Aalto ISM ry

Special status associations

Aalto ISM is the association for students studying Information and Service Management in their Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, in addition to people interested in the intersection of business and technology. We welcome all students and alumni from Aalto University to join us. Joining Aalto ISM allows you to tap into our social and professional network and gain a better vantage point in the job market. Your skills are seen as valuable by employers in several sectors and we work tirelessly to promote your degree to top employers.

Aalto ISM also organizes a variety of exciting events, ranging from excursions to the top technology and consulting companies to study trips and more relaxed gatherings such as the notorious Novemberfest which with the yearly board election are the grand finale of the Aalto ISM year.

Besides presenting students with great career opportunities and events, Aalto ISM aims to be an effective link between students and the Faculty to make sure your opinions will always be heard.

For more information, visit aaltoism.fi, the Facebook page fb.com/aaltoismry, our Instagram (aaltoism) and don’t forget to sign up to the mailing list!