AYY new Housing Regulations come into force 1 June

AYY’s Representative Council has approved the new AYY Housing Regulations in their meeting on 14.5.2013. The Housing Regulation guides all AYY housing services and will affect all members applying for apartments from AYY or living in AYY apartments already.

The new regulations will come into force on 1 June 2013. They will therefore influence how first year students can apply and get apartments during the coming fall. AYY.fi webpages will be updated shortly to accommodate the new regulations.

The new Housing Regulations

The new regulations on scoring the housing applications


How do the new regulations come into force?

All old applications will retain their old points in the housing queues. Applications made after 1 June will be scored according to the new regulations. The housing queues will therefore have both new and old applications at the same time for a while. For most queues the point regulations have actually stayed effectively same.

The new regulations will come into force 1 June. The most benefical reading for the tenant of either the new or old regulations will always be used for contracts signed before this date.

The new regulations will apply in entirety to all contracts signed after 1 June.

The queue for furnished apartments will be created later during the fall. At this moment it is not possible to apply for furnished apartments, because the first time any furnished apartments will be vacant next is in January 2014.


Major changes in the regulations

  • If you accept a housing offer, all your applications will be removed from all the housing queues
    • But you can return two applications back to their old places in the queues, by informing the Housing Office no later than one month after acceping the housing offer
      • When an application made before 1.6. is returned to the queue, the points will be calculated again. Therefore the position of the application in the queue may change.
    • You can also now reject a housing offer without losing any other applications
  • Family and friend agreements made more equivalent
    • If a tenant leaves from from a family or friend apartment, AYY will now terminate the lease according to Finnish act on residential leases (3/6 month notice period)
    • Earlier friend agreements could be terminated by single tenant with 1 month notice period
  • Everyone can now apply to Teekkari Village studio apartments without restrictions
  • Urgent need of accommodation points are no longer granted to any other queues, than shared apartment queues
  • Waiting time before changing between AYY apartments
    • When you move into AYY apartment, you can’t change apartment to another same kind of AYY apartment, before first living 6 months in the first apartment
    • When you move into AYY apartment, you can’t change into another AYY apartment at all, before first living 2 months in the first apartment.
  • Postponement of moving date cannot be granted anymore on the basis of impending graduation alone
    • Now you need also some other reasons (move into another country for example) for to be granted a postponement of movement date

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