Weekly Newsletter 16/2019

The Representative Council meets on Wednesday e.g. to appoint a new Executive Director for the Student Union. You can follow the meeting live at ayy.fi/live. You can find the meeting agenda at https://inside.ayy.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8585236.

NOTE! Because of Easter, next week’s weekly newsletter only comes out on Tuesday 23 Apr. The materials for this newsletter must be sent in exceptionally already on WEDNESDAY 17 Apr by 10.00 am.

Week 16

Week 17



  1. AYY’s Wappu 2019
  2. Aalto Open Air on 23 Apr
  3. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 24 Apr!
  4. Nice roomie contest
  5. Walpuri Tour on 29 Apr
  6. Save the Date – Village Cleanup on 4 May
  7. The Aalto University student union is looking for a sustainable development intern


  1. Wanted: Summer worker, Espoo Marketing’s Innovation team


  1. Open meeting of Artistic Activities on 16 Apr at 4.30 pm @Juho, Harald Herlin Learning Centre


  1. Metal Club Mökä: Pre-Wappu gig night on 19 Apr


  1. Aalto 10 km and 5 km on 22 Sept 2019
  2. FC Kissat is looking for new players!


  1. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks on 24 Apr at 2.15 pm
  2. Become a Good Citizen and discover delicious, healthy and sustainable food in Helsinki
  3. ESN Aalto is recruiting



1. AYY’s Wappu 2019

AYY’s Wappu 2019 consists of countless events, each one rowdier than the others.

At Alvari Square, Wappu begins in earnest at the weekend, with competing Sitsis on Saturday (https://www.facebook.com/events/2295608497163781/) and the Aalto Open Air festival on Tuesday 23 Apr (https://www.facebook.com/events/797711663931809/).

On Wappu eve, getting tuned in to Wappurieha starts in the surroundings of Servin Mökki at 12.00 noon. After the Wappurieha declaration, we head to the KY Building, where the rowdy Wappu procession starts its journey towards the Market Square at 4 pm. AYY will clean and crown the Havis Amanda statue from 5 pm onwards. The night of Wappu eve peaks with the Dipoli Wappu party, and the Wappu picnic on the first of May is enjoyed at sunny Ullanlinnanmäki.

AYY’s Wappu events from the eve of Wappu eve onwards have been gathered at one address, https://www.facebook.com/events/341190193176027/ (in Finnish). Also, check out the more extensive listing of the community’s events at www.wappu.fi (in Finnish).

Have a splendid Wappu, everybody!

P.S. Did you hear that in connection with the opening of Fuksipeijaiset, the Freshman Committee opened the Wappupotti appeal to collect funds for mental health services? The purpose of the appeal is to evoke discussion and to shatter the taboo surrounding mental health issues – and, of course, to support the important work of the Finnish Association for Mental Health. Make a donation at wappu.fi/mielelle (in Finnish)!

2. Aalto Open Air on 23 Apr

It’s time to enjoy some fresh outdoor air, as Aalto Open Air once again touches down in Otaniemi! The festival will offer a great festival atmosphere with amazing musical performances. Entropy’s Leona will get you excited, and our main artist won’t leave you cold either. The programme also features the World’s Biggest Vichy Yoga, where Otanko and PoRa offer you a chance to relax in the middle of all this Wappu.

So, head over to Alvari Square on Tuesday 23 Apr, as this is a spectacle you won’t want to miss! Keep your eyes and ears open, because we will soon publish the headliner and more details in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/797711663931809/.

3. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 24 Apr!

This spring, AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships to support the internationalisation and communal activities of students and to encourage the successful combination of studies and student life.

The application period for the scholarships is from 12 noon on 27 Mar to 11.59 pm on 24 Apr.

You can find more information on the scholarships and the application form here: /en/students/services/scholarships/

4. Nice roomie contest

Has your roomie nursed you with zinc and vitamin C when you’ve been struck down by the flu? Helped you move? Baked you cookies for your B-day? Cleaned the common areas alone? Organised a movie night in your shared apartment? Unclogged the sink? Helped you with your calculus exercises? Evicted a stray moth from your room? Held the bucket when you’ve felt sick? Given you a hug when you’ve been in dire need of one? Something else? Expose a nice roommate deed to the Campus Section!

The deed can be anything at all, as long as it has brought joy to the other roommates. If you were the one to make everyone merry, you can also expose your own deed. Deeds are exposed here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/kiva-kamppisteko-kilpailu/.

The rewards for nice roommate acts will be handed out at the Wappurieha declaration on 30 April. This means there is still ample time to do nice things for your roommates! The deadline for contest submissions is Fri 26 April 2019. All AYY apartments and HOAS apartments in Otaniemi can take part in the contest. Whether you live in a friend, family or shared flat, it is time to do something nice for your roommates!

5. Walpuri Tour on 29 Apr

On the eve of the Wappu eve, 29 Apr, it’s time to kick off Tour de Walpuri (prev. Crazy John). The Tour begins with a bang at 9 pm, whereby the Yöjäynä teams are sent on their way. After the bang, the people on Tour de Walpuri get to start their own adventure. Participants will tour Otaniemi and complete tasks set by different associations and groups. The touring is done in teams, and these teams simultaneously race against each other: the best ones are rewarded!

The winners will be announced at the Wappurieha Declaration from the Smökki rooftop on 30 Apr!

Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/580838759088639/

6. Save the Date – Village Cleanup on 4 May

Once you have somewhat recovered from the Wappu frolics, it is time to help our campus in this recovery process as well. This can be done best at the collective cleaning effort of the Teekkari Village, also known as the Village Cleanup. So, put down Saturday 4 May in your diary and grab a pair of cleaning gloves to put on as you arrive. After the cleaning work, the cleanup crew have the opportunity to take a sauna and enjoy each other’s company. More information will follow.

7. The Aalto University student union is looking for a sustainable development intern

AYY is looking for an intern for May and June for developing the student union’s operation from the perspective of ecological sustainability. The tasks include:

  • Participating in the assessment of the carbon footprint of AYY’s operation
  • Creating environmentally responsible internal instructions
  • Planning training related to the subject

Read more: /en/blog/2019/04/14/aalto-yliopiston-ylioppilaskunta-hakee-kestavan-kehityksen-harjoittelijaa/


8. Wanted: Summer worker, Espoo Marketing’s Innovation team

Want to work with the best Finnish startups, growth companies, international corporations and top experts? We’re looking for a business or marketing student for a summer job for June–July 2019.

Espoo Marketing attracts companies, investors and visitors to Espoo and helps players succeed in Espoo Innovation Garden – the largest innovation hub in Northern Europe. In this job, you learn about ecosystem orchestration, Invest In work and business development and build personal networks.

Your tasks include:

  • Finding success stories and information from the ecosystem and creating key data figures from your findings
  • With the team, creating fact-based content for sales and marketing materials
  • Turning business intelligence insights into engaging graphics, used on social media, for example
  • Participating in startup screening and Invest In projects

The salary is 2000 € / month. Get more information HERE (http://www.espooinnovationgarden.fi/en/espoo-innovation-garden/media/news/summer-worker-espoo-marketing-s-innovation-team/) or contact glenn.gassen@espoo.fi, 040-620 4254. Send applications to glenn.gassen@espoo.fi.


9. Open meeting of Artistic Activities on 16 Apr at 4.30 pm @Juho, Harald Herlin Learning Centre

AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities meets on 16 Apr at 4.30 pm in the Learning Centre, in the Juho meeting room next to the lobby (Otaniementie 9), and wishes all interested parties welcome to the meeting! On the agenda, Otaniemi Night of Arts, the accumulation of AYY’s art collection, the photographic mosaic and other projects. Welcome to listen in on, discuss and influence AYY’s artistic activities!

Additionally, everyone interested in AYY’s Artistic Activities can join the open Telegram group via this link: https://t.me/joinchat/Aw2s_xUieMf7cAtqWYeG3A.

In the group, you can discuss various projects and ideas as well as receive information on future meetings, for example.



10. Metal Club Mökä: Pre-Wappu gig night on 19 Apr

During this year’s “Good Friday,” 19 April, Metal Club Mökä will be offering the heaviest Wappu pre-party in Otaniemi as this “wappu-calyptic” spectacle will bring three (3) hard-hitting heavy metal bands to perform live at the OUBS studio. The bands performing are Mumincunt, Apocrypth and Elvenscroll. The studio is located in the basement of Jämeräntaival 1, and you can enter by the front door of the building or the door in the Otakaari 20 side parking lot.

Doors open at 7.00 pm, and a detailed schedule will be posted soon. More information can be found in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/992513317616733/.

After the gigs, the pre-Wappu partying will continue at Rantasauna, where infernal sauna rites will take place as well.  The event is free of charge and open to all!

What? Free metal gig @ Otaniemi OUBS studio
When? 19 Apr 2019
Why? A proper kickstart to your Wappu-mood



11. Aalto 10 km and 5 km on 22 Sept 2019

Aalto 10 km & 5 km is an annual good-mood sporting event taking place in September. The event is organised as part of the Espoo Rantamaraton weekend on 21–22 Sep 2019. Aalto 10 km & 5 km is meant for Aalto students, staff and alumni and is free for Aalto people. Why not sign up right now? Read more:


12. FC Kissat is looking for new players!

Want to join the training, matches and amazing crowd of the Aalto University women’s football team? The summer season of Kissat starts with a Kick-off training session on Monday 6 May at 8.15–9.30 pm on the pitch of the Lintulaakso school. All old and new players, regardless of your field, are welcome to the practice!

In addition to the practices, FC Kissat plays in the amateur league of the Helsinki area and takes part in different tournaments, such as the beach footie tournament played in Kalajoki. You can find more information on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fckissat, and you can also send us a message at fckissat@gmail.com.

See you at practice!



13. Tenured Professors’ Installation Talks on 24 Apr at 2.15 pm

Aalto University celebrates its tenured professors by inviting all new professors of Associate or Full level appointed via the tenure track career system to talk about their own fields of research and teaching in an interdisciplinary afternoon.

Welcome to Dipoli on Wednesday 24 Apr 2019 at 2.15 pm. The presentations are in English and their contents are accessible. The event is open to everyone – professors, students, faculty, staff and the public. The talks will be followed by an open reception.

Read more: https://www.aalto.fi/talk.


14. Become a Good Citizen and discover delicious, healthy and sustainable food in Helsinki

The Good Citizen Card is an initiative by CEMS Club Helsinki that promotes healthy and sustainable restaurants in Helsinki. Get your card and enjoy discounts of up to 20% at our partnering restaurants. Become a Good Citizen and discover delicious, healthy and sustainable food in Helsinki!

You can buy your card here: https://kide.app/memberships/5c05a07f-cae2-49df-894c-fbf05e9b3434.

Show your card at the checkout, and you’re good to go!

Follow our Facebook page to stay updated about our partners and the deals they offer: https://www.facebook.com/GoodCitizenHelsinki.

All of our profits will be donated to charity.

15. ESN Aalto is recruiting

Are you interested in meeting and working with international people? Do you want to be a Board member in a fun association but missed all the important meetings in November?

ESN Aalto is a non-profit international student association organising many events and parties for all students of Aalto University, both exchange and local Finnish and international degree students. As many of our members are exchange students, we will update the Board positions in May. If you are outgoing, fun, responsible and maybe a little bit weird, you are a perfect fit for us!

Join our meetings in the next few weeks (18 Apr & 25 Apr), get to know us, let us get to know you – and why not apply to one of the future Board positions available for next autumn? Give it a try, it might be one of those amazing decisions!

You are invited to join our Apartment Crawl on 18 Apr, an excellent opportunity to get to know ESN! More info: fb.com/events/399305134204223

If you have any questions, send us a message on our Facebook page (facebook.com/EsnAaltoOfficial) or our website (esnaalto.org).

Next association meeting: fb.com/events/1185895071580590/.


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 16/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at /en/students/weekly-newsletter/.

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at /en/associations/association-newsletter/.

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi.

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