Tag Archives: castle warden

Administrative regulation for the halls of residence was revised

When the housing stocks owned by TKY and KY merged in 2010, two sets of practices and regulations also merged together. This merger took place rapidly, which was also visible in the administrative regulation for the halls of residence supporting tenant democracy and the decision-making power of tenants.

The regulation was revised in cooperation with active residents. Preparatory work that began in June was completed on 10 Oct 2013 when the Student Union’s Representative Council approved the new regulation for the halls of residence. The new regulation has three major changes compared with the previous one.

1. The administrative power of the Village Senate was transferred under the housing cooperative body consisting of the representatives of all housing locations. In the future, the Village Senate only addresses issues related to the comfort of living and well-being of residents.

2. The regulations were unified between Teekkari Village and other residential properties. The purpose is to discontinue the varying practices between different student union apartments and reduce exceptions in the regulation text.

3. The castle warden was raised as the trustee/lead character of the residential property by giving more authority and responsibility to the person in the position.

In accordance with the new administrative regulation for the halls of residence, tenant democracy is formed as shown in the picture.

Kind regards,
Jani Laamanen
