Weekly newsletter 41/2017

The AYY Representative Council elections are held between the 30th of October and 8th of November 2017. All members of the Student Union who have signed up for attendance and paid their membership fee by the 15th of September 2017 are eligible to vote in the elections. If you have signed up for attendance and everything is in order, you will soon receive an email with instructions concerning the Representative Council elections and your right to vote.

Only by voting can you influence the direction of your Student Union for the next two years! Read more at: www.ayy.fi/vaalit


If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /yhdistystiedote



Week 41

11.10. Ristin kilta: Mission night

14.10. League of Legends & Counter-Strike Biweekly Tournament 1 /blog/events/league-of-legends-counter-strike-biweekly-tournament-1/


Week 42

18.10. Ristin kilta: Jari A. Jolkkonen – God’s dwelling in the Old and New Testament /blog/events/ristin-kilta-jari-a-jolkkonen-jumalan-asumus-vtssa-ja-utssa/

20.10. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen/

21.10. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution /blog/events/fyysikkospeksi-vive-sata-paivaa-vallankumoukseen-2/

21.10. Female Choir KYN & Panu Savolainen: Loitsut



  1. Exceptional opening hours at the Housing Office
  2. Representative Council Elections Lobby Debate on Oct 11th and Nov 1st
  3. New service for AYY members – a handy shared communal car now in test use in Otaniemi
  4. Companies in the Kotka-Hamina region are recruiting skilled professionals in Helsinki on the 13th of October
  5. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018
  6. AYY’s new fantastic cabinet and sauna facility in JĂ€tkĂ€saari
  7. Design contest: Aalto University Provost’s chain of office
  8. Learn how to influence the content of your studies!
  9. Servin Mökki’s kitchen training in October
  10. Take part in the Energy Saving Week!


  1. WC of Academic Quidditch on the 13th of October
  2. Aalto Amazing Race is here once again!
  3. Aalto ISM Annual Ball 14th of October
  4. Bordelli 27.10.2017
  5. Dash – the largest hackathon for design thinkers in Europe!


  1. After 5 years of waiting, the spex of Teknologföreningen is here!
  2. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution
  3. Welcome to movie club Tikelo’s info and movie night!
  4. Dipoli Living Room Exhibition, Oct 4-27


  1. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  2. Kiuas Team Up 27.-29.10
  3. Call for Idea Proposals on Online/Blended Learning, dl October 11th, 2017
  4. Sodexo’s customer satisfaction survey
  5. Welcome to the WALLS TALK? Seminar!
  6. Answer a student survey about entrepreneurship and innovation studies and make a difference in developing your university or UAS!





1. Exceptional opening hours at the Housing Office


The Housing Office is unloading the workload accumulated during September, and that is why the Housing Office has exceptional opening hours this week. The Housing Office located in Otaniemi is open from 12:00 to 14:00 on Monday 9th Oct–Friday 13th Oct. The telephone service is also open from 12:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Friday. You can reach us at 050 520 9410.

We have compiled a comprehensive information package about applying for apartments and living in AYY’s apartments on our website. If you have a housing-related question, you may very well find an answer for it from our Frequently Asked Questions:



2. Representative Council Elections Lobby Debate on Oct 11th and Nov 1st


How is the Otaniemi student center progressing? How are our membership fees spent? What direction is our Student Union going to in the next two years?

The Representative Council Elections for Aalto University’s Student Union AAY are coming, and the students are filled with questions regarding the community in the next few years. Come and meet the representatives of electoral coalitions face to face at the Lobby Debate and find out what the future holds.

The debates are held on the 11th of October and 1st of November at 11:00–14:00 at Otakaari 1! There are candidates from different electoral alliances present the whole time, and the debate will be held at 12:30–13:00. Come and join the discussion, because the Representative Council members are your voice in the student community!

Do you have a question that you would like to ask the electoral alliances in the debate? Send your question by using this form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/edustajisto/kaytavapaneelin-kysymyslomake/

Follow the event also on Facebook!  https://www.facebook.com/events/476490969401282/

3. New service for AYY members – a handy shared communal car now in test use in Otaniemi


Do you live or study in Otaniemi? The buses might not match your timetables all the time, and the metro is still silent
 But now you can use the shared communal car for AYY members!

Download the free Autonappi app, register to the service with your aalto.fi email address, input the registration code Aalto_student, and you can soon book a car for the time you need. Using the car costs 8 euros/hour for AYY members (up to a maximum of 38€/day) + 15 cents per kilometer. You can book the car for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 3 days.


Offer for new users!

Register by October 16th and there’s no hourly fee for the first two hours, you only pay 15 cents per kilometer.

Read more about the car and booking it on the AYY website: /en/students/services/


4. Companies in the Kotka-Hamina region are recruiting skilled professionals in Helsinki on the 13th of October


The supply and demand of labor don’t always meet. This mismatch is present in many countries, usually found between the metropolitan area and other regions. Young and well-trained job seekers typically believe that “all opportunities are found in the capital” or that “all true professionals live in the capital.” As the talented people slowly move out from these regions, they have to be tempted back through various campaigns. The Kotka-Hamina region development company Cursor will bring a busload of companies from the Kotka-Hamina region in need of new professionals to the middle of Helsinki on Friday, the 13th of October. We want to show that you can find bigger apartments, your dream job and interesting hobbies outside the Helsinki metropolitan area. In the Kotka-Hamina region, you don’t have to sit in the traffic or scrape by in a small apartment, and you can make use of your skills in internationally competitive companies.

Have you recently graduated or are about to graduate from a university or university of applied sciences and are looking for a job? At the Rekryrakkaus (“Recruitment Love”) event, you can talk your way to a job interview with a company on the very same day, so be prepared. You can come alone, with a friend or with the whole family to find out more about the work situation in the Kotka-Hamina region on the 13th of October at 11:00-17:00 in Sanomatalo in Helsinki.



5. AYY’s volunteer search for 2018


Next year is yet again full of numerous interesting and fun volunteer activities! The selection of volunteer of activities is really diverse, ranging from organizing events to advocacy work.  Find out more about the different activities and find the right one for you for next year at www.ayy.fi/stop! Also remember to follow the stories of volunteers and the recruitment process on AYY’s Facebook and Instagram pages.


7. AYY’s new fantastic cabinet and sauna facility in JĂ€tkĂ€saari


AYY’s new apartment building in JĂ€tkĂ€saari, Helsinki, was completed in early September. The new residents have moved to the apartments of Atlantinkatu 7, but other members also get the chance to enjoy the new premises and the surrounding landscape, as there is a spacious cabinet and sauna facility with a beautiful terrace located on the top floor of the house, which all members can rent at a members’ price. The space is perfect for sauna parties and meetings, and it can be rented between 16:00 and 23:00. The sauna is heated between 18:00 to 22:00.

For more information on the facility and terms of use regarding its rental, please visit /jasenille/palvelut/tilojen-vuokraaminen/saunat/atlantinkatu/

We accept reservations starting from the 10th of October, but you can make a reservation right now if you want to. The rent for the space is 200 euros for members and associations and 400 euros for external parties.


8. Design contest: Aalto University Provost’s chain of office


AYY invites all students to an open contest to design and create academic honors (a chain of office) for the Provost of the Aalto University. The chain is an academic honor worn in academic and state events by the Provost, such as in the opening ceremony of the Aalto University, the conferment ceremony and parades.

The design contest is open to all Aalto students, and you can participate alone or in teams of two. The aim of the contest is to design a modern chain of office that clearly depicts the values of Aalto and the Aalto spirit. Interdisciplinary design solutions are considered a plus.

The designs must be submitted electronically to the Secretary General of AYY by Monday, the 16th of October 2017 by 16:00. The winner of the design contest will receive a monetary reward of 1500 EUR. The panel of judges will also hand out awards for merit!

Find out more and participate! /blog/2017/09/19/suunnittelukilpailu-aalto-yliopiston-provostin-kaadyt/



9. Learn how to influence the content of your studies!


Listening to students is an important part of the curriculum process, and this autumn, all the degree programs are preparing a new two-year curriculum. AYY will organize a training session for students about the curriculum process, how to take part in the process and the basic concepts of the curriculum.

The training is especially useful for persons responsible for educational affairs in associations and the administration’s student representatives, but it is open to everyone interested!

More information about the training and registration can be found here:


More information: susanna.koistinen@ayy.fi (Specialist, Academic Affairs)


10. Servin Mökki’s kitchen training in October


Would you or your association like to organize a party at Smökki and make the food yourselves? Do you need help in using an institutional kitchen?

We have a solution for your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.

There are two training sessions held in October: on Tuesday, the 10th of October 2017, and on Monday, the 30th of October 2017. Both training sessions start at 18:00.

Sign up before 15:00 on the day before the training at the latest via this form:



11. Take part in the Energy Saving Week!


The nationwide Energy Saving Week is held between the 9th and 15th of October 2017 this year. AYY challenges all students and student organizations to celebrate the Energy Saving Week with the Aalto University and Aalto University Properties Ltd!

Below you can find some tips on how you or your association can take part in the Energy Saving Week:






12. WC of Academic Quidditch on the 13th of October


Aava organizes a quidditch tournament on Friday, the 13th of October, from 2 to 7 pm at Silkkiniitty. The goal is to find the best quidditch team in Finland and make the sport famous at once also here in the North. In the English-speaking world, this sport is already super popular among students.

24 fastest teams to sign in qualify for the tournament. Guilds and invited teams have their own quota, but the rest of the slots are up for grabs for your speedy squad, for example! We have designed the event to be as easy as possible for the players, and TTER, Sini-Siivoustarvikkeet and Klubbensport are our sponsors. Come witness the best sport atmosphere ever!

Info, registration and The Rules from links below

FB event https://www.facebook.com/events/117944458931370

Info site https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/huispaus/


13. Aalto Amazing Race is here once again!


Aalto Amazing Race is a wild, adventurous race aimed for Aalto first year students, where freshmen get to meet other Aalto students outside their own field of study. During the adventure, teams move forward by solving various puzzles and hidden clues while battling against time. A glorious afterparty event awaits those who make it to the finish line. The event is free of charge.

The participants are divided into cross-disciplinary teams by the organizers. If you want to, you can pick one friend to join your team. The race starts on Thursday, the 19th of October. Teams will be sent out with short intervals starting from 15:00 from Otaniemi, where they will gather their team and get the first clue.

The registration for the race will open on the 28th of September at 12:00 at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aalto-amazing-race-2017/. Registration closes on the 15th of October, and there is a limited number of slots for participants.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1845837985443442/



14. Aalto ISM Annual Ball 14th of October


This year Aalto ISM (Information and Service Management, previously Piste) is celebrating the whole decade of existence. We are commemorating this milestone by organising the Aalto ISM 10-year Anniversary Ball. We welcome you to join us in this celebration on 14th of October at 18:00. At the event, guests will enjoy delicious three-course dinner, interesting performances, and fun activities. Don’t miss your chance and join us!

Find more information about the event at our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1957334747882216/

And use this link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhQbsd6Vad2jJonLQuSaWpcrNkZLVd-9QkYjfdpN4d6T2WYg/viewform


15. Bordelli 27.10.2017


Smökki transforms into Bordelli on Friday, Oct 27th  just in time for the end of exam week.

Otaniemi’s Autumn ball, better known as Bordelli (Brothel), is the hottest party of the year! There’s a lot of talk of this party, but there exists no evidence of what really happens inside Smökki. Photographs are strictly forbidden throughout the event. The party has amazing performers. The dance floor is legendary. Sound and light system beyond imagination – the steamy Bordelli. You don’t want to miss this party!

Tickets sale starts at 4.10. More information in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1936891413195961


16. Dash – the largest hackathon for design thinkers in Europe!


Dash is a design-hackathon like no other! This weekend-long gathering of the brightest young talents is the largest design thinking hackathon ever organized in Europe. At Dash, we will focus on the design process at its purest, and pay extra attention to the research needed to create innovative and working solutions to the problems of today. Behind Dash is Aaltoes, the biggest and best known student organization for entrepreneurship (whose handywork also Slush and Junction initially are) together with Nuoret Designerit ry, the subject association of the department of design.

The event is 3rd to 5th November, and we’re taking applications until 15th October. Hop on board to find out what design thinking has to offer! www.thedash.fi




17. After 5 years of waiting, the spex of Teknologföreningen is here!


Welcome to the spex party of the decade! Teknologföreningen has its spex once again and this time you will learn what really happened when the USA launched its moonrocket Apollo 11 to the moon. Buckle up, you don’t want to miss this!


You can find more information at www.spexet.fi and you can keep yourself best updated by following us on Facebook. The price for students is 15 € and 25 € for adults. The sitsit afterwards (14.10 & 21.10) is 15€.



Shows in Finland:

  • 14.10 at 16  Helsinki, Conservatory, Ruoholahti
  • 20.10 at 18  Espoo, Louhisali hall
  • 21.10 at 16  Espoo, Louhisali hall
  • 4.11   at 16  Vaasa, Ritz


18. Fyysikkospeksi 2017: Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution


The premiere of the next Fyysikkospeksi is in less than two weeks, on the 19th of November! We are the only bilingual spex (interactive student musical) in the world with a show in English as well, i.e. this is the only chance in two years to see such a show without understanding Finnish or Swedish.

Vive! – One hundred days to Revolution takes the audience to the birth of the French Revolution. A young freedom fighter Vivienne arrives in Marseille, trying to spark a seed of rebellion in the oppressed townsfolk. Standing between her and the revolution, however, is chief constable Abel Const, the law and order of Marseille, and Jacques, a fetching long-time criminal.

The show in English is on Sunday, November 19th, and the shows in Finnish are on 20.10., 21.10., 31.10., 1.11., and 2.11. at Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12-14).

Tickets 12 e (balcony) / 15 e (students) / 20 e (adults) / 40 e (patrons). The cloakroom charge is included in the ticket price.


More information and tickets: www.fyysikkospeksi.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/115437959169942/


19. Welcome to movie club Tikelo’s info and movie night!

Tikelo is a movie club for all Aalto students, with a long tradition dating back to 1965. In the first event of the fall you will hear more about the movie club and about the range of activities that we organize.

After the introduction, it’s time for the movie! We will be showing you The Big Lebowski directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen. This cult classic with a fascinating plot is full of legendary characters and witty dialogue. The movie features great performances by a star-studded cast including Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Turturro.

In addition, we will serve White Russians, hamburgers and movie snacks. There will also be a possibility to put your bowling skills to test! The event and the refreshments are free of charge.

See you at YlÀkertsi on 9.10. at 18.00! https://www.facebook.com/events/2066845746872401/?fref=ts

WHAT: Tikelo info + The Big Lebowski
WHEN: 9.10. at 18.00
WHERE: YlÀkertsi, KY building 3. floor
HOW MUCH: 0 euros



20. Dipoli Living Room Exhibition, Oct 4-27


You are invited to contribute to the Dipoli Living Room, an accumulative exhibition project that grows across three weeks.

Bring along an object, publication, award or something else that represents your research. It will be installed in a domestic setting and presented to visitors alongside an information text.

Video and other digital content is also welcome for the Black Box screening space.

Curator Katie Lenanton will work on site from 12-16 daily, collecting objects and talking to their creators. She can be contacted at katherine.lenanton@aalto.fi.

You can also drop off items to the Dipoli Info Desk from 8am to 10pm.

At the conclusion of the exhibition, all items will be professionally photographed and returned to you.  All are welcome to nurture the exhibition together!




21. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower


The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students or other same-minded student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 23.59 on 12 Oct 2017 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/.


Nominations can be made by an individual, guild, association or by several people, guilds or associations.

More information on PTK is available at: http://ptk.ayy.fi/.


22. Kiuas Team Up 27.-29.10


Looking to get into entrepreneurship? Do you have an idea but need a team? Do you have a skillset you wish to use to build a startup?

Kiuas Team Up is a free event for anyone interested in startup entrepreneurship – whether it’s joining or creating a startup team. We aim to connect like-minded people from various educational backgrounds and provide you with the means to develop your idea into an actual business. With the assistance of professional coaching and diverse workshops from our partners, you can assemble your dream team and become the next big thing. You don’t need to be an expert or have a successful business idea to execute just yet, all you need is the mindset!

Kiuas Team Up will take place on the last weekend of October (27.-29.10) @Startup Sauna, after which the winning teams can advance to Aaltoes’ Kiuas Incubator program.

You can apply as a team or individually here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcBR4Ytr6Xurs6gHaMDwXpdcRok2_sCYbXgYikBzk0KrAPLQ/viewform

23. Call for Idea Proposals on Online/Blended Learning, dl October 11th, 2017


We call now for idea proposals from all Aalto people (faculty, program directors, researchers, staff, students) on online/blended learning. The best ideas will be selected and people involved invited to join the Aalto Online Learning – A!OLE Coaching Network. The network provides support on design, technology and pedagogy for you to realize the proposed idea in practice. After the evaluation of the ideas we can also discuss on funding to allow for full concentration on developing the idea to reality.

The idea proposals are continuously evaluated as they arrive until October 11th at noon, 2017, the final deadline for this round of proposals.

Please submit your idea by using the following form (CORRECTED LINK):




24. Sodexo’s customer satisfaction survey


We at Sodexo invite you to help us develop our service and quality. Answer our customer satisfaction survey at one of our restaurants or at www.iro.fi/sodexo/2017.

The survey is open between the 2nd and 13th of October. Everyone who has answered the survey at one of our restaurants has a chance to win a hotel gift certificate or movie tickets!


25. Welcome to the WALLS TALK? Seminar!

Architecture and urban planning play a significant role in people’s everyday lives, but is it visible in the media?

The focus of the seminar is on the media around architecture, different ways of communication, how will communicating architecture develop and what are its future possibilities. How is architecture visible in today’s society? Could architects communicate more and better about their work? Speakers representing different kinds of media will share their thoughts and give architects practical tips on how to get better visibility for their work.

Join us on 12th of October from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM at Rakennustieto’s RT-hall (Malminkatu 16, Helsinki). The event is organized by Opiskelija-SAFA, the student subsection of Finnish Association of Architects, together with Archinfo Finland. The seminar is part of the national Architecture student weekend festival ArkkitehtiopiskelijapĂ€ivĂ€t 2017. The seminar is open to all and free of charge.

See the speakers, programme and other information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/118201425528629



26. Answer a student survey about entrepreneurship and innovation studies and make a difference in developing your university or UAS!


Oletko osallistunut opintojesi aikana projekteihin, joissa kehitetÀÀn uusia asioita yhdessÀ työelÀmÀn kanssa? Oletko opiskellut yrittÀjyyttÀ? MitÀ olet oppinut ja mitÀ hyötyÀ olet saanut? Tukeeko korkeakoulusi yrittÀjÀmÀistÀ asennetta?

Kysely on osa kansallista Yrtti-hanketta, jonka tulokset julkistetaan vuonna 2018.

Hankkeen toteuttaa Kansallinen koulutuksen arviointikeskus (Karvi).

Kysely on auki lokakuun 2017 ajan osoitteessa: http://www.webropolsurveys.com/yrttisurvey.net



Have you participated in projects where you develop new things together with the working life during your studies? Have you studied entrepreneurship? What have you learned and gained? Does your university or UAS support entrepreneurial mindset?

The survey is a part of the national Yrtti project carried out by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre. The results will be published in 2018.

The survey is open in October 2017 at:


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