Newsletter 9/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 9/2012

  1. 1. This week’s events
  2. Application of the operating grant and the submitting of association notices will begin on Thursday, 1 March
  3. KY-Spex 2012: “Luojan tähden, paetkaa!” – still time to see the performance!
  4. Bachelor, network at AlumniNET
  5. Family Friendship Program for international students
  6. AIESEC work abroad programme
  7. Upcoming sport courses and tournaments
  8. Apply for volunteer work in a sports event in Spain
  9. News from Aalto Career Services

1. This week’s events

2. Application of the operating grant and the submitting of association notices will begin on Thursday, 1 March

AYY allocates the operating grant to the associations entered in the first register of the association list. The association notice can be submitted and the operating grant can be applied for by filling out the online form starting on Thursday, 1 March 2012. The specific address will be announced in the morning of the application date on front page. The application period will end on 1 April 2012.

Please remember that even if your association does not apply for financial operating grant, the association notice form must be filled in annually.

Further information
The allocation grounds for the operating grant
Scoring model

If you have any feedback or questions about the application process, please contact AYY’s organisation sector preferably by e-mail at

3. KY-Spex 2012: “Luojan tähden, paetkaa!” – still time to see the performance!

This week, you have the last opportunity to see the hugely popular KY-Spex 2012 in Helsinki! Performances are in Finnish and will be held in the culture arena Gloria on Wed, 29 Feb, Thu 1 March and Fri, 2 March, at 7pm. Come and find out what is going on in the remote village of Taka-Pirula, the performance offers incredible acting, hilarious omstarts and, naturally, mellifluous singing and breathtaking dancing!
Tickets cost €12 for students and €15 for others. The easiest way to buy tickets is online at
See you at Gloria!

4. Bachelor, network on AlumniNET

You do not have to be a master to be an alumnus, Aalto University Alumni Relations welcomes all bachelor graduates at Aalto to AlumniNET! International degree and exchange students are also welcome to join AlumniNET.
As an alumnus, you get invitations to alumni events, information about our services and the alumni newsletter of your own university. It is worth joining as only by registering you are up-to-date on the latest news of alumni activities and the university. Alumni activities are arranged for all alumni from bachelors to grandparents.
You can join here. Further information: alumni(at)

5. Family Friendship Program for international students

Aalto University Alumni Relations connects alumni and international students through Family Friendship Program. The program will be launched officially later this year, but if you are interested in meeting with Aalto University alumni and his/her family before that, please contact

6. AIESEC work abroad programme

Are you looking for international experience? AIESEC Aalto offers opportunities of internships abroad which focus on professional development and cross-cultural understanding.
The programme offers: Expert internships- The duration will be from half a year up to one year. Globe internships- The duration will be from 6 weeks up to 3 months in the summer.
The deadline for applications is 9 March 2012. Online application at
Info Session is on Friday, 2 March 2012 at 4pm in Pieni Puoli, KY Building, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B, 3rd floor.
For more information please contact AIESEC Aalto Outgoing Exchange:

7. Upcoming sports courses and tournaments

  • MARTIAL SKILLS IN TAIDO CORE course, the course has started on 20 Feb but you can still participate.

Also remember SELL Games in Otaniemi on 17-20 May. Read about the schedule and sports here

Aalto University students’ registration

8. Apply for volunteer work in a sports event in Spain

European University Sports Association (EUSA) is looking for volunteers for the first
EUSA Student Games multisport event on 13-23 July 2012 in Cordoba (Spain)!
Further information and application instructions.

9. News from Aalto Career Services

Internship grants:
Are you looking for an internship abroad and wondering how to finance it? Aalto University degree students in CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI and Architecture can apply for travel, internship and Erasmus placement grants from Aalto Career Services. More information about internships abroad, grants and application instructions can be found in Aalto CareerWeb. Please note that exchange students are not eligible to apply grants and you cannot apply for grants for an internship in your home country!

Are you looking for an interdisciplinary summer job?
The application period for MURJOTTELU internships is open and lasts until 1 March. You can apply for the internships on our website in Aalto CareerWeb,