Association Newsletter


Association newsletter for week 16/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 16/2019

Associations are sought to organise checkpoints for Tour de Walpuri (item 3), and all Aalto people are hoped to take part in the march from the KY Building to Manta (item 4). Because of Easter, the association newsletter is published already on Thursday next week, and the materials must be sent in by Tuesday to


Upcoming events and important dates for associations
14 Apr: Parliamentary election (/en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/)
17 Apr: AYY Representative Council meeting 4/2019 (/live)
23 Apr: Aalto Open Air (
29 Apr Tour de Walpuri (item 3,
30 Apr: Wappurieha declaration, Manta crowning and Dipoli Wappu (
18 May: AYY 9th Annual Ball (

Find more events at (in Finnish).


Contents of the newsletter
1. Register your event on the site
2. Manta’s cap to your event
3. Checkpoint organisers for Tour de Walpuri on 29 Apr
4. AYY transport from Otaniemi to Etelärautatienkatu at Wappu
5. Feedback on grant application round
6. Gorsu, Tatami Hall and Village Living Room can be booked again


1. Register your event on the site
Wappu is coming! AYY gathers the Wappu happenings of the whole Aalto community at one address, the website. Want to have your event added to the list? Fill in the form at

If you come up with any questions about the form or the site, you can get in touch with AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen ( or 0505209440).

Also, remember that all associations within AYY have the user details to update the calendar on the website. Feel free to add your event on there! Log in at /wp-admin/.


2. Manta’s cap to your event
As the cleverest have already noticed, this year is AYY’s turn to crown the Havis Amanda statue at Wappu. You now have a unique opportunity to have the Manta cap itself pay your event a visit! AYY will deliver the cap onto site and collect it, so the event organisers only need to reserve a suitable spot for the cap.

The presence of the cap can be requested for any event, and the AYY Crowning Working Group will approve the request if they consider the event suitable for a cap visit! If there are overlapping requests, the working group will decide which event is prioritised. If the cap comes to your event, we hope that your association will publish this on social media with the hashtag #matkallamantalle – AYY will also publish the cap’s visits to your events on its own channels.

By using #matkallamantalle on Instagram (in a public profile), you will be entered into a draw for two plus-one VIP spots with drinks at the Manta Crowning. Feel free to advertise the draw to your members when the cap visits your event!

More information and booking requests can be sent to christian.segercrantz at or @chriau.

Wappu-spirited greetings on behalf of the AYY Crowning Working Group,



3. Checkpoint organisers for Tour de Walpuri on 29 Apr
Wappu greetings from your Culture Directors as well! This year, in the night of the Wappu eve’s eve on 29 Apr, Tour de Walpuri takes the place of the traditional Crazy John. The event’s concept remains the same, however; only the name has been changed to a more descriptive one. The idea is for participants to tour all over Otaniemi and complete brief tasks at various checkpoints, earning them points for their score card. Hence, to ensure the event’s success, we need checkpoint organisers for the event. So, register your association, group of friends or other party to organise a checkpoint at Tour de Walpuri:

It is worth it to put some effort into your checkpoint, as the best one will be rewarded with an awesome Wappu basket as well as a free rental of an AYY rentable sauna, to be used by the end of the year.

If you have anything to ask about the event or organising a checkpoint, contact the Culture Directors:

Roope Pääkkönen TG: @Rooipw Email:
Samuli Vehkomäki TG: @Vehkomaki Email:


4. AYY transport from Otaniemi to Etelärautatienkatu at Wappu
This year, AYY is crowning the Havis Amanda statue and, in the usual way, offering rides from the Otaniemi end station to the KY Building, where NESU-KY is organising the traditional Wapputerde. The latter offers a splendid opportunity to raise your spirits for AYY and KY’s collective Manta march that starts its journey towards the statue from the same location at 4 pm.

Buses towards Wapputerde are departing at regular intervals at 1.30–3.30 pm. More info will be announced in AYY’s Wappu event at (in Finnish).


5. Feedback on grant application round
We want to improve the grant application process, please give us feedback:

We received a total of 140 applications, and association notices from a total of 170 associations. We will use the association notices to check that the associations still meet the requirements of AYY’s Association Regulation. The applications will be scored in accordance with the scoring model. April will be spent largely on going through these so, apologies in advance for possible delays in replying to your messages. We hope to have the grants paid out before the summer.

A few pointers:

  • If you requested more time for your appendices, please remember to submit the missing appendices according to the schedule we agreed on (, and by 31 May at the very latest.
  • If you missed out on making your association notice, you cannot advance your association’s situation until the grant applications have been scored. The Tahlo system will be opened for late submissions before the summer.
  • If you missed out on applying for a grant, your association cannot receive funding from AYY this year. The grant kitty will be divided between those who applied on time. For projects and new ideas, you can try to get funding from the TTE Fund (, in Finnish) or the KY Foundation ( Also, keep in mind the possibilities of corporate collaboration – find training materials on the subject here: (last section of themed day; in Finnish).

Wishing all associations operating within AYY a happy spring!


6. Gorsu, Tatami Hall and Village Living Room can be booked again
The renovations of the rental facilities at Jämeräntaival 5 A – Gorsu, the Village Living Room and the Tatami Hall – were completed in March, and the completely renewed facilities can once again be booked by members and associations.

Gorsu, located on basement level, is suitable for organising different kinds of parties and sauna evenings. The usage hours of Gorsu are 2 pm–3 am, and the sauna is switched on by facility’s booker themself with the controls found at the facility. The Village Living Room is suitable for holding meetings, playing games and watching movies. The usage hours of the Village Living Room are 10 am–11 pm. The Tatami Hall provides an opportunity e.g. to practise a variety of self-defence sports. There is a separate room connected to the facility that can be utilised as a dressing room. The usage hours of the Tatami Hall are 8 am–11 pm.

The Village Living Room and the Tatami Hall are free of charge for members and associations, Gorsu costs 130 €/booking for members and associations. More information on AYY’s rental facilities and their reservation: /en/students/services/rental-of-facilities/.




Because of Easter, send us your short text already by 10 am on Tuesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 15/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 15/2019

April is here, and Wappu is approaching! Add your event on the website (item 2) and invite Manta’s cap to visit your event (item 3).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations

14 Apr: Parliamentary election (/en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/)
17 Apr: AYY Representative Council meeting 4/2019 (/live)
23 Apr: Aalto Open Air
30 Apr: Wappurieha declaration, Manta crowning and Dipoli Wappu
18 May: AYY 9th Annual Ball

Find more events at (page is under construction) and at item 4.

Contents of the newsletter
1. Thanks to everyone who submitted the association notice and applied for an operating grant on time
2. Register your event on the site
3. Manta’s cap to your event
4. FYI – dates of AYY events
5. Checkpoint organisers for Tour de Walpuri on 29 Apr
6. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic!
7. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?
8. Gorsu, Tatami Hall and Village Living Room can be booked again

1. Thanks to everyone who submitted the association notice and applied for an operating grant on time
We received a total of 140 applications, and association notices from a total of 170 associations. We will use the association notices to check that the associations still meet the requirements of AYY’s Association Regulation. The applications will be scored in accordance with the scoring model. April will be spent largely on going through these so, apologies in advance for possible delays in replying to your messages. We hope to have the grants paid out before the summer.

We want to develop the grant application process, please give us feedback:

A few pointers:

  • If you requested more time for your appendices, please remember to submit the missing appendices according to the schedule we agreed on (, and by 31 May at the very latest.
  • If you missed out on making your association notice, you cannot advance your association’s situation until the grant applications have been scored. The Tahlo system will be opened for late submissions before the summer.
  • If you missed out on applying for a grant, your association cannot receive funding from AYY this year. The grant kitty will be divided between those who applied on time. For projects and new ideas, you can try to get funding from the TTE Fund (, in Finnish) or the KY Foundation ( Also, keep in mind the possibilities of corporate collaboration – find training materials on the subject here: (last section of themed day; in Finnish).

Wishing all associations operating within AYY a happy spring!


2. Register your event on the site
Wappu is coming! AYY gathers the Wappu happenings of the whole Aalto community at one address, the website. Want to have your event added to the list? Fill in the form at

If you come up with any questions about the form or the site, you can get in touch with AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen ( or 0505209440).


3. Manta’s cap to your event
As the cleverest have already noticed, this year is AYY’s turn to crown the Havis Amanda statue at Wappu. You now have a unique opportunity to have the Manta cap itself pay your event a visit! The cap will be delivered onto site and collected by AYY, so the event organisers only need to reserve a suitable spot for the cap.

The presence of the cap can be requested for any event, and the AYY Crowning Working Group will approve the request if they consider the event suitable for a cap visit! If there are overlapping requests, the working group will decide which event is prioritised. If the cap comes to your event, we hope that your association will publish this on social media with the hashtag #matkallamantalle – AYY will also publish the cap’s visits to your events on its own channels.

By using #matkallamantalle on Instagram (in a public profile), you will be entered into a draw for two plus-one VIP spots with drinks at the Manta Crowning. Feel free to advertise the draw to your members when the cap visits your event!

More information and booking requests can be sent to christian.segercrantz at or @chriau.

Wappu-spirited greetings on behalf of the AYY Crowning Working Group,



4. FYI – dates of AYY events
The employees and volunteers of Aalto University Student Union organise various big events aimed at all Aalto people, some of whose dates have been listed below. These are for your information and to support the planning of other events. Welcome along!

Wappu Exchange in Tampere 15 Apr

Tutor training 17–18 Apr /en/blog/events/tutorkoulutukset-2/
Sitsi Competition 20 Apr
Aalto Open Air 23 Apr
Ciné pays you a visit 24 Apr (in Finnish)
Freshman Speksi 29 Apr
Opening bang of Tour de Walpuri and Yöjäynä 29 Apr
Tour de Walpuri 29 Apr
Tour de Walpuri afterparty and Wappu Festival 29 Apr
Wappurieha declaration 30 Apr
Manta crowning 30 Apr
Dipoli Wappu 30 Apr
Village clean-up 4 May
Tutor training 6–7 May /en/blog/events/tutor-trainings-2/
Flower Day 13 May
AYY 9th Annual Ball 18 May

Also, check out the election-related events here: /en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/.

If you have any questions regarding the events, you can contact the Culture Sector at kulttuuri(a) or, for the part of tutor training, the Board member in charge of new students, Anna Halsas at anna.halsas(a)


5. Checkpoint organisers for Tour de Walpuri on 29 Apr
Wappu greetings from your Culture Directors as well! This year, in the night of the Wappu eve’s eve on 29 Apr, Tour de Walpuri takes the place of the traditional Crazy John. The event’s concept remains the same, however; only the name has been changed to a more descriptive one. The idea is for participants to tour all over Otaniemi and complete brief tasks at various checkpoints, earning them points for their score card. Hence, to ensure the event’s success, we need checkpoint organisers for the event. So, register your association, group of friends or other party to organise a checkpoint at Tour de Walpuri:

It is worth it to put some effort into your checkpoint, as the best one will be rewarded with an awesome Wappu basket as well as a free rental of an AYY rentable sauna, to be used by the end of the year.

If you have anything to ask about the event or organising a checkpoint, contact the Culture Directors:

Roope Pääkkönen TG: @Rooipw Email:
Samuli Vehkomäki TG: @Vehkomaki Email:



6. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic!
Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic! In honour of the First of May, AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities is producing a photographic mosaic artwork from the photo archives of students and student organisations. The theme of the artwork is “Wappu,” so we are looking for Wappu-spirited photos or ones taken around the First of May featuring students, student life and everything related.

Go through your own or your association’s photo archives and send us your pics. We need hundreds of photos in total, so there is no need to do any great elimination of the photos – this is where quantity matters! You can submit photos until 11 Apr using the form below.



7. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?
Do you have an amazing idea on how Teekkari culture should be promoted in Otaniemi? Tell us your ideas on this form:

At the end of last year, the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland donated 30 000 euros towards promoting the Teekkari culture. Ideas have been collected in various workshops and now, all members of the Teekkari community get to share their ideas via the form. What do you think would best promote the Teekkari culture? Your idea can cost anything between 1–30 000 euros. The questionnaire is open until 7 Apr.

More information on the TEK donation: (in Finnish).

If you have questions or comments on the project or a broader idea for presentation, please contact the project team at, and


8. Gorsu, Tatami Hall and Village Living Room can be booked again
The renovations of the rental facilities at Jämeräntaival 5 A – Gorsu, the Village Living Room and the Tatami Hall – were completed in March, and the completely renewed facilities can once again be booked by members and associations.

Gorsu, located on basement level, is suitable for organising different kinds of parties and sauna evenings. The usage hours of Gorsu are 2 pm–3 am, and the sauna is switched on by facility’s booker themself with the controls found at the facility. The Village Living Room is suitable for holding meetings, playing games and watching movies. The usage hours of the Village Living Room are 10 am–11 pm. The Tatami Hall provides an opportunity e.g. to practise a variety of self-defence sports. There is a separate room connected to the facility that can be utilised as a dressing room. The usage hours of the Tatami Hall are 8 am–11 pm.

The Village Living Room and the Tatami Hall are free of charge for members and associations, Gorsu costs 130 €/booking for members and associations. More information on AYY’s rental facilities and their reservation: /en/students/services/rental-of-facilities/.




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 14/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at

This is the AYY association newsletter for week 14/2019

These are the last moments for the grant applications and association notices (item 1)! Make sure to take care of these for your association by Sunday so you can get excited about the upcoming events taking place around Wappu (item 3) with a good conscience.

Upcoming events and important dates for associations

29 Mar: Deadline for main admin reports for Otax (item 2)
31 Mar: Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends (item 1 and instructions: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/)
3 Apr: Open meeting of Artistic Activities (/en/blog/events/open-meeting-of-artistic-activities/)
14 Apr: Parliamentary election (/en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/)
17 Apr: AYY Representative Council meeting 4/2019 (/live)


Contents of the newsletter
1. Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends the day after tomorrow, act NOW!
2. Submit the main admin reports for your association’s website TODAY
3. FYI – dates of AYY events
4. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic!
5. Reminder for associations of the opportunity to use at the AYY contract price
6. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?
7. In the AYY blog: Greetings from Mikkeli


1. Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends the day after tomorrow, act NOW!
All associations operating within Aalto University Student Union must annually submit an association notice and, at the same time, associations in the 1st list can apply for an operating grant. The application period and submission of association notices ENDS THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, on Sunday 31 Mar at 11.59 pm.

Comprehensive instructions are available here: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/.

– If your association does not submit an association notice for two consecutive years, the association may be removed from AYY’s association register and can no longer access the services.
– Operating grant applications that arrive late will not be processed.
– Each missing appendix reduces the sum of the grant. For possible appendices to be submitted late, additional time must be requested before the application period closes, and there must be a justified reason for being late. Send us a message (
– AYY’s Organisation Sector does not answer questions at the weekend, but you can find answers to frequently asked questions here: /en/blog/2019/02/28/faq-operating-grants-and-association-notices/.

Both the operating grant application and the association notice consist of tabs to be filled in in the Tahlo system and the required appendices. As appendices, we require the following from everyone:

– the current rules
– the previous operating year’s annual report
– the current operating year’s operational plan

In addition, from those applying for an operating grant:
– the current operating year’s budget
– the previous operating year’s financial statement (consists of a profit and loss account and a balance sheet)
Log in to the Tahlo system at with your association’s user details. If the user details have gone missing, they can generally be restored to your Board’s email address at

Carefully fill in the tabs General, Board, Facilities and Attachments and, when applying for an operating grant, the Application tab. If you are a special status association, also fill in the Special Status tab. Finally, update your association’s association profile at /wp-login.php. You can sign in with your association’s user details. Remember to update all language versions!

Detailed instructions, tips and more information at /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/. Note that the Application tab has been updated since last year. Remember to reserve enough time to prepare the application, as applications arriving late will not be processed.

Push through the final touches!


2. Submit the main admin reports for your association’s website TODAY
Is your association’s website on the AYY server? It is that time of year again when the main admin report for Otax must be submitted. The deadline for the admin report is 29 Mar, and the account will be locked on 1 Apr. If you know that you will need more time for the submission, please get in touch by email at and we will extend your account by a month.

This year, the reports will be examined more closely than in previous years. We ask you to pay particular attention to cleaning up old access keys and clearing the www-data folder.

The admin report is available at

Best wishes,


3. FYI – dates of AYY events
The employees and volunteers of Aalto University Student Union organise various big events aimed at all Aalto people, some of whose dates have been listed below. These are for your information and to support the planning of other events. Welcome along!

Wappu Exchange in Tampere 15 Apr

Tutor training 17–18 Apr
Sitsi Competition 20 Apr
Aalto Open Air 23 Apr
Freshman Speksi 29 Apr
Opening bang of the Walpuri Tour and Night-time Prank 29 Apr
Walpuri Tour 29 Apr
Walpuri Tour afterparty and Wappu Festival 29 Apr
Wappurieha declaration 30 Apr
Manta crowning 30 Apr
Dipoli Wappu 30 Apr
Village clean-up 4 May
Tutor training 6–7 May
Flower Day 13 May
AYY 9th Annual Ball 18 May

Also, check out the election-related events here: /en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/.

If you have any questions regarding the events, you can contact the Culture Sector at kulttuuri(a) or, for the part of tutor training, the Board member in charge of new students, Anna Halsas at anna.halsas(a)


4. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic!
Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic! In honour of the First of May, AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities is producing a photographic mosaic artwork from the photo archives of students and student organisations. The theme of the artwork is “Wappu,” so we are looking for Wappu-spirited photos or ones taken around the First of May featuring students, student life and everything related.

Go through your own or your association’s photo archives and send us your pics. We need hundreds of photos in total, so there is no need to do any great elimination of the photos – this is where quantity matters! You can submit photos until 11 Apr using the form below.


5. Reminder for associations of the opportunity to use at the AYY contract price
AYY has been in cooperation with the ticket sales and registration service (previously since the academic year 2016/2017. offers organisations, guilds and other clubs a registration and ticket sales service, a webstore and the tools to enable a member register and membership sales. The service is suitable for small and large events alike, regardless of study field and the organisation’s size, and alongside simple registrations and ticket sales, it can also be used for e.g. Sitsit, Appros, cruises and other events. In, event registrations can be collected privately by using simply a link, or the events can be publicly advertised in the service.

AYY has agreed on closer cooperation with the Kide service. Thanks to the cooperation, each association in the Student Union’s association register has the opportunity to e.g. execute their services, collect registrations and sell tickets to their events in an affordable and practical way via the website or the mobile application.

The service can be used straightaway by setting up an account for the organisation at There is no need to make a separate written contract with the service provider.

The cooperative price agreed upon with the Kide service is 2% + 0.15 € per ticket sold (normally 2.95% + 0.25 per ticket sold). The service package includes free customer service and support. The contract does not feature any monthly fees or other expenses.

More information on the service and the system’s features is available from Kassu La Habana Reyes, 045 6313726, and Tommi Manninen, 045 1146095, is Finland’s most popular ticket sales channel for student events. It is used by more than 350 student organisations in 20 cities and by more than 120 000 students across Finland. The service is designed especially with student organisations’ needs in mind, and it is suitable for events of all sizes and the execution of the different services of student organisations. Find out more at


6. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?
Do you have an amazing idea on how Teekkari culture should be promoted in Otaniemi? Tell us your ideas on this form:

At the end of last year, the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland donated 30 000 euros towards promoting the Teekkari culture. Ideas have been collected in various workshops and now, all members of the Teekkari community get to share their ideas via the form. What do you think would best promote the Teekkari culture? Your idea can cost anything between 1–30 000 euros. The questionnaire is open until 7 Apr.

More information on the TEK donation: (in Finnish).

If you have questions or comments on the project or a broader idea for presentation, please contact the project team at, and


7. In the AYY blog: Greetings from Mikkeli
The largest part of Aalto University students now study in Espoo’s Otaniemi, but there is a small, close group of bachelor’s level students of the School of Business to be found in Mikkeli. Read the latest news on the early part of the year in Mikkeli as written by Probba ry’s Editor-in-Chief Simo Halme in the AYY blog: /blogi/2019/03/13/greetings-from-mikkeli/?lang=en.

Remember to be in touch with Mikkeli if you want to invite the people of Mikkeli to your events or to pay them a visit, maybe for an event. The Board’s contact details are available here:




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for 13/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 13/2019

Next week is when application for grants and submission of association notices ends (item 1). Get to work now! Send in your possible questions by Thursday (


Upcoming events and important dates for associations
24 Mar: TTE Fund application round II ends (item 4,[in Finnish])
25 Mar: Student Centre info seminar (more information: /en/blog/events/student-centre-info-seminar/)
28 Mar: Last day for asking questions regarding operating grants and association notices (
29 Mar: Deadline for main admin reports for Otax (item 2)
31 Mar: Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends (item 1 and instructions: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/)
17 Apr: AYY Representative Council meeting 4/2019 (/live)


Contents of the newsletter
1. Only one week left to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!
2. Submit the main admin reports for your association’s website by 29 Mar
3. Reminder for associations of the opportunity to use at the AYY contract price
4. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 ends on Sunday!
5. Nominate prize winners from the Aalto community
6. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic!
7. AYY is looking for a designer and maker for the Master of Ceremonies’ staff
8. Open meeting of Artistic Activities on 3 Apr at 5 pm @Café Kylteri
9. In the AYY blog: Greetings from Mikkeli
10. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?



1. Only one week left to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!
All associations operating within Aalto University Student Union must annually submit an association notice and, at the same time, associations in the 1st list can apply for an operating grant. The application period and submission of association notices ends on Sunday 31 Mar at 11.59 pm.

Comprehensive instructions are available here: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/.

Both the operating grant application and the association notice consist of tabs to be filled in in the Tahlo system and the required appendices. As appendices, we require the following from everyone:

– the current rules
– the previous operating year’s annual report
– the current operating year’s operational plan

In addition, from those applying for an operating grant:
– the current operating year’s budget
– the previous operating year’s financial statement (consists of a profit and loss account and a balance sheet)

Log in to the Tahlo system at with your association’s user details. If the user details have gone missing, they can generally be restored to your Board’s email address at

Carefully fill in the tabs General, Board, Facilities and Attachments and, when applying for an operating grant, the Application tab. If you are a special status association, also fill in the Special Status tab. Finally, update your association’s association profile at /wp-login.php. You can sign in with your association’s user details. Remember to update all language versions!

Detailed instructions, tips and more information at /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/. Note that the Application tab has been updated since last year. Remember to reserve enough time to prepare the application.

AYY’s Organisation Sector ( will answer all questions regarding the operating grants.


2. Submit the main admin reports for your association’s website by 29 Mar
Is your association’s website on the AYY server? It is that time of year again when the main admin report for Otax must be submitted. The deadline for the admin report is 29 Mar, and the account will be locked on 1 Apr. If you know that you will need more time for the submission, please get in touch by email at and we will extend your account by a month.

This year, the reports will be examined more closely than in previous years. We ask you to pay particular attention to cleaning up old access keys and clearing the www-data folder.

The admin report is available at

Best wishes,


3. Reminder for associations of the opportunity to use at the AYY contract price
AYY has been in cooperation with the ticket sales and registration service (previously since the academic year 2016/2017. offers organisations, guilds and other clubs a registration and ticket sales service, a webstore and the tools to enable a member register and membership sales. The service is suitable for small and large events alike, regardless of study field and the organisation’s size, and alongside simple registrations and ticket sales, it can also be used for e.g. Sitsit, Appros, cruises and other events. In, event registrations can be collected privately by using simply a link, or the events can be publicly advertised in the service.

AYY has agreed on closer cooperation with the Kide service. Thanks to the cooperation, each association in the Student Union’s association register has the opportunity to e.g. execute their services, collect registrations and sell tickets to their events in an affordable and practical way via the website or the mobile application.

The service can be used straightaway by setting up an account for the organisation at There is no need to make a separate written contract with the service provider.

The cooperative price agreed upon with the Kide service is 2% + 0.15 € per ticket sold (normally 2.95% + 0.25 per ticket sold). The service package includes free customer service and support. The contract does not feature any monthly fees or other expenses.

More information on the service and the system’s features is available from Kassu La Habana Reyes, 045 6313726, and Tommi Manninen, 045 1146095, is Finland’s most popular ticket sales channel for student events. It is used by more than 350 student organisations in 20 cities and by more than 120 000 students across Finland. The service is designed especially with student organisations’ needs in mind, and it is suitable for events of all sizes and the execution of the different services of student organisations. Find out more at


4. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 ends on Sunday!
The second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members as well as communities operating in connection with it. TTE Fund supports operations that reach for the stars, get other people excited to join in and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds organised around three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000 €, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the second round of 2019 ends on Sunday 24 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for preparing an application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at  (in Finnish).  The grants are applied for by filling in an online form that can be found at


5. Nominate prize winners from the Aalto community
Like last year, Aalto University Student Union’s Community Committee Aava rewards associations operating in the Aalto community. However, this year, we are collecting nominations for the whole year, so that feats done early in the year don’t get overshadowed by the time passed.

Nominate associations and other groups that have succeeded this year in the following categories: Promoting student wellbeing, welcoming new students, integrating international students and bringing students from different study fields together. Additionally, you can give a nomination for your own category!



6. Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic!
Immortalise your photo as part of AYY’s photographic mosaic! In honour of the First of May, AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities is producing a photographic mosaic artwork from the photo archives of students and student organisations. The theme of the artwork is “Wappu,” so we are looking for Wappu-spirited photos or ones taken around the First of May featuring students, student life and everything related.

Go through your own or your association’s photo archives and send us your pics. We need hundreds of photos in total, so there is no need to do any great elimination of the photos – this is where quantity matters! You can submit photos until 11 Apr using the form below.


7. AYY is looking for a designer and maker for the Master of Ceremonies’ staff
The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is used at the annual balls and possibly at other ceremonious events of associations or, in the case of AYY, the Student Union. The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is usually around two metres long and has a logo, emblem or other symbol representing the association at its head. The staff usually has a base, which can be either decorative or simple. AYY wants a staff that represents our community. This being the case, we are looking for a designer and maker for our staff! This staff will be used by our Student Union most likely for decades to come at all more ceremonious events, and it will act as an important and valuable symbol of AYY. A reward will be settled upon with the maker.

Submit your design by 24 Mar and leave your handprint in AYY’s history. Read more at /en/blog/2019/02/28/ayy-is-looking-for-a-designer-and-maker-for-the-master-of-ceremonies-staff/.

All questions and requests for further information will be answered by Marianne Honkasaari (, 0409645608).



8. Open meeting of Artistic Activities on 3 Apr at 5 pm @Café Kylteri
AYY’s Steering Group of Artistic Activities meets on 3 Apr at 5 pm in the School of Business’ Café Kylteri (Ekonominaukio 1) and wishes all interested parties welcome in the meeting! On the agenda, Otaniemi Night of Arts, the accumulation of AYY’s art collection, the photographic mosaic and other projects. Welcome to listen in on, discuss and influence AYY’s artistic activities!

Even if you cannot make it (or even if you can), you can tell us about your interest in taking part in AYY’s artistic activities here:

You can use the same form to submit your own ideas as well!


9. In the AYY blog: Greetings from Mikkeli
The largest part of Aalto University students now study in Espoo’s Otaniemi, but there is a small, close group of bachelor’s level students of the School of Business to be found in Mikkeli. Read the latest news on the early part of the year in Mikkeli as written by Probba ry’s Editor-in-Chief Simo Halme in the AYY blog: /blogi/2019/03/13/greetings-from-mikkeli/?lang=en.

Remember to be in touch with Mikkeli if you want to invite the people of Mikkeli to your events or to pay them a visit, maybe for an event. The Board’s contact details are available here:


10. How do you think Teekkari culture should be promoted?
Do you have an amazing idea on how Teekkari culture should be promoted in Otaniemi? Tell us your ideas on this form:

At the end of last year, the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland donated 30 000 euros towards promoting the Teekkari culture. Ideas have been collected in various workshops and now, all members of the Teekkari community get to share their ideas via the form. What do you think would best promote the Teekkari culture? Your idea can cost anything between 1–30 000 euros. The questionnaire is open until 7 Apr.

More information on the TEK donation: (in Finnish).

If you have questions or comments on the project or a broader idea for presentation, please contact the project team at, and




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 12/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 12/2019

We have reached the middle of the month. If you have not yet remembered to apply for an operating grant or to submit your association notice (item 1), now is high time to begin. Also note the annual main user reports for Otax (item 2).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations

21 Mar: AYY Representative Council meeting 3/2019 (/live)
24 Mar: TTE Fund application round II ends (item 5,[in Finnish])
25 Mar: Student Centre info seminar (/en/blog/2019/03/11/weekly-newsletter-11-2019/#_Toc3194741)
28 Mar: Last day for asking questions regarding operating grants and association notices (
29 Mar: Deadline for main admin reports for Otax (item 2)
31 Mar: Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends (item 1)


Contents of the newsletter
1. Now is the time to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!
2. Submit the main admin reports for your association’s website by 29 Mar
3. Nominate prize winners from the Aalto community
4. Interested in developing your association’s equality?
5. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 ends next week!
6. Answer the brand survey for AYY’s sections
7. Facility selection for the Aalto Space application has been extended: School of Business as the latest addition
8. Culture operators: Invitation to the National Theatre on 21 Mar



1. Now is the time to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!
All associations operating within Aalto University Student Union must annually submit an association notice and, at the same time, associations in the 1st list can apply for an operating grant. The application period and submission of association notices ends on Sunday 31 Mar at 11.59 pm.

Comprehensive instructions are available here: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/.

Both the operating grant application and the association notice consist of tabs to be filled in in the Tahlo system and the required appendices. As appendices, we require the following from everyone:

– the current rules
– the previous operating year’s annual report
– the current operating year’s operational plan

In addition, from those applying for an operating grant:
– the current operating year’s budget
– the previous operating year’s financial statement (consists of a profit and loss account and a balance sheet)

Log in to the Tahlo system at with your association’s user details. If the user details have gone missing, they can generally be restored to your Board’s email address at

Carefully fill in the tabs General, Board, Facilities and Attachments and, when applying for an operating grant, the Application tab. If you are a special status association, also fill in the Special Status tab. Finally, update your association’s association profile at /wp-login.php. You can sign in with your association’s user details. Remember to update all language versions!

Detailed instructions, tips and more information at /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/. Note that the Application tab has been updated since last year. Remember to reserve enough time to prepare the application.

AYY’s Organisation Sector ( will answer all questions regarding the operating grants.


2. Submit the main admin reports for your association’s website by 29 Mar
Is your association’s website on the AYY server? It is that time of year again when the main admin report for Otax must be submitted. The deadline for the admin report is 29 Mar, and the account will be locked on 1 Apr. If you know that you will need more time for the submission, please get in touch by email at and we will extend your account by a month.

This year, the reports will be examined more closely than in previous years. We ask you to pay particular attention to cleaning up old access keys and clearing the www-data folder.

The admin report is available at

Best wishes,


3. Nominate prize winners from the Aalto community
Like last year, Aalto University Student Union’s Community Committee Aava rewards associations for their work in the Aalto community. However, this year, we are collecting nominations for the whole year, so that feats done early in the year don’t get overshadowed by the time passed. Nominate associations and other groups that have succeeded this year in the following categories: Promoting student wellbeing, welcoming new students, integrating international students and bringing students from different study fields together. Additionally, you can give a nomination for your own category!



4. Interested in developing your association’s equality?
Does your association discuss equality? Are you thinking about the best ways to organise events or prepare an equality plan, or maybe wondering about the accessibility of your organisation’s facilities? Are you thinking about means to prevent and interfere with inappropriate behaviour and harassment?

The easiest way to get more information on developing equality in associations is to read through AYY’s renewed Association Guide’s Equality section at

You can find more information on equality planning applicable to associations and on preparing an equality plan on the Allianssi website at (in Finnish).

If you wish to discuss developing equality, means to prevent harassment or would like information or training on these topics for your association, you can contact AYY’s Advocacy Specialist in charge of Equality, Lauri Jurvanen, at, tel. 050 520 9418.


5. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 ends next week!
The second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members as well as communities operating in connection with it. TTE Fund supports operations that reach for the stars, get other people excited to join in and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds organised around three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000 €, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the second round of 2019 ends on Sunday 24 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for preparing an application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at  (in Finnish).  The grants are applied for by filling in an online form that can be found at


6. Answer the brand survey for AYY’s sections
The AYY sections are charting the images held by our community of the sections’ brands. If you want to take part in influencing the sections’ brand development work, let your thoughts be known via the attached survey form. Your answers carry particular weight, as they will help further improve the sections’ brands. The survey closes on Sunday 24 Mar.

Among all respondents, we will raffle VIP and drinks tickets for the Dipoli Wappu or Aalto Afterparty.

You can access the survey here:



7. Facility selection for the Aalto Space application has been extended: School of Business as the latest addition
It can be challenging to find an available facility for Board meetings, studying or group work on campus. Aalto Space is a mobile application for Android and iOS devices. You can use it to book study and group work facilities as well as to navigate the campus. During 2019, the number of buildings and the facility selection will be extended to cover multiple new buildings. The School of Business building was added to the application in February 2019.



8. Culture operators: Invitation to the National Theatre on 21 Mar
The Finnish National Theatre would like to invite culture operators to an agent evening organised especially for them at the National Theatre on 21 Mar.

Below is the official invitation and a link to the registration. The event is Finnish-language.

“Students are an important target group for the National Theatre, and the evening of theatre agents is a unique opportunity to be one of the first to hear about new performances!

As an association representative, you are warmly welcome to get to know the programme for autumn 2019, to which you will be introduced by front-row theatre makers. You will also get to enjoy an evening snack and to hear about our student discounts during the evening.


At 5.00 pm, the doors to the Small Stage are opened and there are evening snacks on offer in the green room.
At 5.30 pm, the programme on the Small Stage begins and lasts approximately one hour.

After the programme part, you can enjoy a glass of bubbly in the green room and have a chat with the actors and staff of the National Theatre.

Sign up for the event by 19 Mar at (in Finnish).”

With cultural greetings,

Otto Bergius
+358 50 520 9422 |
Corporate Relations Coordinator
Aalto University Student Union (AYY)




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 10/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at

This is the AYY association newsletter for week 10/2019

Application for operating grants and submission of association notices starts NOW! Read the instructions for the application form carefully and start in good time: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/ (item 1).


Upcoming events and important dates for associations
1 Mar: Application for operating grants opens (item 1)
1 Mar: Association notice submission opens (item 1)
5 Mar: Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio (
10 Mar: Nomination of acknowledgement recipients ends (
21 Mar: AYY Representative Council meeting 3/2019 (/live)
24 Mar: TTE Fund application round II ends (item 7, [in Finnish])
28 Mar: Last day for asking questions regarding operating grants and association notices (
31 Mar: Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends


Contents of the newsletter

  1. Now is the time to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!
  2. The traditional Laskiaisrieha is back again!
  3. Otaniemi Night of Arts will be back in the autumn!
  4. Nominate recipients for AYY’s acknowledgements by 10 March
    5. Interested in developing your association’s equality?
  5. Alternative solutions for the Community structures project discussed by the Representative Council
  6. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open!
  7. Guild of Architecture’s reply to the Ilmastoveivi challenge: Veggie week 11
  8. Seminar on 15 Mar: As the theme, climate change and technology know-how as a factor for change


1. Now is the time to submit the annual association notices and apply for AYY’s operating grants!

All associations operating within Aalto University Student Union must annually submit an association notice and, at the same time, associations in the 1st list can apply for an operating grant. The application period and submission of association notices starts on Friday 1 Mar at 12 noon and ends on Sunday 31 Mar at 11.59 pm.

Comprehensive instructions are available here: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/.

Both the operating grant application and the association notice consist of tabs to be filled in in the Tahlo system and the required appendices. As appendices, we require the following from everyone:

– the current rules
– the previous operating year’s annual report
– the current operating year’s operational plan

In addition, from those applying for an operating grant:

– the current operating year’s budget
– the previous operating year’s financial statement (consists of a profit and loss account and a balance sheet)

Log in to the Tahlo system at with your association’s user details. If the user details have gone missing, they can generally be restored to your Board’s email address at

Carefully fill in the tabs General, Board, Facilities and Attachments and, when applying for an operating grant, the Application tab. If you are a special status association, also fill in the Special Status tab. Finally, update your association’s association profile at /wp-login.php. You can sign in with your association’s user details. Remember to update all language versions!

Detailed instructions, tips and more information at /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/. Note that the Application tab has been updated since last year. Remember to reserve enough time to prepare the application.

AYY’s Organisation Sector ( will answer all questions regarding the operating grants.


2. The traditional Laskiaisrieha is back again!
On Shrove Tuesday, 5 Mar, students will once again gather in large crowds at Ullanlinnanmäki to enjoy sledging, music, competitions and other entertaining activities. And we are inviting all associations to join us to make the day even more amazing. So, dig up your tents from storage, put together your sledging gear and come along!

If you want to take part in the event as an association, need a place for your tent or some electricity, get in touch with us by email at

You can find more info on the event on Facebook and at (in Finnish).


3. Otaniemi Night of Arts will be back in the autumn!
Have your say on the timing of Otaniemi Night of Arts and tell us about your preliminary interest in organising a subevent via the form below!


4. Nominate recipients for AYY’s acknowledgements by 10 March
Do you know a pioneer, unprejudiced bridge-builder or interdisciplinary hard worker in the Aalto community who deserves recognition? Nominate a recipient for the Aalto University Student Union acknowledgement award for 2019.

You can make nominations until 10 March, after which the acknowledgement working group will propose the final acknowledgement recipients to the AYY Board. An acknowledgement can be awarded to a current or former member or employee of the Student Union.

Read more about the acknowledgements and nominate a recipient via this link:

If you would like to take part in deciding who gets the awards this year, you can also apply to the acknowledgement working group. The acknowledgment working group’s task is to receive the proposals for the acknowledgment recipients, process these proposals and propose the final recipients to the Student Union’s Board.

The group is looking for motivated students from different fields of study. If you are interested, apply here: (in Finnish, translation coming soon).


5. Interested in developing your association’s equality?
Does your association discuss equality? Are you thinking about the best ways to organise events or prepare an equality plan or maybe wondering about the accessibility of your organisation’s facilities? Are you thinking about means to prevent and interfere with inappropriate behaviour and harassment?

The easiest way to get more information on developing equality in associations is to read through AYY’s renewed Association Guide’s Equality section at

You can find more information on equality planning applicable to associations and on preparing an equality plan on the Allianssi website at (in Finnish).

If you wish to discuss developing equality, means to prevent harassment or would like information or training on these topics for your association, you can contact AYY’s Advocacy Specialist in charge of Equality, Lauri Jurvanen, at, tel. 050 520 9418.


6. Alternative solutions for the Community structures project discussed by the Representative Council
The solution alternatives for the Community structures project were addressed in the Representative Council meeting on 28 Feb. The Council had a preliminary discussion on the models, and the goal was to get some direction from the Council on which solutions the project will move towards next. So, the recording of the Representative Council meeting is worth watching at

The solution proposals will be added to the meeting materials:

Detailed information on the goals of the project can be found in the introduction piece on Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen (/en/blog/2018/08/23/new-project-coordinator-helps-the-aalto-community-develop/), and the presentations of the previous stages in the Representative Council meeting materials for last autumn and this spring at

Further information: Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen,, tel. 0406819612.


7. Second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open!
The second application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members as well as communities operating in connection with it. TTE Fund supports operations that reach for the stars, get other people excited to join in and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds organised around three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000 €, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the second round of 2019 ends on Sunday 24 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for preparing an application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at (in Finnish). The grants are applied for by filling in an online form that can be found at


8. Guild of Architecture’s reply to the Ilmastoveivi challenge: Veggie week 11

Hello, all!

We at the Guild of Architecture got excited about the Ilmastoveivi challenge brought forward by Inkubio and decided to challenge you all to join us for vegetarianism for week 11!

The consumption of food together with housing and transport constitute the three biggest personal burdens on the environment, so what we are in the habit of eating makes a big difference in reducing our carbon footprint. As Inkubio also said in its message, the significance of climate actions grows when undertaken together, thus causing a bigger change. For these reasons, we want to challenge everyone to adopt a vegetarian diet for a week and, as an added effort, we ourselves decided to eat fully vegan food for the week in question!

The idea behind this vegetarian challenge is to encourage everyone to think about their personal eating habits and, for one week, avoid the biggest burdens on the environment in an average diet, aka meat products.

Ilmastoveivi is a campaign aiming to get Finland to use its EU presidency period effectively for the good of the environment. You can read more about Ilmastoveivi and sign the petition at

So, go ahead and join us for eating responsibly on 11–17 Mar! You can find us on social media and share your personal experiences with the following hashtags: #vegeviikko11 #univeivi #ilmastoveivi2019

For tomorrow,

Guild of Architecture Board


9. Seminar on 15 Mar: As the theme, climate change and technology know-how as a factor for change

Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees requires huge measures from everyone, and not least from those with higher education in the field of technology. Climate change creates new demands for employees, society and the industrial life alike.

What kind of know-how does this change require? How has education already reacted and will react to this in the future?

Join us in discussing this and other topical questions on the university education of the technology field in a seminar by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland with the universities in the technology field. The topic will be addressed by Keynote speakers Mika Anttonen, Max Mickelsson and Mikko Dufva. The seminar is particularly suitable for Chairs, persons in charge of studies and anyone interested in climate matters. The event is Finnish-language.

More information and registration by 8 Mar at (in Finnish).




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language. NOTE! The association newsletter goes on holiday next week and returns on 15 Mar.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: