtaja@tete.fi.

14. Skipoli Spring Break 2019!

In honour of Skipoli’s 45th anniversary, the skiing people are headed to Norway’s Hemsedal in the spring in a big way! The journey will begin on 20 Apr, and we will return suitably in time for possible May Day celebrations on 26 Apr. The ridiculous price of 359 euros includes travel, accommodation, two luxury cruises and a five-day lift pass! Be prepared for some unique surprises and extravagant aprùs-ski as well!

Signing up for this unique spectacle takes place in the Main Building’s lobby (Otakaari 1) on 1 Feb at 10 am! Supplementary details on the trip can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2147399382244046/.

15. PSK Kupla’s Basics on Nitrox Diving on 12–18 Feb

The lusted-for basics course on nitrox diving is organised in February! Nitrox is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. The idea of nitrox is to reduce the amount of nitrogen in the gas you breathe by replacing it with oxygen. The greatest benefits of nitrox diving are achieved at depths of 20–30 metres and especially on repeat dives. After the course, the students will e.g. be able to use Kupla’s CFM equipment for the independent manufacture of nitrox!

The course includes 2 face-to-face teaching sessions as well as self-study in the Finnish Divers’ Federation’s e-learning environment. The student price for the course is 90€. Participants must have a CMAS P1 or equivalent classification. Participation on the course requires Finnish language skills. Sign up by email at camilla.leiman(at)aalto.fi by Sunday 3 Feb!



16. Silent retreat on 12–14 Apr 2019 for students and educational staff

A silent retreat is a good way to charge your batteries, relax and take time out for your own thoughts. The days will be given rhythm by communal meditation and prayer sessions in the chapel. The participants will commit to a collective silence for the duration of the weekend.

The retreat is organised at the Nuottakoto activity centre in Vihti, and the instructors are educational pastors Margit Peltovirta and Anu Morikawa. Registrations by 1 Mar 2019 to Office Secretary Marita Kantola, yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi or tel. 09 8050 2359. The student price of 45€ includes full board (single room) and collective transport.

When registering, please tell us your name, educational facility, whether you’re a student or staff, your contact details, dietary requirements and whether you’ve been to a retreat before. First-timers take precedence. You will be notified about receiving a spot after registration ends, and you will confirm your spot by paying the bill by its due date. More information from the instructor: tel. 040 5130852, margit.peltovirta@evl.fi.



17. Study credits from organisation and volunteer operations

Aalto University is offering two courses with which to transform your experience from volunteer work or student organisations into study credits.

The course TU-E3160 Growing into an influential leader is a course aimed at the leaders of student volunteer operations, for which the Chairs and Board members of student unions and nations as well as the Chairs of other student associations, subject organisations, hobby associations and guilds can sign up.

TU-CV Influencing in a community is a three-credit course aimed at students who have held a position of responsibility at the Student Union, a section or committee under the Student Union or another student association for the year 2018. Read more about the courses and sign up in WebOodi, MyCourses or at /blog/2019/01/24/opintopisteita-jarjesto-ja-vapaaehtoistoiminnasta/ (in Finnish). You can also ask the course tutor Jari Ylitalo for more information (jari.ylitalo@aalto.fi, 050 301 6841).

18. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks on 30 Jan

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors by inviting all new professors of Associate or Full level appointed via the tenure track career system to talk about their own fields of research and teaching in an interdisciplinary afternoon.

Come along to hear about Aalto University’s research on Wednesday 30 Jan 2019 at 2.15 pm at Dipoli. All talks will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff and the public.

The talks will be followed by an open reception. Speakers, topics and further information at https://www.aalto.fi/events/tenured-professors-installation-talks-0.


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 5/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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