New Queues for AYY Furnished Apartments

AYY’s furnished apartments have been created their own apartment queues in the Campus system. Exchange students are priority when offering furnished apartments. Furnished apartments will only be offered to degree students, if there are apartments left after offering the apartments to exchange students.

Furnished apartments are rented out with fixed term contracts, with maximum duration of one year. This way AYY can be sure to always have furnished apartments available for new exchange students at the beginning of school terms.

Apartments offered through the queues of furnished apartments will next become available on the 1.1.2014. Exchange students who wish to get a furnished AYY apartment for the spring term should apply before 15.11.2013. At that date AYY will receive lists directly from the university on incoming exchange students and accept the applications into the queue. The order of the applications made by exchange students before 15.11.2013 will be randomized. All applications made after 15.11.2013 will be accepted into the queue immediately, but they will be lower on the queue than all the applications made before 15.11.2013.

Applications of incoming exchange students will not be accepted before 15.11.2013. They will wait approval until AYY receives the lists from the Aalto University.

For the year 2014, furnished apartments situated in Helsinki will mostly be offered to students designated by the Aalto BIZ.

See also: /wp-content/uploads/asumisen_pisteytys_A4-ENG.pdf

Comments and questions can be addressed to the Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (

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