Service Points


Come and get a year tag to your student card from Töölö, Arabia and Otaniemi

All students, who have paid their AYY membership fee for the academic year 2017–2018, can now pick up a year tag for their student card.

The year tags can be picked in following locations:

Otaniemi service point
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 16:00

Arabia service point
Opening hours: Mon & Fri 12:00 noon – 14.00, Tue – Thu 12:00 noon – 15:00

In addition, year tags can be picked from temporary service points during August 21st – September 15th 2017:

Aalto University Learning Centre in Otaniemi (Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9 – click for more information)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Exceptions: Closed during these breaks: 14:30–14.45 & 16:30–16:45

The lobby of the main building in Töölö campus (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00
Exceptions: Closed during these breaks: 14:30–14.45 & 16:30–16:45
Please note! Friday 8th September the service point in Töölö closes at 17:30

On Wednesday 6th September you can also pay your membership fee at our service point! Please come by during the time period of 12:00 and 15:00. You can pay using a card or cash.

Read the payment instructions for AYY membership fee here. Please note that all year tags will only be given directly on student cards to avoid any misuse.

You can also pick up AYY’s annual calendar for 2017–18 from our service points. Our office dog Voltti has already approved they are great! (Check this video.)

It’s also time to update your student status on your travel card

The right to discount is valid from the beginning of the autumn term till the end of August next year; for those who finish their studies in the autumn, the discount right is valid till the end of December the same year. The right to discount has to be renewed annually at a service point. If a student does not renew their right to discount, they can only load their travel card with normal priced period and value tickets from September 1st on.

You can renew your student status in HSL’s service points or in temporary service point in Otaniemi:

Aalto University Learning Centre in Otaniemi (Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9)
Open: August 21st – September 8th 2017, Mon – Fri 12:00 noon – 18:00

Please note! It is only possible to update an existing travel card at the HSL service point in Otaniemi. If you need a new card, please read: More information on student discounts and HSL’s eligibility criteria for receiving a student ticket in HSL’s pages!

The summer opening hours 2016 of AYY’s service points

AYY’s service points will partially be closed during the summer months of June – August. The service points in Arabia, Töölö and Otaniemi as well as the housing office of Otaniemi will be serving students as follows:

Arabia Service Point
Open June 1.-22. 2016 Tue-Wed at 12 noon – 3 pm
Closed June 23. – July 31. 2016
Open normally from Mon Aug 1. on

Opening times:
Mon & Fri: 12 noon – 2 pm and
Tue-Thu 12 noon – 3 pm

Otaniemi Service Point & Housing Office
Closed Mon – Sun July 4.-24. 2016
Open normally until July 1. and from 25. 2016 on

Opening times:
Service point:
Mon – Fri 9 am – 11 am & 12noon – 4 pm.

Housing office:
Mon – Fri 12 noon – 4 pm

6.6.-3.7.2016 opening hours as follows:
Mon-Tue & Fri 12.00noon – 16
Wed Closed
Thu 12.00noon – 18

NB! When the office is closed, emergency services are organised at Otaniemi Service Point every Monday between 2pm–5pm. The Housing Office responds to emails when possible (address

3.9.2015 14:45-15:45 AYY Töölö Service Point open for membership fees

3.9.2015 14:45-15:45 AYY Töölö Service Point open for membership fees. You can by with cash or card.

Membership Fee 2015 – 2016

Basic degree students (studying bachelor’s or master’s degree) and exchange students (includes the health care fee of FSHS)

  • 114.00 € (incl. FHSH fee 54 €) / academic year
  • 56.00 € (incl. FHSH fee 27 €) / autumn term
  • 58.00 € (incl. FHSH fee 27 €) / spring term

Doctoral degree students

  • 42.00 € / academic year
  • 20.00 € / autumn term
  • 22.00 € / spring term

Töölö Student Services: If you haven’t received your student card

Dear students with the following student number or name,


1. Please go to the Help Desk at the Aalto Econ main building and show the receipt of your Membership Fee for Academic Year 2012-2013.
2. Come to the AYY Töölö Student Services (couple of steps down from the Help Desk) and we can proceed with your card order.

Sorry for the delay in the process!
AYY Töölö is open Mon – Thu 10:30-14:30

Help Desk is open
Mon, Thu 13-16
Tue, Wed, Fri 9-12