FC Kissat

Sports associations

FC Kissat

FC Kissat is a football club for female students in the Aalto University. FC Kissat is a team about good fun and exercise, and is open to players of all levels. We have members from first year students to recently graduated, all differing in our football experience but share the passion for this sport. FC Kissat welcomes all Aalto University female students to come and join the fun with us! All exchange students are also warmly welcomed, even for short exchange periods.

We have practices once a week, during summer time outdoors and during winter time indoors. In winter we have futsal trainings in Otahalli. In summer, we  have trainings outside in Espoo (specific location announced later). We also participate in the hobby league throughout the year as well as in various tournaments, and always welcome everybody to come and play with us!

For more information visit www.fckissat.fi and join our Facebook group: “FC Kissat”, or send an email to fckissat@gmail.com