Kaledonistit – Hart House Finnish Exchange

International associations

Kaledonistit is an exchange program between three universities in Helsinki and the University of Toronto in Canada. The exchange was founded in 1951 by students of the Helsinki University of Technology. Nowadays, the exchange is open to students of Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and the Hanken School of Economics. In Canada, the program is known as the Hart House Finnish Exchange.

The exchange functions in four-year cycles. In the autumn of 2018 we chose seven Finnish students to spend the 2019 summer in Toronto. In 2021, the selected group of Finns will host eight Canadian students in Helsinki. In 2022, a new group of Finnish students will be selected.

Traditionally, the summer spent abroad includes a two-week road trip in Canada, after which the students start their two-month-long internship. This provides the participating Finns a great opportunity to get to know the cultural and corporate life in Canada.

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