Front Page Features


Apply for AYY’s Central Election Committee 2017!

The call for applications to the Central Election Committee of AYY is now open. The Central Election Committee is in the heart of the elections and decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things.

Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far?

Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at:

The deadline for applications is 12noon on Monday 27 Mar 2017.

The members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2017.

Additional information: Johanna pietiläinen (johanna.pietilainen (a), +358 50 520 9434

Year tags and student calendars are available in August 2016

All students, who have paid their AYY membership fee for the academic year 2016 – 2017, can pick up a year tag from Monday August 1st 2016 on and a new yearly calendar From Monday August 8th  2016 the earliest. The year tags and calendars can be picked in following locations:

Otaniemi service point
Opening hours: mon – fri 9.00 – 11.00 & 12.00 noon – 16.00

Arabia service point
Opening hours: mon & fri 12.00 noon – 14.00, tue – thu 12.00 noon – 15.00

In addition, year tags can be picked from temporary service points during August 15 – September 9th 2016:

the Student Hub of Bachelor Building (Otakaari 1)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Wed Aug 31 at 12.00 noon -16.00
Tue Sep 6 the service point is located in the lobby of Otakaari 1

Student Hub is located in a former physics laboratory – near the IT service point – in the Otakaari 1 building. Students can enter the Student Hub at any time by means of a door code. The library customer service points will issue a door code when students show their student card (please note the shorter opening hours in August!). When the Otakaari 1 building is closed, entry to the Student Hub is through K-door on Otakaari.

in the lobby of the main building in Töölö campus (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Read the payment instructions for AYY membership fee here. Please note that all year tags will only be given directly on student cards to avoid any misuse.

It’s also time to update your student status on your travel card

The right to discount is valid from the beginning of the autumn term till the end of August next year; for those who finish their studies in the autumn, the discount right is valid till the end of December the same year. The right to discount has to be renewed annually at a service point. If a student does not renew their right to discount, they can only load their travel card with normal priced period and value tickets from September 1st on.

You can renew your student status in HSL’s service points or in temporary service point in Otaniemi:

Aalto University, HUB of Bachelor Building (Otakaari 1)
Open: August 15th – September 9th 2016 at 12.00 noon – 15.45

More information on student discounts and HSL’s eligibility criteria for receiving a student ticket in HSL’s pages!

The summer opening hours 2016 of AYY’s service points

AYY’s service points will partially be closed during the summer months of June – August. The service points in Arabia, Töölö and Otaniemi as well as the housing office of Otaniemi will be serving students as follows:

Arabia Service Point
Open June 1.-22. 2016 Tue-Wed at 12 noon – 3 pm
Closed June 23. – July 31. 2016
Open normally from Mon Aug 1. on

Opening times:
Mon & Fri: 12 noon – 2 pm and
Tue-Thu 12 noon – 3 pm

Otaniemi Service Point & Housing Office
Closed Mon – Sun July 4.-24. 2016
Open normally until July 1. and from 25. 2016 on

Opening times:
Service point:
Mon – Fri 9 am – 11 am & 12noon – 4 pm.

Housing office:
Mon – Fri 12 noon – 4 pm

6.6.-3.7.2016 opening hours as follows:
Mon-Tue & Fri 12.00noon – 16
Wed Closed
Thu 12.00noon – 18

NB! When the office is closed, emergency services are organised at Otaniemi Service Point every Monday between 2pm–5pm. The Housing Office responds to emails when possible (address

Spring 2016 scholarships have been decided

In its meeting on May the 13th, 2016, the board of AYY has accepted the proposal of the scholarship committees for the distribution of the spring 2016 scholarships, and dealt out scholarships and grants based on them.

There were 306 applicants in total. The applications were as follows:
• Exchange scholarship: 189 applications
• Community scholarship: 82 applications
• Study scholarship: 120 applications.


Study scholarship

Vili Eilavaara 500 €
Tapio Hautamäki 500 €
Petteri Heliste 500 €
Henri Jarrett 500 €
Toni Kangas 500 €
Saana Kivimaa 500 €
Matleena Kukkonen 500 €
Tommi Lintilä 500 €
Juho Luoranen 500 €
Pauli Moilanen 500 €
Tuukka Mustapää 500 €
Eppu Pesonen 500 €
Ella Potka 500 €
Inka Saarinen 500 €
Nicolas Saulny 500 €
Aira Seuna 500 €
Aleksi Talsi 500 €
Mikko Unkuri 500 €
Raine Viitala 500 €
Jyri Yli-Villamo 500 €


Community scholarship

Max Andersson 500 €
Laura Brotkin 500 €
Laura Euro 500 €
Niko Ferm 500 €
Jussi Hietala 500 €
Pilvi Hussi 500 €
Katharina Jokinen 500 €
Joonas Kivi 500 €
Milla Kivioja 500 €
Lauri Lehtoruusu 500 €
Ville Myllylä 500 €
Samu Nurmi 500 €
Otto Ojanen 500 €
Otto Pesola 500 €
Joel Pirttimaa 500 €
Saana Rossi 500 €
Tuulia Telin 500 €
Joonas Tietäväinen 500 €
Matias Vainio 500 €
Roope Vesterinen 500 €


Exchange scholarship

Laura Brotkin 600 €
Tapio Hautamäki 500 €
Eeva Hietamäki 500 €
Henri Jarrett 500 €
Anja Karhula 450 €
Juho Keiski 350 €
Tuomas Kiuru 600 €
Saana Kivimaa 450 €
Lilli Konttinen 350 €
Joona Kontula 500 €
Hilja Korhonen 350 €
Paul Laihonen 350 €
Sami Lappalainen 500 €
Noora Matilainen 350 €
Tuukka Mustapää 350 €
Elisabeth Nyberg 350 €
Aino Piirtola 650 €
Sanna Pitkänen 400 €
Ella Potka 600 €
Emilia Ronkainen 400 €
Mikko Unkuri 500 €
Matias Vainio 400 €



How to order a student card

How to order a student card – instructions for spring 2016

First: Come to AYY’s service point to join the student union and to pay the membership fee (cost 58 e for spring term 2016).

Second: Go to university student services to register your status as a student. This is important, since the provider of the student cards checks your student status from the university.

Third: Order the student card (cost 15,1 e). Unfortunately the provider of student cards has problems with card payments at the moment and the online payment can only be done with Finnish online banking codes. If you have these or a friend of yours has these, you can order the card online. If you don’t have access to internet banking, fill in the card ordering form here (.xlsx) (you don’t need to care about the last three slots (payment info, date and toimituspaikka)). Save the file to your computer and send it as attachment to Also send a passport photo or a clear facial photo of yourself in electronic format to AYY to be included in your card. If you study at Aalto Arabia campus, and visiting AYY’s service point in Arabia is more convenient for you, send your documents to After sending the card information form and your picture, come to AYY service point to finalize the order of your card. At AYY you can pay by cash or by card (the card costs 15,1e).

Fourth: It takes a few weeks to process your card. You will receive an e-mail to your aalto-e-mail once you can pick up the card at AYY service point.