Weekly Newsletter 13/2019

Tomorrow, on Tuesday, you get to interrogate the top candidates in the parliamentary election about educational themes at the joint election panel of AYY and Aalto. The discussion is held in Makerspace in the Learning Centre from 4 pm onwards. You can submit questions to the candidates in advance at https://lomake.ayy.fi/vaikuttaminen/eduskuntavaalipaneeli-kysy-ehdokkailta/ (in Finnish).The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2082530545380588/. Welcome!

Week 13

Week 14


  1. Parliamentary election panel on 26 Mar at 4–6 pm: Lifelong learning 2.0
  2. AYY participates in WWF Earth Hour
  3. Futuretalks Movie Night: Vice
  4. Apply for AYY’s scholarships!
  5. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?


  1. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic
  2. Open meeting of Artistic Activities on 3 Apr at 5 pm @Café Kylteri
  3. RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on 5 Apr


  1. Aalto University 3.0 – Time to discuss teaching, sustainable development and infrastructures
  2. CS Alumni Talks – Sustainability Meets Business on 28 Mar
  3. WhisKY Bourbon Tasting on 29 Mar
  4. Metal Club MökÀ: March sauna evening on Fri 29 Mar
  5. Helsinki Design Meetup on 3 Apr @ 6.00 pm
  6. Election sauna of Tieteen ja teknologian vihreÀt and AaltovihreÀt at Rantasauna on 2 Apr


  1. OtaKoppi women’s introduction practice on 31 Mar
  2. Humans vs Zombies Spring on 5–7 Apr
  3. A!-games in Otahalli on 7 Apr
  4. Fence for free in Tapiola on Wednesdays


  1. Starting Point of Wellbeing spring 2019


  1. VR Hub: upgrade your studies with virtual reality!
  2. Petition for a 2.60 € student lunch on Sundays
  3. Audio Engineer wanted



1. Parliamentary election panel on 26 Mar at 4–6 pm: Lifelong learning 2.0

Without know-how, there will be no wellbeing, research or economic growth. How can people be enabled to gain work experience in their own field while still studying? Or how can it be ensured that their know-how remains relevant through a decade-long working career?

Aalto University and Aalto University Student Union are organising a parliamentary election panel with a focal point on combining work and studying as well as lifelong learning.

The speakers are:

  • Saara Hyrkkö, vihreĂ€t (Greens)
  • Henrik Vuornos, kokoomus (National Coalition Party)
  • Joona RĂ€sĂ€nen, SDP (Social Democratic Party)
  • Tiina Ahva, siniset (Blue Reform)
  • Simo Grönroos, perussuomalaiset (Finns Party)
  • Martin Stenberg, kristillisdemokraatit (Christian Democrats)
  • Henrik Wickström, RKP (Swedish People’s Party of Finland)
  • Tero Turunen, Liike Nyt (Movement Now)
  • Sara SaramĂ€ki, keskusta (Centre Party)
  • Lauri Linna, vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance)

The panel is moderated by Aalto University Student Union Board member Leila Kettunen. The panel takes place in Makerspace, in the basement of the Harald Herlin Learning Centre. The facility is accessible. There are 80 seats available, so get there in good time!

You can submit questions to the candidates in advance at https://lomake.ayy.fi/vaikuttaminen/eduskuntavaalipaneeli-kysy-ehdokkailta/ (in Finnish).

There will be light bites on offer at the event. The facility is accessible. The event is Finnish-language.

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2082530545380588/.

2. AYY participates in WWF Earth Hour

While shutting your lights might not have too much of an impact, the massivity of a joint effort does, if not in units of electricity, in raised awareness.

AYY is turning off our lights at our central office for WWF Earth Hour next Saturday, March 30, from 20:30-21:30, together with Aalto University and Aalto Campus & Real Estate. We participate this year with a climate theme, and encourage you to sign the national climate campaign ilmastoveivi2019.fi and join the students’ climate movement #FridaysForFuture and Otaniemi Climate strike.

If your choose to participate, and turn off your lights, we challenge you to spend your hour in the darkness creatively. Have a dinner in the dark, play hide and seek, go on a ghost walk, paint a painting!

3. Futuretalks Movie Night: Vice

In honour of the upcoming parliamentary election (14 Apr), AYY is offering its members a chance to see the societal comedy film Vice (2018). Vice is about the life and career of former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, as well as about the consequences of the concentration of power in Cabinets instead of the people.

Could the same happen in Finland as well?

Before the film screening, Sini Korpinen and Juha TöyrylÀ of the Politbyroo podcast present a short introduction to the topic.

The film is screened at TOKYO ry’s Kino Sheryl cinema. The facility is accessible. The event is Finnish-language.

There are 80 tickets available for the screening. Binding sign-up via the link below:


4. Apply for AYY’s scholarships!

This spring, AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships to support the internationalisation and communal activities of students and to encourage the successful combination of studies and student life.

The application period for the scholarships is from 12 noon on 27 Mar to 11.59 pm on 24 Apr.

You can find more information on the scholarships and the application form here: /en/students/services/scholarships/

5. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?

Do you have an amazing idea on how Teekkari culture should be promoted in Otaniemi? Tell us your ideas on this form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/idea-for-teekkari-culture/ 

At the end of last year, the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland donated 30 000 euros towards promoting the Teekkari culture. Ideas have been collected in various workshops and now, all members of the Teekkari community get to share their ideas via the form. What do you think would best promote the Teekkari culture? Your idea can cost anything between 1–30 000 euros. The questionnaire is open until 7 Apr.

More information on the TEK donation: https://lehti.tek.fi/index.php/opiskelijat/tek-lahjoitti-teekkarikulttuurille-100-000-euroa (in Finnish)

If you have questions or comments on the project or a broader idea for presentation, please contact the project team at essi.puustinen@ayy.fi, lauri.jurvanen@ayy.fi and anna.halsas@ayy.fi.



6. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic

Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic! In honour of the First of May, AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities is producing a photographic mosaic artwork from the photo archives of students and student organisations. The theme of the artwork is “Wappu,” so we are looking for Wappu-spirited photos or ones taken around the First of May featuring students, student life and everything related.

Go through your photo archives and send us your pics. We need hundreds of photos in total, so there is no need to do any great elimination of the photos – this is where quantity matters! You can submit photos until 11 Apr using the form below.


7. Open meeting of Artistic Activities on 3 Apr at 5 pm @Café Kylteri

AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities meets on 3 Apr at 5 pm in CafĂ© Kylteri (Ekonominaukio 1) and wishes all interested parties welcome in the meeting! On the agenda, Otaniemi Night of Arts, the accumulation of AYY’s art collection, the photograph mosaic and other projects. Welcome to listen in on, discuss and influence AYY’s artistic activities!

Even if you cannot make it (or even if you can), you can tell us about your interest in taking part in AYY’s artistic activities here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/taide/ayy-artistic-activities-take-part/
You can use the same form to submit your own ideas as well!

8. RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on 5 Apr

The world’s best Teekkari fire brigade band from Espoo that plays newer French horn music can be seen underneath the sooty ridge beams of the Töölönlahti Fire Brigade Building in a grand concert on Friday 5 April from 7.33 pm onwards. At the concert, you will hear some of the brightest glass pearls of classical music, touched up especially for this concert by Arranger General Simeon Suihkutsalo, that will be interpreted, in addition to the chemically fortified RetuperĂ€ horn septet, by the bedazzling shooting starts of our land’s starry soloist sky, Sakari MĂ€kimattila on trombone and Antero Pellikka on guitar. The concert is conducted by the Artistic Misconductor of RetuperĂ€ WBK, Torturo Canini, one of the leading conductors of the age.

Tickets for the concert can now be booked at http://liput.rwbk.fi/ (in Finnish). Tickets will also be sold in the lobby of Otakaari 1 in week 13. Student tickets 15 euros.

RetuperÀ WBK at the Finlandia Hall on 5 Apr 2019 at 7.33 pm
Conducted by: Torturo Canini
Soloed by: Sakari MĂ€kimattila, trombone
Soloed by: Antero Pellikka, guitar
Testing their strength: Members on trial

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/343434226283813/ (in Finnish).



9. Aalto University 3.0 – Time to discuss teaching, sustainable development and infrastructures

Welcome to continuing the Aalto University strategy work in the Learning Centre on 27 Mar. At the kickoff event for the strategy work, the participants voted, among others, teaching, sustainable development and infrastructure as the central themes, and we will now delve into these themes that were selected by the community.

At the event, Vice Presidents Petri Suomala (teaching) and Ossi Naukkarinen (sustainable development) as well as Professor Jukka SeppÀlÀ (infrastructure) will introduce us to the topic. After the introduction, you get to discuss and offer your views on the central questions related to these topics at the three stands of the strategy bazaar.

All Aalto people are welcome, there is coffee and light bites on offer.

Sign up by clicking this link: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/Participation/Public/5c2ecb35-f1c3-41c4-9d05-4484c63c507e?displayId=Fin1722335

Time: Wed 27 Mar at 12.30–2.30 pm

Place: Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9

Read more at aalto.fi/3.0 (requires logging in with Aalto user details).

10. CS Alumni Talks – Sustainability Meets Business on 28 Mar

Creative Sustainability alumni take the stage on Thursday 28 March to talk about their career paths in sustainability – come hear their stories and get inspired!

Link: http://bit.ly/2CbWFaS

11. WhisKY Bourbon Tasting on 29 Mar

We have worked hard with Aalto Cocktail to bring you our new Event Space, and unlike in January, this time it also looks nice! The whiskies have been chosen by our Board’s Senior Hipster, The Bourbonator 3000, and are tried and true classics (or, at least, available in Alko).
WHERE: JÀmerÀntaival 11 G, Bottom floor
WHEN: Friday 29 Mar at 6.00 pm

HOW MUCH: 15 €

TICKETS: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/86e4ed0f44a62b8ac023f30f7649bbd4/

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1279637292192167/

12. Metal Club MökÀ: March sauna evening on Fri 29 Mar

Here’s to everybody who feels cold this spring: Metal Club MökĂ€ is here to warm you in our embrace (and probably burn you to ash). We’re holding the sauna event at Gorsu on 29 Mar 2019, so this is also a perfect chance to check out the place after the renovations. So, take your towel and have a good time with us! As usual, some food, punch and good music will be provided.

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/263915961161736/.

13. Helsinki Design Meetup on 3 Apr @ 6.00 pm

Welcome to join the Helsinki Design Meetup on 3 April from 6.00 pm onwards. Three great speakers, Parvati Pillai – currently freelancer and student at Visual Communication Design at Aalto University and formally Head of Design at Chumbak Design Pvt. Ltd., Lina Hayek, an international multidisciplinary designer, consultant, coach and facilitator, and Doug Sillars, Web Google Developer Expert and author of O’Reilly’s “High Performance Android Apps,” will be talking about illustration for brands. Mark yourself as attending at: https://www.meetup.com/Helsinki-Design-Meetup/events/259290320/.

14. Election sauna of Tieteen ja teknologian vihreÀt and AaltovihreÀt at Rantasauna on 2 Apr

The Espoo and Vantaa Tieteen ja teknologian vihreÀt (Greens of Science and Technology) and AaltovihreÀt (Aalto Greens) are organising an election sauna at the Otaniemi Rantasauna on Tuesday 2 Apr from 6 pm onwards.

Present at the event, for example, parliamentary election candidates Saara Hyrkkö (MSci (Tech)), Henna Partanen (architect) and Petteri RÀty (MSci (Tech)). Come meet the hottest candidates in Uusimaa whilst enjoying the sauna and hot tub.  Pizza and beer will be served. BYOT: Bring your own towel!

https://www.facebook.com/events/394011207839060/ (in Finnish)



15. OtaKoppi women’s introduction practice on 31 Mar

Are you looking for a sport for the summer? Are you interested in Finnish baseball (pesĂ€pallo) or maybe long acquainted with the discipline? The OtaKoppi women’s team is looking for players for the summer and holding an introduction practice on Sunday 31 Mar 2019!

The OtaKoppi women’s team has players who study at Aalto University, but also other players. Some of the players have a background in pesĂ€pallo, while some have only acquainted themselves with the discipline in OtaKoppi.

Bring your own possible pesĂ€pallo equipment (you can also borrow these from OtaKoppi) and come to the practice in Otahalli at 2.30–4.00 pm!

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1214204728738399/.

16. Humans vs Zombies Spring on 5–7 Apr

Humans versus Zombies is a moderated game of tag in which the zombie players attempt to spread the infection by tagging humans. Humans can defend themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back by using socks or Nerf guns on the zombies. Exciting missions and quests will be available every day. HvZ is a team game, so you’ll be sure to get to know new people while playing.

Participation is completely free of charge. You will get the game scarf and special gadgets from the organisers. All you need to do is sign up, turn up and play.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2213302415597479/.

Sign-up: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/humans-vs-zombies-2019

17. A!-games in Otahalli on 7 Apr

It’s coming again, the A!-games, that is! In this tournament, organised by the Sports Committee for the second time already, the Aalto Schools (SCI, BIZ, CHEM, ARTS, ENG and ELEC) compete against each other in five different sports: floorball, futsal, volleyball, basketball and ultimate. The tournament is held in Otahalli on 7 Apr, and the games are played between 10 am and 4 pm.

Participation in the tournament is done through your School’s team leader. Sign-up via the following School-specific links:

The best team in the tournament is rewarded with the biggest trophy of the century as well as a free sauna rental in AYY’s rentable sauna facilities!

What: A!-games

Where: Otahalli

When: 7 Apr at 10 am–4 pm

Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1240954086053315/

18. Fence for free in Tapiola on Wednesdays

Come around on Wednesdays at 4.30–5.30 pm to try Ă©pĂ©e fencing near Otaniemi in the TuulimĂ€ki sports hall in Tapiola, ItĂ€tuulenkuja 9, and join the Aalto Fencing Group, to be established as a subsection of Espoon Miekkailijat (Espoo Fencers), at the same time. You can exercise and practice fencing free of charge on Wednesdays during the practice session organised by the club in cooperation with Espoo’s Sport and exercise services.

When you come over to fence, all you need is trainers suitable for indoor sports, socks, t-shirt and full-length sweatpants. We take care of everything else, and the club will provide you with the fencing equipment!

Come around to see what kind of an AFG fighter you have hidden within you and experience your development in the interesting world of fencing!

In charge of coaching is the club’s head coach, Olympic fencer and Teekkari Sportsperson of 1981 Kimmo Puranen together with the club’s other coaches and trainers.

www.espoon  miekkailijat.fi // www.facebook.com/espoonmiekkailijat (both in Finnish)



19. Starting Point of Wellbeing spring 2019

Starting Point of Wellbeing offers Aalto students advice and guidance in services related to wellbeing.

Students have found and received well the Starting Point of Wellbeing that was originally launched and opened in September 2018 and will be open also in spring 2019. What is new this spring is that we have reserved Wednesday afternoons for study counsellors. A study counsellor helps with issues related to study planning and working life orientation. With a study counsellor, you can discuss, for instance, different types issues related to admission and selection (minors, exchange studies, internship, studies in other Finnish universities and other elective studies).

You are warmly welcome to find out more about the services of FSHS, study and career planning psychologists, study counsellors, Aalto chaplains, UniSport and AYY!

Starting Point of Wellbeing is open on weekdays at 9.00 am–3.00 pm.

Address: Y199c, Otakaari 1.

Timetable of Starting Point of Wellbeing in Into



20. VR Hub: upgrade your studies with virtual reality!

Did you know there are several VR devices available to you at the Learning Centre? If you want to get an easy introduction to virtual reality, welcome to VR Hub Open Doors every Thursday at 3–5 pm!

VR Hub is your guide to creation and recreation in VR. See more about how virtual reality can help you in your studies: https://studios.aalto.fi/vr-hub

Hox! You can book VR Hub for your studies directly in the Aalto Space application! VR Hub is located in Makerspace, K-floor, in the Learning Centre.

21. Petition for a 2.60 € student lunch on Sundays

Another Sunday and no idea what to cook? You just want to go to Dipoli or A Bloc, but they are closed on Sundays? But not anymore! Let us carry through a change to the student food offering in Otaniemi on a Sunday by signing this petition, and hopefully, we will soon have healthy meals available throughout the week: https://www.petitions.net/otaniemi-sunday.

The petition has been initiated by the Board members of ESN Aalto.

22. Audio Engineer wanted

Metal Club MökĂ€ is looking for an audio engineer to live sound mix our gig event at the OUBS studio in Otaniemi on 19 Apr 2019. If you are studying or otherwise interested in audio engineering and live mixing, this is a great opportunity to do them in enjoyable circumstances. Some experience of live mixing is required, but you don’t need to be a professional.

The job includes assisting with setting up audio equipment on stage, mixing instruments and doing soundchecks, and live mixing during the shows. No own gear or mixing equipment is required but optional. The event features 3 live metal bands performing at around 8–11 pm. Soundchecks are done a few hours before the shows.

MökÀ offers you useful live sound mixing experience, food and drinks and a possibility of future mixing jobs. A small compensation for your time can be negotiated.

If you are interested, please contact us via our Facebook page or by email. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetalClubMoka/ Email: hallitus@mcmoka.fi.


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 13/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at www.ayy.fi/viikkotiedote.

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /yhdistystiedote.

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi.

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