Weekly Newsletter 9/2019

Spring is on its way already, but on Tuesday next week, 5 Mar, is nevertheless the time to dig out your sledge and head to Laskiaisrieha at UllanlinnanmÀki (https://www.facebook.com/events/1132008500340004/). After the sledging, the party keeps going at Laskiaisappro (https://www.facebook.com/events/2225130101093917/), and the night culminates with Gravitaatio (https://www.facebook.com/events/2296143920450164/).

Week 9

Week 10



  1. Save the Date: Futuretalks parliamentary election panel – Lifelong learning 2.0
  2. Apply to the Student Union’s Central Election Committee for 2019!
  3. Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris
  4. Suggest recipients for AYY’s acknowledgements by March 10th
  5. Apply to Student Representative in the Degree Programme Committee of Animation – DL 3 Mar


  1. Summer jobs at Tieto in Finland now open! Application period 7–28 Feb 2018


  1. Theatre offer for March 2019: The Brothers Karamazov
  2. RetuperÀWBK at the Finlandia Hall on 5 Apr


  1. Aaltoes Open Meeting on 26 February at Startup Sauna
  2. Announcement of JÀynÀ Competition prizes on 27 Feb
  3. WhisKy Smoky Ball tasting on 1 Mar
  4. Helsinki Design Meetup on 6 Mar
  5. Revive — Ready to feel well? On 8 March at Startup Sauna


  1. Take up aikido in Otaniemi!
  2. To Croatia with Teekkaripurjehtijat? TripVenture 2019
  3. Registration for Aalto 10 and Rantamaraton starts on 25 Feb at 9 am
  4. Save the Dates: Spring Humans vs Zombies on 5–7 Apr and World Cup of Academic Quidditch 2019 on 11 May


  1. Aalto minors fair on Thursday 7 Mar 2019 at 12–3 pm
  2. Coding Hub for Hash Code 2019 on Thu 28 Feb
  3. Volunteer abroad this summer with AIESEC!
  4. BEST Summer courses’ application deadline: 10 Mar 2019 at 11.00 pm!



1. Save the Date: Futuretalks parliamentary election panel – Lifelong learning 2.0

WHERE: Harald Herlin, Makerspace

WHEN: 26 Mar at 4–6 pm

Without know-how, there will be no wellbeing, research or economic growth. How can people be enabled to gain work experience in their own field while still studying? Or how can it be ensured that their know-how remains relevant through a decade-long working career?

Aalto University and Aalto University Student Union are organising a parliamentary election panel with a focal point on combining work and studying as well as lifelong learning. The event is Finnish-language.

2. Apply to the Student Union’s Central Election Committee for 2019!

AYY’s highest decision-making body, the 45-member Representative Council, will be elected again next autumn. However, the Council election does not organise itself, so we are in need of volunteers.

Would you like to be involved with making AYY’s next Council election more visible, resonating and participatory than ever?

The call for applications to the Central Election Committee operating at the heart of the Council election has now been opened. For example, the Central Election Committee decides upon the polling and advance polling stations’ locations, establishes the Election Committees, reviews the candidacy notices and agreements on electoral alliances and groups, conducts the recount of the votes and oversees the election proceedings in general. A member of the Central Election Committee is not eligible to stand in the Representative Council election 2019.

Applications to the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/.

The application period runs until 3 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm.

Further information: Administrative and HR Manager Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi), +358 50 520 9434.

3. Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris

Come brainstorm about what the scholarship donated towards promoting the Teekkari culture by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK) could be used on. The event begins with a concise presentation of the student survey’s results and the current status of the Teekkari culture and guild operations. All Teekkari students, acting volunteers in the guilds or at AYY as well as everyone interested in Teekkaris is welcome to join us for coming up with what to spend the money on. The best ideas will reach a lot of people and live on for years to come.

The brainstorming workshop takes place on Tue 26 Feb at 3–5 pm in the Undergraduate Centre, in room Y115, which is located to the left of the doors when arriving from Alvari Square. The presentations are held in Finnish, but everyone is welcome to brainstorm in their own language. The facility is accessible, and more information is available from lauri.jurvanen@ayy.fi.

More information on the TEK donation: https://lehti.tek.fi/index.php/opiskelijat/tek-lahjoitti-teekkarikulttuurille-100-000-euroa (in Finnish).

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/2328775227133195/.

4. Suggest recipients for AYY’s acknowledgements by March 10th

Do you know a pioneer, unconventional bridge-builder or a cross-disciplinary hard worker in the Aalto community who deserves recognition? Suggest a recipient for the Aalto University Student Union acknowledgement reward for 2019.

You can make suggestions until March 10th. After the suggestion period is over, the acknowledgement working group will propose the final recipients of acknowledgements to AYY’s Board. The acknowledgements can be given to the student union’s current or former members and employees.

Read more about the acknowledgements and suggest a recipient via this link: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/bling/

If you’d like to take part in deciding who get the rewards, you can alsoapply for the acknowledgement working group.

The acknowledgment working group receives the proposals for the acknowledgment recipients, discusses the proposals and proposes a resolution on the final recipients to AYY’s Board.

The group is looking for motivated students with different backgrounds. Apply here (in Finnish, translation coming soon): https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/hakemuslomake-huomionosoitustyoryhmaan/

5. Apply to Student Representative in the Degree Programme Committee of Animation – DL 3 Mar

On 18 Feb 2019, Aalto University Student Union (AYY) opens a call for applications to Student Representatives in the Aalto University administration for 2019 in the following bodies:

Degree Programme Committee of Animation, 2 members and 2 deputy members.

All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply to Student Representatives. The descriptions of the different administrative bodies contain more detailed information about possible restrictions. The call for applications closes on 3 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm, by which time the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form at https://www.halloped.fi/en.

Further information: /en/blog/2019/02/15/call-for-applications-for-student-representatives-in-the-administration-of-aalto-university-10/



6. Summer jobs at Tieto in Finland now open! Application period 7–28 Feb 2018

Once again, Tieto has several summer trainee positions open across Finland. Join us and do it your way!

Join us next summer and surround yourself by future technology and awesome colleagues.  You decide how you work, and we’ll provide the tools – pursue your passions and let them inspire you. Check out Tieto’s summer job opportunities and apply now!

The application period will start on Thursday 7 February and is open until 28 February.

Apply now: www.tieto.com/careers/summerjobs

You can follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to learn more about what we do. #tietolife #summerjob #vkd19



7. Theatre offer for March 2019: The Brothers Karamazov

The Brothers Karamazov paints a clear picture of the senselessness of the human race. Samuli Reunanen’s Dostoyevsky adaptation completes in style the series of Russian classics executed by the National Theatre.

As the theatre offer for March, the acclaimed Brothers Karamazov on Tue 12 Mar 2019 at 7.00 pm, tickets 12 euros via this link: https://www.lippu.fi/lippuja.html?affiliate=JOK&erid=2411631&doc=erdetaila&fun=erdetail&language=en.

For as long as there are tickets left. Student card must be shown at the theatre.

8. RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on 5 Apr

The world’s best Teekkari fire brigade band from Espoo that plays newer French horn music can be seen underneath the sooty ridge beams of the Töölönlahti Fire Brigade Building in a grand concert on Friday 5 April from 7.33 pm onwards. At the concert, you will hear some of the brightest pearls of classical music, touched up especially for this concert by Arranger General Simeon Suihkutsalo, that will be interpreted, in addition to the chemically fortified RetuperĂ€ horn septet, by the bedazzling shooting starts of our land’s starry soloist sky, Sakari MĂ€kimattila on trombone and Antero Pellikka on guitar. The concert is conducted by the Artistic Misconductor of RetuperĂ€ WBK, Torturo Canini, who is one of the leading conductors of the age.

Tickets for the concert can now be booked at http://liput.rwbk.fi/ (in Finnish). Student tickets 15 euros.

RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on 5 Apr 2019 at 7.33 pm

Conducted by: Torturo Canini

Soloed by: Sakari MĂ€kimattila, trombone

Soloed by: Antero Pellikka, guitar

Testing their strength: Members on trial

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/343434226283813/ (in Finnish)



9. Aaltoes Open Meeting on 26 February at Startup Sauna

Aaltoes, Aalto Entrepreneurship Society, exists to empower entrepreneurial-minded individuals to achieve more – build the next generation of entrepreneurs. Aaltoes organises a variety of events and programmes targeting university students and early-stage founders: accelerators, hackathons, inspirational events and meetups. Now is time for the first Aaltoes Open Meeting of the year 2019. Come and enjoy a relaxing evening with us and make new friends.

This meeting is open to everyone who is interested in Aaltoes in general, wants to join our team, hear about our current and upcoming projects or become part of our vibrant community!

Grab a friend with you, and see you at Startup Sauna, Betonimiehenkuja 3D, Espoo. Some snacks and drinks will be served!

More information at https://www.facebook.com/events/2072952726117788/.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

10. Announcement of JÀynÀ Competition prizes on 27 Feb

The 32nd JĂ€ynĂ€ (Prank) Competition is ongoing and just keeps gathering speed. So, head over to the Undergraduate Centre’s lobby on Wednesday 27 Feb at 10 am–2 pm to hear what the diamond prizes for the JĂ€ynĂ€ Competition will be in 2019! While you are there, you can get guidance for planning your own JĂ€ynĂ€, the best tips for executing it as well as a CV photo opportunity!

WHAT: Announcement of JÀynÀ Competition prizes

WHERE: Undergraduate Centre, Y lobby, Otakaari 1

WHEN: 27 Feb 2019 at 10 am–2 pm

WHY: Because it might be YOU who is this spring’s biggest prankster


More information on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/391726634971398/ (in Finnish) or by email at ylituomari[at]jayna.fi.

11. WhisKy Smoky Ball tasting on 1 Mar

This time, we are combining two traditions: the Smoky tasting, usually held in January, and KY’s Annual Ball tasting. So, we present the Smoky Ball tasting!

The five smoky whiskies we’ll be enjoying are:
Connemara Peated, Mackmyra Svensk Rök, Lagavulin Distillers Edition 2017, Ledaig 10 Year Old and Port Charlotte Scottish Barley

WHAT: WhisKY Smoky Ball Tasting
WHERE: Saha, Konemiehentie 1, 02150 Espoo
WHEN: Friday 1 Mar at 6.00 pm
HOW MUCH: 15 €
TICKETS: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/b654a8dbb0a717b7983c4eae8d6d29be/

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/407603189809126/

12. Helsinki Design Meetup on 6 Mar

Welcome to the Helsinki Design Meetup on 6 March at Design Factory Otaniemi from 6.00 pm onwards. Two great speakers, Janin Koch from the academic world and Jyri RasinmĂ€ki from the industry will be talking about design in relation to AI. Join the discussion that even Ben Lorica, the Chief Data Scientist at O’Reilly Media, deems crucial in 2019. Mark yourself as attending at: http://meetu.ps/e/GjbkD/hwpDH/f.

13. Revive — Ready to feel well? On 8 March at Startup Sauna

Hectic schedules. Fear of failure. Fatigue. Stress. Sounds familiar? A person aiming towards success experiences these all too often.

Come and listen to professionals from various fields who have tackled these issues, and get tangible tips and tools for well-being.

Our speakers include Tomi Kaukinen from License to Fail, Totti Nyberg from Makia, Johannes Kangas from Forenom and Eeva SipilÀ from Metso, who are casting light on this important topic.

Find yourself on 8 March at Startup Sauna to get your life on a new track. Secure your seat at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/revive-ready-to-feel-well-tickets-56410461208.



14. Take up aikido in Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai welcomes new beginners to join their operations from next week onwards. We are organising an aikido demonstration and taster session on Tuesday 5 Mar at 6.00–7.30 pm in the Tatami Hall in JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5. Bring a t-shirt and jogging trousers.

Instructed practices in spring 2019:

Mondays at 5.00–7.00 pm, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5

Thursdays at 5.00–7.00 pm, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5

After the taster session, you can join the practices within the first two weeks. More information at www.aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi and aaltoaikikai-hallitus(at)list.ayy.fi. Welcome!

15. To Croatia with Teekkaripurjehtijat? TripVenture 2019

The traditional Teekkaripurjehtijat (Teekkari Sailors) trip abroad, TripVenture, is organised in September and returns to Croatia. This year, TripVenture has an all-new destination, departure is from Pula, on the Istrian peninsula. The boats are 43–50-foot sailing boats, and there are some very wild times ahead!

Time: 31 Aug–7 Sept 2019

Place: Croatia

Port of departure: Pula

Price: 475 €

More information: https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=2479

16. Registration for Aalto 10 and Rantamaraton starts on 25 Feb at 9 am

Aalto 10 km & 5 km is an annual good-mood sporting event taking place in September. The event is organised as part of the Espoo Rantamaraton weekend on 21–22 Sep 2019.

For Rantamaraton, 40 free spots have been reserved for Aalto people. After these have been taken up, the discounted price for Aalto people is 40 € / person. You are guaranteed free participation on the marathon if you sign up as a volunteer for the weekend.

Registration for Aalto 10, Aalto 5 and Rantamaraton starts for Aalto people on Monday 25 Feb 2019 at 9.00 am.

Further information at https://www.aalto.fi/events/aalto-10-km-5-km-sports-event.

17. Save the Dates: Spring Humans vs Zombies on 5–7 Apr and World Cup of Academic Quidditch 2019 on 11 May

Humans vs Zombies is a moderated game of tag in which the zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging humans. The humans can defend themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back by using socks or Nerf guns on the zombies. The game also features various tasks on the side to make it more interesting. HvZ is a team game, so you will be sure to get to know new people while playing. The game was originally created for campuses like Otaniemi, so we get to play this game in the best location in Finland! This spring’s HvZ takes place on 5–7 Apr. The Facebook event and the registration will be announced later.

Another important date for your calendar is the World Cup of Academic Quidditch 2019 on 11 May. The Facebook event and the registration will be announced later, but write those dates down now and start putting your team together!



18. Aalto minors fair on Thursday 7 Mar 2019 at 12–3 pm

Aalto minors fair on Thursday 7 Mar 2019 at 12–3 pm

Target group: bachelor’s students

Place: Undergraduate Centre, 2nd floor lobby, Otakaari 1

Are you still looking for a minor subject? Would you like to study something completely different for a change? Come to the fair and explore the diverse offering of minor subjects at Aalto!

19. Coding Hub for Hash Code 2019 on Thu 28 Feb

Hello Programmers! Hash Code, Google’s team programming competition, is here again. And this year, participants from Aalto are given the possibility to compete side-by-side from a Coding Hub in Maarintalo. So, gather your coding buddies and make sure to sign up your team to the hub “Aalto University” via the Judge System as soon as possible: https://hashcodejudge.withgoogle.com/#/my-team

All team members need to register for the competition separately by following this link (by Monday): https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/hashcode
Have a look at past years’ problems to find out if this is for you: https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/hashcode/archive

WHAT? Coding Hub for Hash Code 2019
WHERE? Maarintalo
WHEN? Thursday 28 Feb at 7.30–11.30 pm
SIGN-UP? https://hashcodejudge.withgoogle.com/#/my-team
MORE INFO? marvin.schmidt@aalto.fi or pm me on Telegram (@mlschmidt42)

20. Volunteer abroad this summer with AIESEC!

Still wondering what to do this summer? Go on a 6-week volunteering project in one of our 125 partner countries. In AIESEC, we enable cross-cultural experiences by helping young people develop their leadership skills, experience diversity and empower others. We’re a non-profit student organisation, and all our projects are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Volunteer, contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals and tackle the issues you’re most passionate about. You can make a difference in the world, and it starts with the first step. Explore your opportunities on our website at http://bit.ly/aiesec_helsinki.

21. BEST Summer courses’ application deadline: 10 Mar 2019 at 11.00 pm!

This summer, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) offers you over 40 courses around Europe. On these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening activities designed for you to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/.

WHAT:  Summer courses’ application has begun

WHEN: Deadline on 10 Mar 2019 at 11.00 pm

WHY: A week-long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€, including board and food

WHERE: https://best.eu.org/courses


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 9/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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