Association Newsletter


Association Newsletter for the week 8/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 8/2016.

 Content of the newsletter

  1. Operating grant application and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March
  2. Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 Mar
  3. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training


  1. Operating grant application and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March

The submitting of AYY’s annual association notices and the application period for the operating grant will begin on 1 March and end on 31 March. All associations in the first and second list of AYY’s association register must submit the association notice. If the association notice is not submitted, the association may be removed from AYY’s association register. Only associations in the first list of the association register may apply for the operating grant and the application is their association notice at the same time. If you are uncertain whether your association belongs to the first or the second list, please contact the organisation specialist. Both the operating grant application and the association notice are filled in the TAHLO system ( More specific instructions on the application process and the association notice are provided during February.

If you already know that your association cannot meet the deadline, please contact the organisation specialist ( We may grant additional time for justified reasons if you request it on time. Otherwise, late or incomplete applications will not be addressed.

Operating grant applications and association notices will be processed as soon as possible and grants will be allocated in April-May.

The association profile on is a prerequisite for the operating grant. Associations are responsible for updating their profiles (/wp-admin/). If you have any problems (forgotten username, for example), please send email to At the same address, you can receive more information and help with the association notice and the application process. You can also get in touch by phone at 050 520 9442. The best time to reach the organisation specialist is on weekdays at 10am-2pm.


  1. Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 Mar

This concerns associations which have websites or usernames for AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 March. For those accounts which do not provide the notification, the username will be locked on 1 Apr and the site will be closed.

At the same time, the notifier needs to check running applications, users with access to the username, etc. Detailed instructions can be found in the notification form. Please reserve enough time for filling in the notification and for checking the site.

You can fill in the notification at

Further information on Otax services is available at /en/associations/services/it-services/website-services-on-otax/

AYY: IT services can be reached at


  1. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training

Would you or your association like to organise a party at Smökki and take care of catering by yourself? Are you not familiar with how to use a catering kitchen?

There is a solution to your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.

Training session will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 25 Feb 2016.

Please sign up by 3pm on Wed, 24 Feb at We will confirm your registration by email. The maximum of the first 20 people to sign up can participate in the training session. If more than 20 people register, the rest will be added on the waiting list in case of cancellations. The training session will be held in Finnish!

Further information: IE Director 2014 Henry Sanmark (



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association Newsletter for the week 7/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 7/2016.

Content of the newsletter

  1. Operating grant application and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March
  2. Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 Mar
  3. Issues to pay attention to when using Gorsu
  4. Crisis aftercare in the student community: operating instructions
  5. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training


  1. Operating grant application and the submitting of association notices to begin on 1 March

The submitting of AYY’s annual association notices and the application period for the operating grant will begin on 1 March and end on 31 March. All associations in the first and second list of AYY’s association register must submit the association notice. If the association notice is not submitted, the association may be removed from AYY’s association register. Only associations in the first list of the association register may apply for the operating grant and the application is their association notice at the same time. If you are uncertain whether your association belongs to the first or the second list, please contact the organisation specialist. Both the operating grant application and the association notice are filled in the TAHLO system ( More specific instructions on the application process and the association notice are provided during February.

If you already know that your association cannot meet the deadline, please contact the organisation specialist ( We may grant additional time for justified reasons if you request it on time. Otherwise, late or incomplete applications will not be addressed.

Operating grant applications and association notices will be processed as soon as possible and grants will be allocated in April-May.

The association profile on is a prerequisite for the operating grant. Associations are responsible for updating their profiles (/wp-admin/). If you have any problems (forgotten username, for example), please send email to At the same address, you can receive more information and help with the association notice and the application process. You can also get in touch by phone at 050 520 9442. The best time to reach the organisation specialist is on weekdays at 10am-2pm.


  1. Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 Mar

This concerns associations which have websites or usernames for AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

Main administrator notifications for Otax must be made by 29 March. For those accounts which do not provide the notification, the username will be locked on 1 Apr and the site will be closed.

At the same time, the notifier needs to check running applications, users with access to the username, etc. Detailed instructions can be found in the notification form. Please reserve enough time for filling in the notification and for checking the site.

You can fill in the notification at

Further information on Otax services is available at /en/associations/services/it-services/website-services-on-otax/

AYY: IT services can be reached at

  1. Issues to pay attention to when using Gorsu

In December-January, in particular, AYY has received plenty of feedback concerning noise problems from Gorsu caused to the residents of JMT 5. The walls and ceiling in the facility do not block all the noise, which significantly affects the comfort of living of those who live close-by. For this reason, AYY wants to remind all the facility users about general user regulations and particularly about the section ”The facility is used in accordance with the law, regulations and good manners”. Gorsu may be used until 3am but since this facility is located in connection with a residentail building, you should take into account Section 4 of the rules and regulations of Teekkari Village: ”On weekdays between 11pm–7am and on weekends and public holidays between 12midnight–9am, singing, playing, loud use of a television, radio or stereo equipment and such other noise is prohibited, excluding a correctly performed teekkari hymn.”

Persons who violate the regulations will be punished in accordance with the general user regulations and the sanctions mentioned in the regulations.

If problems continue, AYY will change the user hours to end at 11pm.

Further information:
Johanna Pietiläinen
Administrative Director


  1. Crisis aftercare in the student community: operating instructions

Common instructions of AYY and Aalto for crisis aftercare in the student community have been published. Instructions are concise and we recommend that organisation members read them through. Aalto Chaplain Jenni Vainio held an introductory speech in the latest association training.

Crisis aftercare in the student community / operating instructions:

Introduction (only available in Finnish): /wp-content/uploads/Kriisitilanteen_jaelkihoito_yhdistyskoulutus2015.pdf


  1. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training

Would you or your association like to organise a party at Smökki and take care of catering by yourself? Are you not familiar with how to use a catering kitchen?

There is a solution to your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.

Training session will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 25 Feb 2016.

Please sign up by 3pm on Wed, 24 Feb at We will confirm your registration by email. The maximum of the first 20 people to sign up can participate in the training session. If more than 20 people register, the rest will be added on the waiting list in case of cancellations. The training session will be held in Finnish!

Further information: IE Director 2014 Henry Sanmark (

If you are interested in participating in the English training session later in the spring, please contact Administrative Director (, 050-5209434).




Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 5/2016.

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 5/2016.


Training material from AYY’s association training sessions are available on AYY’s website



Content of the newsletter

  1. Asia event grant for student organizations!
  2. Remember to add your association events on AYY site and to AYY Events on Facebook
  3. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes
  4. Follow AYY on social media


  1. Asia event grant for student organizations!

Finnish University Network for Asian Studies turns 20 in 2016! We celebrate our anniversary by awarding three €500 grants for Asia related student events.

– The event can focus on e.g. movies, food, music, K-pop, manga, games, as long as it is Asia related. Use your imagination!

– The event should raise awareness of Asian studies among university students.

– The event has to be organized in 2016.

– Only the student organizations from the member universities of the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies are eligible to apply to this grant (Universities of Aalto, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa and Åbo Akademi).

– application deadline: February 7, 2016.

Link to the application form:


  1. Remember to add your association events on AYY site and to AYY Events on Facebook

January’s new students have arrived. Now is a good time to add your association events to AYY’s calendar. Any problems can be reported to

AYY Events is a channel for events hosted by Aalto University Student Union. In the group, you can advertise your non-commercial events that are intended for Aalto University students. All AYY’s members and association can advertise their events. The group is moderated by the Student Union’s cultural sector, which can be reached at

However, please remember to submit your events to AYY’s official event calendar /kalenteri/ (login), as events in the Facebook group are not automatically added there.


  1. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes

AYY’s association letterboxes are overflowing. Please come and pick up your association mail in order to make space for new mail!


  1. Follow AYY on social media

Are you aware of all the social media channels where AYY is present?

Follow AYY on

– Facebook:

– Twitter: @AYY_FI,

– Instagram: @AYY_FI,



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 3/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 3/2016.

This the first association newsletter for 2016.

Content of the newsletter
1. AYY’s Organizational Affaris 2016
2. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open
3. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes
4. Remember to add your association events on AYY site
5. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball on 14.5.16 – Save the date!

1. AYY’s Organizational Affaris 2016

In 2016 AYY’s board member in charge of organizational affairs is Ilkka Särkiö. Särkiö will also be in charge of corporate relations. Ahto Harmo continues as the specialist for organizational affairs and communications. As before, you can reach the sector at and IT Management

2. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited!

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2016 will end on Sunday, 24 January 2016, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2016 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at

3. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes

AYY’s association letterboxes are overflowing. Please come and pick up your association mail in order to make space for new mail!

4. Remember to add your association events on AYY site

January’s new students have arrived. Now is a good time to add your association events to AYY’s calendar. Any problems can be reported to

5. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball on 14.5.16 – Save the date!

As a reminder; AYY’s annual ball is held from this year onwards in May, on Saturday near by Flora’s day. AYY board made the decision on the new date last year. So, this year 6th annual ball is celebrated on 14th May, and anniversary brunch organized on the following day. For further information, please contact Annual Ball Committee chair Sanna Unkuri,


Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 51/2015.

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 51/2015.

The association newsletter will have a Christmas break. The next newsletter will be published on 15 Jan. Content for the newsletter must be submitted by 10am on the previous Wednesday as usual.

The organisation sector will have a holiday on 18 Dec 2015-6 Jan 2016.

While waiting for Christmas, please respond to Aino’s reader survey and provide feedback in order to make Aino even better next year:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Content of the newsletter

  1. AYY’s association training material available online
  2. Sports clubs, apply for development grant for club activities by 18 Dec!


  1. AYY’s association training material available online

Training material from AYY’s Finnish association training sessions is available on AYY’s website:

Some training material is still missing but will be added to the site as soon as possible. The material from the training in English will also be added as soon as possible.


  1. Sports clubs, apply for development grant for club activities by 18 Dec!

Last week on Thursday, the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) opened the call for applications for the development grant for club activities. The grant is ideal for any student sports club and I definitely recommend you to read about the call for applications in more detail.

The development grant for club activities is intended for the development of sports club activities. The sports club grant is a state grant for situations when a club wishes to develop easily available activities for children and young people, try out new innovative activities, increase versatility of activities through new sports or develop leisure activities within the field. With the grant, clubs can also strengthen the quality of activities and communality as well as support volunteering. The sports club grant promotes the implementation of diverse sports in voluntary activities.

The applied amount ranges from €2,500 to €15,000 and the share of the club’s own financing must be at least 25%. The deadline for applications is 18 Dec, so please act fast. Af first, please read carefully the application instructions and the form:

The Finnish Student Sports Federation is glad to help sports clubs in all matters related to the application process. Please contact Training and Event Coordinator Jyrki Eriksson ( Please do not hesitate to get in touch, together we can make your application as good as possible.



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 47/2015

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 47/2015.

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

Registration for association training sessions is ongoing and the advance booking of facilities rented on a one-time basis is approaching!

Content of the newsletter
1. Registration for association training sessions is ongoing
2. Pre-notification: Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis to start on 30 Nov 2015!
3. Apply for the grant to organise activities at Otaniemi reception centre!
4. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec

1. Registration for association training sessions is ongoing

How to lead volunteers and how to take care of finances in the association? Do you have questions about association bureaucracy or rules? How to create events and communications? What does the advocacy sector do? You can learn about these matters in AYY’s association training session at Design Factory on 2 Dec. You can now sign up for the training session!

More information in the registration form:

Please register in advance in order to confirm the amount of refreshments and evaluate the need for space.

The training session is held in Finnish.

The English training session for association activities will be held on 9 Dec. The English training session is directed at international students. Registration:

2. Pre-notification: Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis to start on 30 Nov!

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis will on Monday, 30 Nov 2015.
Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA. TILA can be found at and the users log on with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example.

You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 11 Jan 2016 – Sun, 14 Aug 2016.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 11-29 Nov 2015. The reservation period ends at 11.59pm on Sun, 29 Nov 2015.

2. Special status associations 30 Nov – 8 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 12noon on Mon, 30 Nov and ends at 2pm on Tue, 8 Dec. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 5pm onwards on Tue, 8 Dec 2015.

3. Other associations in the 1st register on 9-15 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 8am on Wed, 9 Dec and ends at 2pm on Wed, 16 Dec 2014. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 5pm onwards on Wed, 16 Dec 2015.

More specific information on the advance booking will be available in the association newsletters in the coming weeks. However, you can already mark down these dates on your calendar!

3. Apply for the grant to organise activities at Otaniemi reception centre!

AYY encourages its members and the Student Union’s associations to organise activities at Otaniemi reception centre. The amount of the grant is mainly less than €100 per application and the grant is allocated based on informal applications.
The application must respond to the following questions:
– What kind of activities do you want to organise?
– When are the activities organised?
– Which expenses will the grant cover?

The accepted organisers will receive compensation for previously agreed travel and material expenses against receipts. Applications should be submitted to no later than 4 Dec 2015. Applications are processed as soon as we receive them.

Contact information:
Joonas Tietäväinen

4. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec

University students in the metropolitan area traditionally celebrate the Finnish Independence Day with a torchlight procession on 6 Dec. All are welcome to join the procession, torchlights are provided at the beginning of the procession. Associations can participate in the procession with their own flags.

The event instructions and schedule are available at
The schedule will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally provides the following services to its members:
Transport of flags:
Association flags must be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) by 4pm on Thursday, 3 Dec 2015 AND recorded in the transport list. Please make sure that you record your flag in the list, as we only bring the flags mentioned in the list. Flags are returned to the same place from where you can collect them by Wednesday, 9 Dec.
Flag carrying belts and sashes in the colours of the Finnish flag:
The Student Union can borrow a limited number of flag carrying belts and the blue and white sashes suitable for all flags. Reservations for the fastest ones to Equipment can be found next to the flags at the beginning of the procession.

During the procession, flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags to the vehicle which drives to the Senate Square. When you leave your flag for the return transport, you can get your items back. Flag-bearers and heralds are not allowed to wear bags in the procession.


Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).