New Students


Associations wish you welcome

On Wednesday 5 Sept, the semester was kickstarted with the Aalto Party, at which 106 associations operating within Aalto University Student Union showcased their operations to new students. In this story, active association members give pointers on things that can be done in the Aalto community.

Associations at Aalto Party. Photo: Aleksi Leskinen

Altogether, there are more than 200 associations operating within AYY. Some of them are closely related to specific study fields, but there is also a vast number of leisure-time organisations operating in Otaniemi that are open to all Aalto people.

One of the newest Aalto associations is the Aalto Formula Team, founded in early 2018. Its goal is to build an electric racing car fit for the Formula Student competition in collaboration with the whole university.

“There’s much more to this than a car driving around the race track. Student marketing, business collaboration, electrical work, materials choices, design… If you have the skills, you will get to use them,” promises Kalle KekĂ€lĂ€inen, secretary of the Aalto Formula Team.

Some of the Aalto associations have more history behind them. The association for electronic media, OUBS, continues the traditions of the cable channel that went by the name Otaniemi Underground Broadcasting System and now focuses on the live streaming of student events, for example.

“With us, you’ll get to learn a lot about videography. You don’t need to know anything beforehand. At all gigs, you’ll get full instruction, you’ll get to film on your first go and to edit on your second,” promises Ville Tuominen, president of OUBS.

Not all associations focus solely on one hobby; there are also other themes that can unite Aalto people from various study fields. GAYY brings together Aalto’s LGBT-spirited students and aims to bring acceptance and good vibes onto campus. The association has organised, for example, a rainbow-sitsit and a get-together to watch the Eurovision Song Contest.

“Some of the guilds in Otaniemi can feel male-dominated and a bit macho. Students might feel that they won’t find other LGBT people or that they cannot come out in the big guilds. For them, GAYY is an easy place to come to,” says Jarna Verho, president of GAYY.

People visiting OUBS’s tent. Photo: Aleksi Leskinen

AYY’s association register is alive and growing all the time.

During 2018, in addition to the Aalto Formula Team, the ranks have been joined by, for example, the heat-enjoying Polyteknikkojen Saunaseura (the Polytechnicians’ Sauna Club), the Aalto Artificial Intelligence Society who focus on AI, and the Chinese Student & Scholars Association at Aalto University uniting students with a Chinese background.

Active association members are hoping that lots of new students would fearlessly investigate the activities. The threshold for joining has been made as low as possible. Doing an online search of the association’s name already gets you to a good start.

Many association websites offer the chance to become a member for free, and it is possible to keep track of your association’s events by following Telegram groups and newsletters, for example. Introductory evenings will also be organised for new members during the autumn.

Partygoers at Aalto Party. Photo: Aleksi Leskinen

But what will make busy students spend their sparse leisure time on association activities? Active association members mention that you can gain experiences through the activities which cannot be gained in lessons or even in the dos of your own special status association.

“Thanks to various video projects, I have attended events that I would otherwise not have gone to. I have been able to see all the cool things that can be accomplished by a large group of people,” says Tuominen.

“You see things actually moving forward here. We got the formula idea from nowhere around the end of November. Now, we have facilities, teams, sponsors and cooperation with the University. And the car design is progressing, too!” adds KekĂ€lĂ€inen happily.

“The best thing is networking and getting to know people from different schools through the association. My perspective on Otaniemi has broadened and I have noticed that I had no reason to worry. People really are very open here,” says Verho.

There are more than 200 subject organisations, guilds, sports clubs and hobby clubs operating in the Aalto community. Get to know the whole selection and find yourself a new hobby or a suitable club on the List of Associations page.

Year tags are available from August 1st

All students who have paid their AYY membership fee for the academic year 2018–2019 can pick up a year tag from Wednesday, August 1st, 2018 on. The year tags can be picked in following locations:

Otaniemi services office (Otakaari 11)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 16:00

Harald Herlin Learning Centre, temporary service point (Otaniementie 9)
Open: August 20th – September 7th 2018, Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Read the payment instructions for AYY membership fee here. Please note that all year tags will only be applied directly on student cards to avoid any misuse.


Student status on travel card

It’s also time to update your student status on your travel card.

The right to discount is valid from the beginning of the autumn term till the end of August next year; for those who finish their studies in the autumn, the discount right is valid till the end of December the same year. The right to discount has to be renewed annually at a service point.

If a student does not renew their right to discount, they can only load their travel card with normal priced period and value tickets from September 1st on.

You can renew your student status in HSL’s service points or in temporary service point in Otaniemi:

Harald Herlin Learning Centre (Otaniementie 9)
Open: August 20th – September 7th 2018, Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Please note! It is only possible to update an existing travel card at the HSL service point in Otaniemi. If you need a new card, please see the list for HSL’s service points here. More information on student discounts and HSL’s eligibility criteria for receiving a student ticket on HSL’s pages.

Welcome to AYY!

Hi, new student! A warm welcome to Aalto University – and of course to AYY, the Aalto University Student Union.

We have collected an information package on this page to help you get started with your student life. Keep in mind that you can always turn to AYY’s staff if you have any questions related to student life. You can find our contact information here.

See you in the autumn!


Student Union housing and services

The Aalto University Student Union owns apartments that are rented to Aalto University students.

First-year students and students moving from outside the Helsinki metropolitan area are given priority when distributing apartments. You can apply for an apartment as soon as you have received confirmation of being accepted to Aalto University.

When applying for an AYY shared apartment, first year students receive a so-called “freshman point” that gives them priority over students who have studied at Aalto for longer. To receive the point, you must apply for an apartment before the end of July or end of December, depending on when you are starting your studies.

Applying for an AYY apartment

Unfortunately, AYY cannot provide student apartments for all Aalto University students, so you should also look for a home through other channels. Check these out, for example:

Other services

In addition to apartments, AYY does advocacy work for its members and offers them various other services. For example, AYY members can rent sauna and meeting facilities and a van at very affordable prices.

You can find out more about AYY’s member benefits and services here.

The Otaniemi service office at Otakaari 11 helps you in housing matters and other issues related to the Student Union’s services. You can find the office’s opening hours here.

Associations and volunteering

There are more than 200 associations operating within AYY’s sphere of influence, from subject associations and guilds to sports clubs and hobby associations. If you want to continue your old hobby or start a new one, you can do it in the Aalto community!

Find out more about associations operating within AYY here.

You can also take part in the Student Union’s activities by working as a volunteer. AYY’s volunteers organize numerous events every year and work with international and corporate cooperation matters, among other things. Volunteers are the heart of AYY – by volunteering, you can have an impact on what the Student Union does and what it looks like.

Most of AYY’s volunteer recruiting takes place at the end of the year, in November–December, but the search for project-based tasks may be open also at other times. Follow AYY’s communications for example via Facebook.


Student financial aid and the student card

Student financial aid

Finnish student financial aid consists of the study grant, student loan and meal subsidy. You can also apply for general housing allowance separately.

Please note that unfortunately, international students are usually not eligible for student financial aid – see following links for details.


You can order your student card through the Frank service. Frank offers both a digital and a traditional, plastic student card. For 15€, you can add the international ISIC license to both cards, entitling you to over 150,000 benefits in more than 130 countries.

The digital student card Frank App is an official student identifier tag. You should download and activate it immediately after paying your AYY membership fee. It opens up hundreds of discounts, including student restaurants and cheaper commuter tickets from VR and HSL.

A plastic student card with Debit MasterCard services offered by Danske Bank is free to all university students. Without the payment service, the card costs 15.10€ + delivery fees.

More information on different card options and delivery can be found on the Frank website.

Please note that after receiving your plastic student card, you will need to get a year tag for it. You can get one from AYY’s service office in Otaniemi, for example.


Health and well-being


Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) looks after the health of university students.

After paying the Student Union membership fee, you can receive help from FSHS in the areas of general, oral and mental health when you need it. Appointments are made by phone, and FSHS has a callback service. Contacting FSHS and general health appointments are always free of charge.

In order to use the services as efficiently as possible, you should create a user account for FSHS’s electronic Self service. You can use the service to handle your appointments and other health-related matters electronically.

You can use the services of any FSHS unit anywhere in Finland. When FSHS is closed or you are unable to book an appointment, you can use your local health center’s regular or on-call services.

FSHS units in the Helsinki metropolitan area:

  • Otaniemi: Otakaari 12, Espoo
  • Töölö: Töölönkatu 37 A, Helsinki

Other well-being services

Is your student life not going as it should? You don’t need to be alone with your problems!

If you have challenges related to your studies, you can contact your school’s student counseling services or the Aalto study psychologists.

Study psychologists guide and support students in challenges related to learning, motivation, self-regulation, stress management and studying capacity. You can reach the study psychologists via email:

You can turn to the Aalto chaplains if you want to have a confidential discussion about anything related to life, work, studying or relationships.

The Aalto chaplains are available to all members of Aalto regardless of religion or worldview. Contact them:

  • Jenny Vainio
    050 365 2256
  • Anu Morikawa
    050 4644 375

The student support center Nyyti is a nationwide association that promotes the mental well-being and studying capacity of students.

The association organizes group chats and online courses, among other things, on topics related to student well-being. Anyone who has questions related to mental health or coping and well-being can join the chat and groups.

More information:

University sports and exercise – UniSport

UniSport provides affordable sports services to all Aalto members. UniSport’s selection of services includes e.g. group exercise, ball games, gyms and various courses.

Sports centers are available in Otaniemi, Kumpula, Meilahti, Töölö and at the University of Helsinki’s city center campus. Training Cards and per-visit tickets are permanently affordable for all Aalto University students.

More information:


Transport in the Helsinki metropolitan area

Students under 30 years of age whose place of residence is within the HSL area (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Kerava, Kirkkonummi, Vantaa) and who have a valid discount entitlement on their travel card are eligible for a student discount (-50%) in public transport in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Visit the HSL website for more information and the student discount application form.

Routes and timetables for public transport can be found in the HSL Reittiopas service at

You can also use city bikes in Espoo and Helsinki between the end of the spring and the start of the autumn. You can use the city bikes after you have paid the 30 € annual fee, and there are several city bike stations also in the campus area. You can find more information about the service here.

Students are also entitled to discounts on VR’s (trains) and Matkahuolto’s (coaches) long-distance journeys. Keep in mind that these discounts require you to have a valid student card with a year tag!

Come and get a year tag to your student card from Töölö, Arabia and Otaniemi

All students, who have paid their AYY membership fee for the academic year 2017–2018, can now pick up a year tag for their student card.

The year tags can be picked in following locations:

Otaniemi service point
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 16:00

Arabia service point
Opening hours: Mon & Fri 12:00 noon – 14.00, Tue – Thu 12:00 noon – 15:00

In addition, year tags can be picked from temporary service points during August 21st – September 15th 2017:

Aalto University Learning Centre in Otaniemi (Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9 – click for more information)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Exceptions: Closed during these breaks: 14:30–14.45 & 16:30–16:45

The lobby of the main building in Töölö campus (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Exceptions: Closed during these breaks: 14:30–14.45 & 16:30–16:45
Please note! Friday 8th September the service point in Töölö closes at 17:30

On Wednesday 6th September you can also pay your membership fee at our service point! Please come by during the time period of 12:00 and 15:00. You can pay using a card or cash.

Read the payment instructions for AYY membership fee here. Please note that all year tags will only be given directly on student cards to avoid any misuse.

You can also pick up AYY’s annual calendar for 2017–18 from our service points. Our office dog Voltti has already approved they are great! (Check this video.)

It’s also time to update your student status on your travel card

The right to discount is valid from the beginning of the autumn term till the end of August next year; for those who finish their studies in the autumn, the discount right is valid till the end of December the same year. The right to discount has to be renewed annually at a service point. If a student does not renew their right to discount, they can only load their travel card with normal priced period and value tickets from September 1st on.

You can renew your student status in HSL’s service points or in temporary service point in Otaniemi:

Aalto University Learning Centre in Otaniemi (Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9)
Open: August 21st – September 8th 2017, Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Please note! It is only possible to update an existing travel card at the HSL service point in Otaniemi. If you need a new card, please read: More information on student discounts and HSL’s eligibility criteria for receiving a student ticket in HSL’s pages!

Year tags are available in August 2017

All students, who have paid their AYY membership fee for the academic year 2017–2018, can pick up a year tag from Tuesday August 1st 2017 on. The year tags can be picked in following locations:

Otaniemi service point
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 16:00

Arabia service point
Opening hours: Mon & Fri 12:00 noon – 14.00, Tue – Thu 12:00 noon – 15:00

In addition, year tags can be picked from temporary service points during August 21st – September 15th 2017:

Aalto University Learning Centre in Otaniemi (Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9 – click for more information)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Exceptions: Closed during these breaks: 14:30–14.45 & 16:30–16:45

The lobby of the main building in Töölö campus (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Exceptions: Closed during these breaks: 14:30–14.45 & 16:30–16:45
Please note! Mon Sep 4 the service point is located in the corridor at building A, floor 0 (near the IT service office)

Read the payment instructions for AYY membership fee here. Please note that all year tags will only be given directly on student cards to avoid any misuse.

It’s also time to update your student status on your travel card

The right to discount is valid from the beginning of the autumn term till the end of August next year; for those who finish their studies in the autumn, the discount right is valid till the end of December the same year. The right to discount has to be renewed annually at a service point. If a student does not renew their right to discount, they can only load their travel card with normal priced period and value tickets from September 1st on.

You can renew your student status in HSL’s service points or in temporary service point in Otaniemi:

Aalto University Learning Centre in Otaniemi (Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9)
Open: August 21st – September 8th 2017, Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Please note! It is only possible to update an existing travel card at the HSL service point in Otaniemi. If you need a new card, please read: More information on student discounts and HSL’s eligibility criteria for receiving a student ticket in HSL’s pages!

Year tags and student calendars are available in August 2016

All students, who have paid their AYY membership fee for the academic year 2016 – 2017, can pick up a year tag from Monday August 1st 2016 on and a new yearly calendar From Monday August 8th  2016 the earliest. The year tags and calendars can be picked in following locations:

Otaniemi service point
Opening hours: mon – fri 9.00 – 11.00 & 12.00 noon – 16.00

Arabia service point
Opening hours: mon & fri 12.00 noon – 14.00, tue – thu 12.00 noon – 15.00

In addition, year tags can be picked from temporary service points during August 15 – September 9th 2016:

the Student Hub of Bachelor Building (Otakaari 1)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Wed Aug 31 at 12.00 noon -16.00
Tue Sep 6 the service point is located in the lobby of Otakaari 1

Student Hub is located in a former physics laboratory – near the IT service point – in the Otakaari 1 building. Students can enter the Student Hub at any time by means of a door code. The library customer service points will issue a door code when students show their student card (please note the shorter opening hours in August!). When the Otakaari 1 building is closed, entry to the Student Hub is through K-door on Otakaari.

in the lobby of the main building in Töölö campus (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Read the payment instructions for AYY membership fee here. Please note that all year tags will only be given directly on student cards to avoid any misuse.

It’s also time to update your student status on your travel card

The right to discount is valid from the beginning of the autumn term till the end of August next year; for those who finish their studies in the autumn, the discount right is valid till the end of December the same year. The right to discount has to be renewed annually at a service point. If a student does not renew their right to discount, they can only load their travel card with normal priced period and value tickets from September 1st on.

You can renew your student status in HSL’s service points or in temporary service point in Otaniemi:

Aalto University, HUB of Bachelor Building (Otakaari 1)
Open: August 15th – September 9th 2016 at 12.00 noon – 15.45

More information on student discounts and HSL’s eligibility criteria for receiving a student ticket in HSL’s pages!