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The summer opening hours 2017 of AYY’s Service Points

AYY’s Service Points will partially be closed during the summer months of June – August. The Service Points in Arabia and Otaniemi as well as the Housing Office of Otaniemi will be serving students as follows:


Closed Mon 19.6. – Fri 31.7.2017

Open normally 1.–16.6.2017 and from 1.8.2017 on.
Normal opening hours: Mon & Fri  12:00–14:00, Tue-Thu 12:00–15:00

Otaniemi Service Point & Housing Office

Closed Mon 10.7. – Fri 28.7.2017

Open normally until Friday 7.7.2017 and from Monday 31.7.2017 on.
Normal opening hours: Mon-Fri 12:00–16:00

Please note! Special opening hours:

  • Thursday, 22 June – Otaniemi Service Point & Housing Office are open 9:00–12:00
  • Friday, 23 June – Otaniemi Service Point & Housing Office are closed
  • Housing Office’s phone service is closed: 1.7. – 31.7.

NB! When the office is closed, emergency services are organised at Otaniemi Service Point every Monday between 2pm–5pm. The Housing Office responds to emails when possible. Use this form to send a message.

The summer opening hours 2016 of AYY’s service points

AYY’s service points will partially be closed during the summer months of June – August. The service points in Arabia, Töölö and Otaniemi as well as the housing office of Otaniemi will be serving students as follows:

Arabia Service Point
Open June 1.-22. 2016 Tue-Wed at 12 noon – 3 pm
Closed June 23. – July 31. 2016
Open normally from Mon Aug 1. on

Opening times:
Mon & Fri: 12 noon – 2 pm and
Tue-Thu 12 noon – 3 pm

Otaniemi Service Point & Housing Office
Closed Mon – Sun July 4.-24. 2016
Open normally until July 1. and from 25. 2016 on

Opening times:
Service point:
Mon – Fri 9 am – 11 am & 12noon – 4 pm.

Housing office:
Mon – Fri 12 noon – 4 pm

6.6.-3.7.2016 opening hours as follows:
Mon-Tue & Fri 12.00noon – 16
Wed Closed
Thu 12.00noon – 18

NB! When the office is closed, emergency services are organised at Otaniemi Service Point every Monday between 2pm–5pm. The Housing Office responds to emails when possible (address

Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee

In addition to all the other exciting affairs, the year 2015 is the year of the Representative Council elections. The Central Election Committee is in the heart of the elections. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far?

Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at: The deadline for applications is 12noon on 18 Feb 2015.

The members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2015.

The Central Election Committee decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things.

FSHS’s appointment fees to rise in 2015

Appointment fees charged by the Finnish Student Health Service will rise on 1 January 2015. This is because the state’s rental subsidy received by the FSHS is to be halved.

Student appointment fees will rise for certain specialist services and long oral health appointments. General practitioner, public health nurse, dental hygienist, short dentist appointments (max. 10 min) and mental health appointments will remain free of charge for students.

The new fee for specialist appointments (except for psychiatrists) is €24, and the fee for dentist appointments subject to charge will rise with €2.

The charge for no-show appointments will rise from €25 to €35.

Fees for FSHS certificates subject to charge will also rise, while some changes will be introduced to the issuing of certificates.

Read more .