Weekly Newsletter 12/2012

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 12/2012

For your prior information: weekly and association newsletters will be on Easter holiday on weeks 14 and 15. Therefore, the association newsletter will NOT be published on Good Friday, 6 April, and the weekly newsletter will NOT be published on Monday, 8 April.

Have a nice week!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Apply for the operating grant and fill out the association notice by 1 Apr
  3. DL for the cheaper SELL games registration on 20 March – hurry to register!
  4. 2nd application round of TTE-Fund in 2012, DL Sun, 1 Apr
  5. Rental agreements for AYY’s housing may be drafted remotely from now on
  6. Keys for AYY’s housing locations in Helsinki handled in Töölö
  7. ACHOO!! Sneeze! The pollen season is about to begin. Come in early for an easy renewal of your prescription
  8. Students’ design capital year project World Student Capital 2012 will be opened on 23 March at Korjaamo
  9. Aalto Design Factory Open Doors
  10. Masters of Aalto 2012 – Performers wanted for MoA Slam 12
  11. Julkku deals 2012
  12. Sales applications for Lasipalatsi Design Markets to continue until 31 March
  13. Basic course of security officers
  14. Funding available for international student projects
  15. News from Aalto Career Services
  16. Meet Employers at Talent Talks Matchmaking Event


1. This week’s events

2. Apply for the operating grant and fill out the association notice by 1 April

AYY allocates the operating grant to the associations entered in the first register of the association list. The association notice can be submitted and the operating grant can be applied for by filling out the online form starting on Thursday, 1 March 2012.  The application period will end on 1 April 2012.

Please remember that even if your association does not apply for financial operating grant, the association notice form must be filled out annually.

Further information
The allocation grounds for the operating grant
Scoring model

If you have any feedback or questions about the application process, please contact AYY’s organisation sector preferably by e-mail at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi.

3. DL for the cheaper SELL Games registration is 20 March – hurry up!

SELL Student Games is a traditional, international student sporting event hosted in 2012 by Aalto University Student Union and Aalto University Sports Club. The games will be arranged in Espoo, Otaniemi, on 17-20 May. The series for popular sports, such as football and basketball fill up soon, so act now!

REGISTRATIONS: 20 March/ 25 April/ 11 May with an electronic form.

Aalto University team leader is Heidi Heiskanen (heidi.heiskanen@ayy.fi) Important! Please report your name, sport and date of birth to the contact person, as well as your possible records/level. Please also mention your need for accommodation and submit your photo to the contact person (photo for the game pass).

SPORTS: Basketball, volleyball, football (7 vs 7), salibandy, ultimate (5 vs 5), frisbee golf, judo, fencing, tennis, chess, badminton, orienteering, swimming and athletics.

ENTRY FEE: Unisport supports the participation of Aalto University students! The fee is only €40/person/3 day, if the registration is made before 20 March 2012 (25€/person/2 days, 10€/person/1 day)!

Entry fee includes:

  • participation right for competitions and additional events
  • meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • HSL regional ticket during the games

Mattress accommodation can be booked separately at the price €5/person/day.

Www.sell2012 and www.facebook.com/sell2012

Welcome to Otaniemi in the spring of 2012!

4. 2nd application round of TTE-Fund in 2012, DL Sun, 1 Apr

The second application round of TTE-Fund in 2012 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and  make other people excited. You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of €300 whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2012 will end on Sunday, 1 Apr 2012, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: http://tter.ayy.fi/hae-avustusta/

The third application round will be organised in the autumn of 2012. The continuous application for the spring will be open until the end of May! See further information on TTE-Fund website at http://tter.ayy.fi/.

5.  Rental agreements for AYY’s housing may be drafted remotely from now on

It is now possible to draft rental agreements remotely: the rental agreement can be sent to the resident via e-mail. In this case, a personally signed rental agreement must be resubmitted to AYY’s Housing Office by mail (Address: Housing Office/AYY, PL 69, 02150 Espoo) or as a scanned e-mail attachment in PDF format.

The rental agreement must be signed before the keys are handed over to the resident and the housing can begin. The rental agreement may still be signed personally at AYY’s Housing Office in Otaniemi.

Family housing rental agreements must include the signatures of both persons moving to the apartment. If the partner moving to the family apartment is not AYY’s member, the copy of the partner’s identification or birth certificate must be submitted together with the signed rental agreement. In this way, AYY can ensure that the family apartment has been applied for based on relevant grounds.

The applicant submits the rental agreement to AYY by mail or e-mail at their own risk. AYY is not responsible for any delay in the processing of rental agreements which are sent to the wrong address.

More specific instructions are available on AYY’s website in the rental agreement section.

Contact information of AYY’s Housing Office.

6. Keys for AYY’s housing locations in Helsinki handled in Töölö

Returning and handing over the keys to all housing locations of Aalto University Student Union in Helsinki has been transferred to Töölö Service Point (Runeberginkatu 14-16). Töölö Service Point is open on Mon-Thu between 10.30am–2.30pm.

Keys can be returned directly to the service point. When the service point is closed, the keys can be returned to the caretaker at the information desk of the School of Economics. If the keys are returned to the caretaker, they must be enclosed in an envelope and include the person’s name and accurate information about the apartment for which the keys belong. The letter must be addressed to AYY’s Töölö Service Point. The keys must always be returned by 12noon on the first working day following the expiry date of the rental agreement.

Keys can be collected from the service point during its opening hours. You will need your identification and a signed rental agreement. If the rental agreement begins or ends on Friday, you must agree in advance with AYY’s Housing Office about the collection or returning of the keys.

The recommended way to change the keys is to do it directly with the previous resident. Instructions and the required forms for changing the keys with the previous resident are available at AYY’s Housing Office (contact information).

Keys to all housing locations in Espoo (Otaniemi and LeppĂ€vaara) will be handled as previously through AYY’s Housing Office (Otakaari 11).

Contact information of Töölö Service Point.

Further information:
Housing Specialist asiantuntija Jaakko Koivula (firstname.surname@ayy.fi, tel. 055 520 9444)

7. ACHOO!! Sneeze! The pollen season is about to begin. Come in early for an easy renewal of your prescription

Hay fever theme day on Monday, 26 March 2012

  • FSHS, Otaniemi unit from 12noon to 2 p.m.
  • FSHS, Töölö unit from 12noon to 2.30 p.m.

During the hay fever theme day, you will be able to meet with a doctor to renew your prescription, advance appointment is not required. In addition, you can get information about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments. All the visiting hay fever patients will receive an inquiry concerning their symptoms so that their medication can be made more effective or changed, if necessary.

8. Students’ Design Capital Year project World Student Capital 2012 to be launched at Korjaamo on 23 March

The opening ceremony of World Student Capital year will be arranged at Culture Factory Korjaamo at 3pm on 23 March. The year will be opened by the Mayor of Helsinki Jussi Pajunen. The programme includes a panel discussion ”Student as a city resident” and a solution workshop demo on the topic ”From warehouses to apartments  – changing buildings into residential use”. The chair of the jury, Project Manager Mikko Toivonen (Helsinki Education and Research Area) will open the idea contest New Forms of Student Housing. Regina, Zebra and Snake and dj Erkko will perform in the WSC club that will begin at 8pm.


9. Aalto Design Factory Open Doors

  • Venue: Betonimiehenkuja 5 C
  • Date: 20 March 2012
  • Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm
  • For whom: Aalto students and faculty, Aalto’s partners.

“Just another day at ADF”

You are most welcome to look, feel, smell and taste what’s a normal day at ADF. Obviously, the students of Aalto are having the leading role as always, and our faculty will provide you guided tours. During lunch hours the Pizza Factory is operating at full speed. You can co-create your own pizza with the help of an authentic Italian pizza chef with just a couple of euros.

Factory doors are open – come, see and do!

10. Masters of Aalto 2012 – Performers wanted for MoA Slam 12

Are you passionate about your thesis/ research work and cannot wait to share it with others? Is there a hidden entertainer in you that urges to come out? Can you explain your topic so that it even gets your kitty excited? Then join us with your contribution at MoA Slam!

  • What? MoA Slam 2012
  • When? 16 May 2012
  • Where? MoA 12 exhibition hall (JĂ€tkĂ€saari, Helsinki)

MoA Slam is a collaboration between ScienceSLAM and Aalto University’s “Masters of Aalto 2012” festival to promote fun and creativity in science. The event is organized as a playful open-stage competition of short scientific presentations. The length of each contribution is maximum 10 minutes. Performers can come from all Aalto schools and departments. The medium of presentation is free and can range from a more traditional talk, to a dance choreography or self-composed song. Only your creativity is the limit! Everything is allowed to convince the audience of your topic. The winning contribution will be rewarded with the “MoA Slam 2012″ award and 500€ prize money. The language of the event is English.

If you want to participate with your contribution at MoA Slam 2012, then contact moa@scienceslam.fi! Deadline for applications is the 13.4.2012. More information on the event and how to apply can be found on www.scienceslam.fi/moa-slam-2012.

11. Julkku deals 2012

The spring is here again and Julkku magazine with its editorial office is waking up from hibernation.  When the May Day approaches, it is also the time for Julkku.

Advance deals for Julkku sales can be made in the main building of the School of Science and Technology in Otaniemi on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 12noon-2pm until 24 Apr. When you make the deal, you receive money, sales bag (Marimekko shoulder bag) and the greatest t-shirt of the spring. In addition, you are invited to Julkku’s publishing gala and the VIP event before the gala. Whether you are alone or with your friends, make the best decision of May Day and start to sell Julkku!

Our deals are as follows:

magazines | bags | shirts | money

  • 400 | 4 | 4 | 1100€
  • 200 | 2 | 2 | 500€
  • 100 | 1 | 1 | 225€
  • 50   | 0 | 1 | 100€

Further information on deals and sales: http://julkku.fi/myy and questions concerning deals to esa-pekka.raisanen@julkku.fi.

12. Sales application for Lasipalatsi Design Markets event to continue until 31 March

Lasipalatsi Design Markets will be organised at Lasipalatsi Square in Helsinki on 1-4 Aug 2012. The event is a presentation and sales event of young designers that will gather interesting brands under the large white tent. The event is organised by a cultural cooperative society Kick! And Lasipalatsi Media Cenre Ltd.

Do you design and make handicraft or design products? Are you a young designer? Do you mainly sell your products online or occasionally in various stores but need more visibility? Lasipalatsi Design Markets is looking for men’s, women’s and children’s clothes, shoes, jewellery, accessories, paper and interior design products and art handicraft suitable for selling at the design market event.

We are looking for designers who do not have established business yet. The event is national so also individual designers/teams outside the metropolitan area can apply. We want to support young designers and therefore we are not looking for designers who already have their own store or otherwise successful career. An individual designer or a team can rent a sales table.

Further information

13. Basic course of security officers 

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer!

After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

HÀmÀlÀis-Osakunta student nation will organise in cooperation with Turvakerroin Ltd and the University of Helsinki a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 26 March, 27 March, 28 March, 29 March and 31 March. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on those days. You must participate every day! The course will be held in Finnish.

The course price for students is only 66 euro! The course wil be organised if there are enough participants. Please sign up at: tuomo.tarvainen@gmail.com.

14. Funding available for international student projects

Aalto student groups have the opportunity to apply for financial aid for projects promoting internationality. Applications must be sent no later than 31 March 2012 to international@aalto.fi. Projects must be designed and implemented by Aalto students, they must be interdisciplinary learning projects and support bachelor and master level studies alongside with credited studies. Further information from Inside and leena.plym-rissanen@aalto.fi

15. News from Aalto Career Services


  • Own areas of expertise – towards specific targets in the working life workshop (ECON)
    Wed, 21 March, 9am-12noon, School of Economics, Main Building, Hall A-305. Training will be held in Finnish.
  • Tips for making employment contracts and employment legislation training (ECON)
    Thu, 22 March, 9am-11am, School of Economics, Main Building, Hall A-201. Training will be held in Finnish.

Read more & sign up at CareerWeb.

16. Meet Employers at Talent Talks Matchmaking Event

Thursday, 29 MARCH 2012 at 13.30 – 18.30
Innopoli 2, Tekniikantie 14, Otaniemi

Talent talksÂź are structured, face-to-face networking events where ambitious companies & organizations can connect with professionals who aim high. The event is aimed at professionals and soon-to-be graduates and will be held in English. Event is free of charge but registration is required by 21 March.

Programme and registration details