Weekly newsletter 18/2017

May Day is over, but the party doesn’t stop! AYY’s associations are offering plenty of events and activities for all tastes also this week, from zombies to culinary events!

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote


  1. Changes in the opening hours of the Otaniemi service point starting from the 2nd of May
  2. Invitation to the next AYY Studies council meeting
  3. The AYY Annual Ball week starts on Monday, the 15th of May!
  4. AYY Herring Brunch
  5. Interested in development cooperation? Application open for SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation
  6. Join us at World Dinner
  7. Humans vs Zombies in Otaniemi on the 4th and 5th of May
  8. Montaasi is giving out free tickets to Espoo Ciné’s cinema screenings
  9. KYN is looking for new enthusiastic singers!
  10. IDBM Impact – Exploring interdisciplinarity, May 19th
  11. Polijazz dance crash courses
  12. Heart Campus Campaign – share your story!
  13. Workshops to help with stress management
  14. The Self service has been improved – update your contact information!
  15. Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking competition June 2-4
  16. A:Space cafe opening again 3.5.2017 at Otaniemi mall!
  17. Support and guidance for Finnish working life – apply to Aalto University mentoring programme!
  18. Apply now for summer internship opportunity in Greek: Human Resources for Unesco in Piraeus


Week 18

2.5. Tieto GenT Trainee Program application period ends!


3.5. Ristin kilta: Bible Quiz



1. Changes in the opening hours of the Otaniemi service point starting from the 2nd of May

The Otaniemi service point is open from 12:00 to 16:00 starting on Tuesday, the 2nd of May. The service point contact information and information on exception hours can be found at: /yhteystiedot/#Otaniemi


2. Invitation to the next AYY Studies council meeting

Hey student, interested in student health and well-being? Pondering on equality, thinking of how to help well-being and alleviate stress for yourself and people around you? How could the heightened risk for burn-out of students be eased? AYY, Aalto and FSHS have undertaken a large array of surveys concerning student health and well-being, and the data has both positive and worrying news regarding the health of students. It is time to make that data work!

Welcome to join AYY’s open Social policy council and Studies council meeting on the 10th of May to discuss and solve problems pertaining to the subject. The meeting is held at Otakaari 1, at the Deloitte-hall (U119) between 16:00 and 18:00. We have an expert present, along with a presentation into the subject by AYY, so you do not need previous information on the subject to participate. Interest in the subject and willing to increasing the equality and health of students is enough!

Sign up by 9th of May with the link attached, so we can prepare the right amount of refreshments.



3. The AYY Annual Ball week starts on Monday, the 15th of May!

AYY’s Annual Ball week is more magnificent than ever this year. Make the most of the week and join all the different events! Read more at www.vuosijuhlat.fi

Outdoor Cinema Evening at the Alvar Aalto Square on the 15th of May

Come and kick off the AYY Annual Ball celebrations with some grilling and music at the Alvar Aalto Square from 20:00 onwards. After the sun sets, we’ll fire up a movie with the help of our friends at Kino Sheryl. Be sure to bring some blankets and good company with you for a different kind of movie experience!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/219265381890076/

Aaltositsit on the 17th of May

Have you been longing for some more interdisciplinary action for the spring season? Now you have a one-of-a-kind chance to hide yourself behind your favorite mask for the evening and get to know to some new and old friends. All this with a little hint of interdisciplinary sitsit! Ticket sales start on the 3rd of May at www.bailataan.fi!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1675165499178986/

AYY 7th Annual Ball on the 20th of May

Come celebrate the 7th anniversary of our student union! This year, the party will kick off with a cocktail party at Otakaari 1 at 15:00. The Annual Ball proper will be held at the restaurant Caruzello, situated at the LinnanmÀki amusement park, starting at 18:00. The dinner will consist of a sumptuous three-course meal and excellent program. Signup is open until the 2nd of May at https://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/ilmoittautuminen/

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1866988743517378/

AYY 7th Annual Ball afterparty on the 20th of May

The AYY 7th Annual Ball afterparty will start at the Urban Mill (Betonimiehenkuja 3 E) after the dazzling Annual Ball! The party will begin at 22:00 and will continue nearly until the break of dawn with spectacular live music and company. Whether you spent the evening at the Annual Ball or elsewhere, the night’s best afterparty will be found at the Urban Mill! Tickets: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/906689c8-9e2e-4a75-b7ab-7ba9be95dd95

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/304703596617139/

AYY 7th Annual Ball Herring Brunch on the 21st of May

AYY’s 7th Annual Ball week will culminate at the Herring Brunch held at Servin Mökki (JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 4) on Sunday, the 21st of May, starting at 12:00. Join us at the carnivalistic Smökki to recover from the sparkling Annual Ball week, and come experience the magic of the carnival with delicious food, drink and program. You definitely don’t want to miss this! Tickets: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/906689c8-9e2e-4a75-b7ab-7ba9be95dd95

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1623648914330291/


4. AYY Herring Brunch

AYY’s 7th Annual Ball week will culminate at the Herring Brunch held at Servin Mökki (JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 4) on Sunday, the 21st of May, starting at 12:00. Join us at the carnivalistic Smökki to recover from the sparkling Annual Ball week, and come experience the magic of the carnival with delicious food, drink and program. You definitely don’t want to miss this!

You can sign up for the Herring Brunch at www.vuosijuhlat.fi between the 19th of April and the 18th of May 2017. If the event is not sold out, it is also possible to buy tickets at the door on the brunch day.

WHAT: The Herring Brunch
WHERE: Servin Mökki
WHEN: 21st of May, 12:00–18:00
WHY: Because AYY 7 years and bacon
PRICE: 15 €

We welcome you to end the Annual Ball week with style!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1623648914330291/


5. Interested in development cooperation? Application open for SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation

We are looking for people with lots of ideas who are committed and motivated to join the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU) of SYL. With 15 member associations and 135,000 university students, SYL is Finland’s largest interest and service organization for university students. The Development Cooperation Advisory Board advises SYL’s Executive Board on development cooperation and administers SYL’s development cooperation projects together with the Coordinator for Development Cooperation. If you’re interested in applying to KENKKU as a representative of AYY for the next academic year, please send your application at the latest on the 11th of May 2017, by 16:00, to international@ayy.fi. Call for applications: /en/blog/2017/04/26/interested-in-development-cooperation-application-open-for-syls-advisory-board-for-development-cooperation/


6. Join us at World Dinner

AYY’s International Section, Mosaic, brings to you once again the ever-so-popular World Dinner.

World Dinner remains the perfect opportunity to meet new people, enjoy exotic delicacies and show off your cooking skills. Joining this experience is simple: sign up through the Google form, cook something delicious to serve and come to Smökki to enjoy the treats made by others. You can participate in the event individually, but the easiest way is to gather a group of 2-4 people and cook a large meal together (meaning at least as much as your group together would eat).

See you there!

WHAT: World Dinner
WHEN: Thursday, 04 May 2017, 18.00-21:00
WHERE: Smökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4, 02150 Espoo
WHY: Enjoy great food from all around the globe!

Sign-up form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UX5L2L-bwyogNLQ80JWlS6ithXvFM4wXrQ5N9NEaXnY/viewform?edit_requested=true


7. Humans vs Zombies in Otaniemi on the 4th and 5th of May


The zombie virus is spreading! Does humanity have any chance against the ever-growing zombie horde? This year, the virus emerges from the labs of the rich elite. “They” created it to make people their brain dead slaves who work endlessly and contaminate more humans. Can the humans prevent this vicious plan or will the world turn into a giant factory to create more capital for the rich?

Humans vs. Zombies is a moderated game of tag where zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging human players. The game also includes various tasks to make it more interesting. Teamwork is the key to success, so meeting new people is guaranteed.

The game is completely free of charge and happens in Otaniemi 24/7 on the 4th and 5th of May. On Sunday, we will organize a closing sauna for debriefing and prize-giving.

More information, rulest, etc. at the FB event https://www.facebook.com/events/1099197960185814/

Signup at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/human-vs-zombies-spring-2017/

Join the game, invite your friends and let’s ruin the plans of the mysterious elite!


8. Montaasi is giving out free tickets to Espoo Ciné’s cinema screenings

The Espoo CinĂ© Film Festival will be held between the 5th and 14th of May 2017, and Montaasi has picked five interesting films from the festival program. We will be giving out free tickets to these films’ screenings for Montaasi members and for people that want to join Montaasi. Maximum two tickets per person.

More information on the movies and signup instructions:



9. KYN is looking for new enthusiastic singers!

The spring 2017 auditions will be held on:

Tueday, the 16th of May 2017, at 18:00–21:00

Registration no later than Friday, the 12th of May

Aalto University School of Business, Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki

You can sign up for the auditions by sending an email to koelaulut(a)kyn.fi. Please sign up by Friday, the 12th of May. Write “Koelaulut/Auditions” on the subject line and give us a free-form description about your musical and singing background. Please also provide your contact information. We will reply with more information on the auditions!

We will test your basic musical skills, such as ear for music, sense of rhythm, note reading and polyphonic voices.

KYN is made up of young women of different ages and with different educational backgrounds, and this year you have the chance to add your voice to our choir. KYN is one of the leading female choirs in Finland, and it has broken musical boundaries and brought new Finnish jazz into the choir field, among other things. Our repertoire is diverse, and the choir is well-known for its vibrant timbre reminiscent of a vocal ensemble.

For more information about us, visit our website:

http://www.kyn.fi/ and our FB page http://facebook.com/kynchoir


10. IDBM Impact – Exploring interdisciplinarity, May 19th

Here is something to consider after you have recovered from Wappu:

The IDBM community warmly invites you to IDBM Impact, a one-day conference exploring opportunities of interdisciplinary collaboration for creating real-world impact – May 19 in Valkoinen Sali, Helsinki.

Join us for discussion-sparking, interactive panels, as well as, insightful innovation project pitches. Together with thought leaders from Futurice, Holvi, Tieto, ABB and Aalto University we will explore how interdisciplinary collaboration opens new ways to shape the future.

Find more info and tickets at idbm-impact.com. Be fast, there are only a couple of student tickets left.


What: IDBM Impact

You get: Smart people, insightful discussions, great fun.

When: May 19, 2017 from 9:30 to 17:30

Where: Valkoinen Sali, 16-18, Aleksanterinkatu, Helsinki

Tickets: https://idbmimpact.eventbrite.com


11. Polijazz dance crash courses

Polijazz is organizing crash courses on rock and swing dancing in April and May – come join us and learn three new partner dances in three nights!

Mon 24th April at 16–18, Rockabilly
Fri 28th April at 19–21 Fusku
Mon 8th May at 16–18 Boogie woogie

Price 25e/student

More information and signup instructions can be found at the Facebook event in the Polijazz Facebook group.


12. Heart Campus Campaign – share your story!

Aalto’s history is filled with great stories. What is your story, or perhaps your best vappu memory from this student community? Share a story and show your support!
From the Heart Campus you can read student Rosa NylĂ©n’s, Professor Kalevi “Eetu” Ekman’s, children’s book author Linda Liukas’ and Professor Esa Saarinen’s stories. http://heart.aalto.fi  #heartcampus #aaltouniversity


13. Workshops to help with stress management

Tired? Overworked? Come and join our workshops, where we increase the skill to recognize indicators of stress and get acquainted with stress management skills.

Tietoinen lÀsnÀolo ja stressi (Conscious presence and stress), Monday 8th of May 2017, 13:00-16:00, Otakaari 1, Majakka (M140), the workshop is held in Finnish, signups opintopsykologi@aalto.fi, info https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24327758

Mindful approach to stress, Friday May 12th 2017 at 9:00-12:00, Otakaari 1, Majakka (M140), in English. Sign up by e-mail opintopsykologi@aalto.fi  more information https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindful+approach+to+stress


14. The Self service has been improved – update your contact information!

We have improved the Self service based on the feedback received from students.

Start using the Self service now and update your contact information. Also remember to choose how you want to receive notifications from the service (via SMS or email).


Also check out the video!


15. Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking competition June 2-4

Hitchball 4000 is a weekend-long adventure during which teams of two people hitchhike across Finland and neighboring countries and complete fun challenges along the way. A GPS tracking system allows fellow competitors, friends, worried relatives and random drivers to follow the race and the progress of their favorite team in real time.

The winner is the team that with a cunning tactic collects the most points from checkpoints located in iconic and absurd places all over the country, and gets back in time as well. The winning team will get to decorate their home with the Hitchball 4000 Cup – to which its name will be engraved – for one year. In addition to the main prize, one team will be awarded with the Spirit of Hitchball award, with separate criteria.

“Hitchhiking as an experience is one of a kind. Our eyes were opened, the faith in humankind was restored and our goal was reached by being totally at the mercy of strangers, and the resulting feeling is, as said by so many others after the experience, awesome.”

Where is the world’s largest reindeer statue? What’s in Napue Gin? Is Santa Claus real? To find out, find yourself a team mate of the opposite gender and take a leap of faith to the next level! The most exciting and eye-opening weekend of your summer is gonna be on June 2nd-4th and registration is open through www.lyyti.fi/reg/hb4000. Registration is filling up quickly and will end latest on May 5th, so be quick!

The rules and more information about the race: http://www.hitchball4000.fi/

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1951180235109657/

Joining us on the road: our fantastic sponsors Sievo, Enoro, RELEX, ABB, Vaisala, Lyyti, Kyrö Tourism Board and Jounin Kauppa!


16. A:Space cafe opening again 3.5.2017 at Otaniemi mall!

A:Space cafe will open again 3.5.2017 at the Otaniemi mall by the legendary KynÀ ja Paperi! Especially good coffee as well as sweet and savoury snacks. KynÀ ja Paperi cafe open starting 3.5.2017 Mon-Fri 9-16.

KynÀ ja Paperi has reliably served the art supply needs of the students and staff of Aalto in Arabia since the 80s. KynÀ ja Paperi art supply store will open in A:Space in June and this special bond will continue.

Warm welcome!


17. Support and guidance for Finnish working life – apply to Aalto University mentoring programme!

Mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a student (mentee) you will get support and guidance how to face working life, especially in another culture, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build your network among a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Grab the chance for a great opportunity by 3 May: http://alumninet.aalto.fi/mentoring


18. Apply now for summer internship opportunity in Greek: Human Resources for Unesco in Piraeus

Still looking for a summer job? Want to have some work experience in business field? Passionate about working for NGOs? Then this is the opportunity for you.

What are you going to do?

Make a market research of which of subsidized programs in Europe and International Network

Create a plan of the ways of implementing the programs in the NGO

Research for international forums or events that find place and have common field with the NGO

More information here: https://opportunities.aiesec.org/opportunity/834445

Sign up and apply at: http://youth.aiesec.org/

Any other queries, please contact: ha2.nguyen@aiesec.net


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