Weekly Newsletter 10/2019

Dig out your sledge from storage for at least one more time and head to Laskiaisrieha at UllanlinnanmÀki on Tuesday 5 Mar. AYY will be sharing the best Shrove Tuesday pics on its Instagram account, so remember to tag your story and/or picture with @ayy_fi. There will also be a surprise guest on the slope. Keep in mind the hashtag #matkallamantalle.

Week 10

Week 11

Ilmastoveivi challenge: Veggie week 11 /blog/events/ilmastoveivihaaste-vegeviikko-11 (in Finnish)



  1. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open!
  2. Gravitaatio seals off Shrove Tuesday
  3. AYY is looking for a designer and maker for the Master of Ceremonies’ staff
  4. Aalto strategy @AYY: Great Telegram Debate on 13 Mar and Afterwork on 19 Mar
  5. Parliamentary election panel on 26 Mar 2019: Lifelong learning 2.0
  6. Nominate recipients for AYY’s acknowledgements by 10 March


  1. Not just firewalls in the boiler room – Data protection, the enabler of digitalising trade


  1. Otaniemi Night of Arts will be back in the autumn!
  2. ÄÄNIAALTO, the annual festival of audiovisual oddity, presents its 4th edition!


  1. Universities of the Future event: Joining Forces Across Sectors on 6 Mar
  2. Climate strike in Otaniemi on 15 Mar
  3. Engineeers vs. climate change – is the know-how enough?


  1. Ski joering at Laskiaisrieha on 5 Mar
  2. PSK Kupla’s dry suit course begins on 19 Mar
  3. Sign-up for Teekkaripurjehtijat’s sailing courses is open!


  1. Apply to the northernmost design hackathon in the world!
  2. BEST Summer courses’ application deadline: 10 Mar 2019 at 11.00 pm!



1. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open!

The second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members as well as communities operating in connection with it. TTE Fund supports operations that reach for the stars, get other people excited to join in and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds organised around three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000 €, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the second round of 2019 ends on Sunday 24 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for preparing an application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/ (in Finnish). The grants are applied for by filling in an online form that can be found at https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/.

2. Gravitaatio seals off Shrove Tuesday

Surrender to the endless pull of Gravitaatio and come to the Apollo tomorrow for the official afterparty of the UllanlinnanmÀki Laskiaisrieha. Defying gravity itself, the roof will be raised by Poju, Aaltones and Tako x Monsu. This is your last chance to buy a ticket in advance!

Check the detailed times and places of ticket sales at gravitaatio.fi (in Finnish) or buy your ticket online at bit.ly/gravitaatio2019 (in Finnish). Heads to Gravitaatio and tails to the Apollo Club!

  • What:  Gravitaatio 2019
  • Where:  Apollo Live Club
  • When:  on Shrove Tuesday 5 Mar
  • How:  Advance ticket 11 €. kide.app 11 € + service charge.  At the door 13 € + cloakroom fee 3.50 €
  • Why:  Biggest interdisciplinary student party of the year so far, amazing performers and the official afterparty of the Shrove Tuesday activities. You won’t want to miss this!

NOTE!  The event is for over 18-year-olds.

More info: www.gravitaatio.fi // www.laskiaisrieha.fi (both in Finnish) // https://www.facebook.com/events/2296143920450164

3. AYY is looking for a designer and maker for the Master of Ceremonies’ staff

The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is used at the annual balls and possibly at other ceremonious events of associations or, in the case of AYY, the Student Union. At the festivities, the Master of Ceremonies thumps the ground to get the party crowd’s attention, for example, before a speech. The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is usually around two metres long and has a logo, emblem or other symbol representing the association at its head. The staff usually has a base, which can be either decorative or simple.

With the AYY annual ball approaching once again, the need for a Master of Ceremonies’ staff becomes very real as well. AYY wants a staff that represents our community. This being the case, we are looking for a designer and maker for our staff! This staff will be used by out Student Union most likely for decades to come at all more ceremonious events, and it will act as an important and valuable symbol of AYY. A reward will be settled upon with the maker.

Leave your handprint in AYY’s history and submit your design by 24 Mar. Read more. /en/blog/2019/02/28/ayy-is-looking-for-a-designer-and-maker-for-the-master-of-ceremonies-staff/

All questions and requests for further information will be answered by Marianne Honkasaari (marianne.honkasaari@ayy.fi, 0409645608).

4. Aalto strategy @AYY: Great Telegram Debate on 13 Mar and Afterwork on 19 Mar

What would Aalto’s new strategy need to be like in order for its students’ life to be the best in the world? Strategy work is ongoing at Aalto, and now is your chance to take part in the great Telegram discussion!

You can take a look at the materials on the Aalto strategy in advance at www.aalto.fi/3.0 (requires logging in with Aalto user details).

Afterwork on 19 Mar

What is the Aalto University of your dreams like? Aalto University Student Union is organising a strategy-themed afterwork event in cooperation with Aalto University. The topic of the afterwork is students’ wellbeing and experience. There will be some drinks and snacks on offer.

The event takes place at the AYY Office, in meeting room Reiluus (Otakaari 11), on Tue 19 Mar 2019 at 4.15–5.45 pm.

Sign up for sufficient provisions at https://lomake.ayy.fi/vaikuttaminen/aalto-strategy-ayy-afterwork.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/255826865162106.

5. Parliamentary election panel on 26 Mar 2019: Lifelong learning 2.0

Without know-how, there will be no wellbeing, research or economic growth. How can people be enabled to gain work experience in their own field while still studying? Or how can it be ensured that their know-how remains relevant through a decade-long working career?

Aalto University and Aalto University Student Union are organising a parliamentary election panel with a focal point on combining work and studying as well as lifelong learning. The event is Finnish-language.

WHAT: Parliamentary election panel

WHERE: Harald Herlin, Makerspace

WHEN: 26 Mar 2019 at 4–6 pm

WHY: Parliamentary election coming up

MORE INFORMATION: https://www.facebook.com/events/2082530545380588

6. Nominate recipients for AYY’s acknowledgements by 10 March

Do you know a pioneer, unprejudiced bridge-builder or interdisciplinary hard worker in the Aalto community who deserves recognition? Nominate a recipient for the Aalto University Student Union acknowledgement award for 2019.

You can make nominations until 10 March, after which the acknowledgement working group will propose the final acknowledgement recipients to the AYY Board. An acknowledgement can be awarded to a current or former member or employee of the Student Union.

Read more about the acknowledgements and nominate a recipient via this link: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/bling

If you would like to take part in deciding who gets the awards this year, you can also apply to the acknowledgement working group.

The acknowledgment working group’s task is to receive the proposals for the acknowledgment recipients, process these proposals and propose the final recipients to the Student Union’s Board.

The group is looking for motivated students from different fields of study. If you are interested, apply here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/hakemuslomake-huomionosoitustyoryhmaan.



7. Not just firewalls in the boiler room – Data protection, the enabler of digitalising trade

“The data protection people always hit the brakes when you are supposed to go into manufacture!” As a decision-maker in business, is this something you have come across? This is the image many people have of data protection, but it is not the right one.

It is known for a fact that reconciling business with data protection in all areas of operations and organisation requires work. Spending the budget on firewalls for the boiler room is not enough. These days, data protection penetrates the entire organisation – and enables the organisation to utilise the potential offered by digitalisation.

In the Tieto Talks seminar, beginning at 8.30 am on 12 Mar 2019, Tieto offers an up-to-date and tangible information package on what modern data protection encompasses, what it requires and how it should be managed in order to utilise the full potential of digitalisation. Register for the event at https://www.tieto.com/fi/events/2019/tieto-talks-security.

The event is Finnish-language.



8. Otaniemi Night of Arts will be back in the autumn!

Have your say on the timing of the Otaniemi Night of Arts festival and tell us about your preliminary interest in organising a subevent via the form below!


9. ÄÄNIAALTO, the annual festival of audiovisual oddity, presents its 4th edition!

ÄÄNIAALTO IV brings installations, performances and hands-on workshops under the topics of robotic instruments, generative systems, DIY/custom instruments, nonlinear narratives in sound performance, live coding, multichannel audio, and the intersection between biology and sound, among other explorations.

The 4th edition of ÄÄNIAALTO extends through March in order to provide the Helsinki audience with a month of new media and sound art.

ÄÄNIAALTO is a free-of-charge event empowered by the voluntary work of DADA ry’s members in collaboration with Aalto University and the University of the Arts Helsinki.

For more info and to RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/796394507373111/



10. Universities of the Future event: Joining Forces Across Sectors on 6 Mar

Where? Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5 C, Espoo.
When? 6 March at 4.00 pm ->
Registration link: https://goo.gl/vc3bM5

Joining Forces Across Sectors – a discussion on the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration in the Industry 4.0 era. By bringing together speakers and participants from industry, higher education, governmental agencies and student organisations, the event aims to encourage shared learning from experiences of collective efforts across sectors. The discussion is sparked with a panel of key players in the field, including Jouni Kaplas (Futurice), Leena Pöntynen (Technology Industries of Finland), Noora VĂ€nttinen (Aalto University), Petri Vuorimaa (Finnish Institute of Technology) and Wycliffe Raduma (Product Development Professional).

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/265393104355810/
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/universities-of-the-future-joining-forces-across-sectors-tickets-56035626066

11. Climate strike in Otaniemi on 15 Mar

Join us in protesting for the climate in Otaniemi at the climate strike taking place on 15 Mar and 5 Apr! Thousands of young people around the world are skipping school to go on strike for better climate decisions. For why should we study and graduate, if the future of our entire generation is in danger?


12. Engineers vs. climate change – is the know-how enough?

Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees requires huge measures from everyone, and not least from those with higher education in the field of technology. Climate change creates new demands for employees, society and the industrial life alike. What kind of know-how does this change require? How has education already reacted and will react to this in the future?

Come along to discuss the topic with the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK) and the universities in the technology field at the Future-Proof Engineering Education 2019 event on Friday 15 Mar at 9 am–3 pm at the Design Factory!

Keynote speakers Mika Anttonen, Max Mickelsson and Mikko Dufva will be presenting their personal views on the topic. The results of the Graduate Survey 2018 by TEK and the universities of the technology field will be published at the event. The event can also be followed via a live stream. More information and registration at education.tek.fi.



13. Ski joering at Laskiaisrieha on 5 Mar

This year, Teekkariratsastajat (Tera) is organising ski joering in wintery Kaivopuisto to delight the Laskiaisrieha crowds! Come and try this high-speed sport, watch other people’s displays, or just admire the lovely Finnhorses of the horse trekking stable Prerya.

The official timing of Laskiaisrieha is on Tuesday 5 Mar at 11 am–4 pm, and there will be ski joering at 12.30–1.30 pm. You get to try ski joering with a valid student ID or Tera membership, the experience is offered to you by TTE Fund. Tera will lend you some mini skis and helmets, but you can also bring your own skis and ski boots if you like.

More information at https://tera.ayy.fi/hiihtoratsastusta-laskiaisriehassa (in Finnish).

14. PSK Kupla’s dry suit course begins on 19 Mar

It’s cold in the Manta fountain at Wappu! So, to prevent hypothermia, Kupla is organising a dry suit course during the spring! The dry suit course is meant for certified divers who want to learn to dive – or maybe float in various fountains – in a dry suit. The course is organised as workshop sessions that include of 2 theory practices and 2 pool practices. The course begins on Tuesday 19 Mar at 6 pm in Kupla’s club facilities (JMT1 basement). To take part on the course, you do not need any previous experience of dry suits, nor your own equipment before you start. You will be instructed on acquiring the equipment during the course. However, participation on the course does require Finnish language skills and a diving classification (at least P1, CMAS* or similar), and you also need to become a member of Kupla. The course price for AYY members is 60 €. Sign up by 15 Mar!

More information and sign-up at https://kupla.org/kurssit/kuivapukukurssi (in Finnish).

15. Sign-up for Teekkaripurjehtijat’s sailing courses is open!

The sign-up has begun for Teekkaripurjehtijat’s Sailing Crew and Inshore Skipper courses taking place in the spring. The sailing courses are practical courses taking place on board and on the move. The Sailing Crew course is suitable for perfectly inexperienced persons, enabling them to operate as an independent crew member on a sailing boat. On the Inshore Skipper course, we practice being in charge of a boat in inshore circumstances, and the course is suitable e.g. for crew members who have sailed for 1–2 seasons.

The theory day related to the courses is held on Sunday 14 Apr, so you should write that date down in your calendar. More information on the sailing courses and the registration form are available at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231.



16. Apply to the northernmost design hackathon in the world!

Dash Lapland has arrived in Rovaniemi and will be held on 12–14 April 2019. For the first time ever, 150 participants from all around the world gather to the capital of Lapland. Teams of 5–6 tackle the challenges set up by real-life companies and try to come up with the winning solution. Established by Aaltoes, Dash has been Europe’s biggest design hackathon since 2017. What would be a better way to boost your creativity than spending a weekend in dark, arctic Lapland? The only question is – are you brave enough?

Read more and apply before 17 Mar 2019: https://www.dashlapland.com/application-form

17. BEST Summer courses’ application deadline: 10 Mar 2019 at 11.00 pm!

This summer, BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) offers you over 40 courses around Europe. On these, you’ll get to attend lectures, given by the university’s teaching staff or experts from companies, on Technology, Career Related Skills, and Applied Engineering. After the lectures, you’ll also take part in evening activities designed for you to give you a taste of the LBG (Local BEST Group) that hosts you and the local culture.

For more information about the courses and FAQs, visit https://besthelsinki.fi/en/courses/application/.

WHAT:  Summer courses’ application has begun

WHEN: Deadline on 10 Mar 2019 at 11.00 pm

WHY: A week-long course with BEST people; costs up to 50€, including board and food

WHERE: https://best.eu.org/courses


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 10/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at www.ayy.fi/viikkotiedote.

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /yhdistystiedote.

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi.

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