Weekly Newsletter 24/2018

The weekly newsletter will be on holiday from this week onwards, and it will return on the 20th of August. But even though the newsletter is taking a break, AYY and Otaniemi are very much alive also during the summer – check out item 6 for AYY’s service office’s opening hours during the summer, and mark down the date of the Smökki Afterwork, held in July (see item 12).

Have a fantastic summer!



  1. Applications for the renovated JÀmerÀntaival 5 B apartments open from the 12th to the 15th of June
  2. New insights for the Aalto community from China
  3. Retrieve your bike collected during the Junk Bike Collection before the end of the summer
  4. Take part in planning the Student Center by the 15th of June
  5. Share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies by the 31st of July
  6. Service office’s summer opening hours
  7. The weekly newsletter will return on the 20th of August, material instructions


  1. The Year of Arts blog series: 20 years of glorious metal at the heart of Otaniemi
  2. A shifting piece of art to be built next to VĂ€re
  3. Two new members needed for Kino Sheryl Oy’s Board


  1. DASH – Design + AI 16.6.
  2. Afterwork at Smökki on the 3rd of July


  1. Smökki Cup 2018
  2. Aalto 10K/5K are coming in September, sign up now!


  1. Join Aalto Squad – apply by 8.8.




1. Applications for the renovated JÀmerÀntaival 5 B apartments open from the 12th to the 15th of June

In June, a total of 34 apartments will be completed at JÀmerÀntaival 5 B, 30 of which are shared studio apartments. People can move in to the apartments starting from the 2nd of July.

The AYY Board has decided that all AYY’s members are given equal opportunity to apply for the JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 5 B apartments. Lots will be drawn to determine who gets an apartment.

The application process for the apartments differs somewhat from the usual:

– You can apply for the apartments between the 12th and 15th of June 2018.
– The place in the queue for all applications submitted within the deadline will be drawn by lot.
– The lots will be drawn within different score groups.
– After the 15th of June 2018, the applications will continue according to the normal queuing process.

A shared studio apartment is a cross between a shared apartment and a studio. Each tenant has a personal room with their own toilet/bathroom and a kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, freezer, oven and stove. Keeping the communal spaces clean and tidy is the responsibility of the tenants.

Read the application instructions: /en/housing/apartment-seekers/how-to-apply-for-housing/

Find out more about the apartments and send your application to us via Domo: https://domo.ayy.fi


2. New insights for the Aalto community from China

The Aalto University Student Union visited China in May to learn about the local university world and business opportunities.

Check out the AYY blog to find out what the Board learned on their trip and how the experiences in China will affect the Student Union’s operations in Finland: /blogi/2018/06/11/chinese-lessons-for-the-aalto-community/?lang=en


3. Retrieve your bike collected during the Junk Bike Collection before the end of the summer

The Otaniemi Junk Bike Collection came, saw and cleaned up!

All bikes in Otaniemi were marked with colorful bracelets in April. Bikes that still had the bracelet intact were collected at the end of May. If your bike was collected and you want it back, you have time until the start of September to retrieve it from storage against sufficient proof, such as a key that fits the lock of the bike.

Bike retrieval will be possible about once in every two weeks during the summer, and the exact dates will be announced on the Junk Bike Collection website and Facebook event. Please let us know that you’re coming at the latest on the previous day by filling out this form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/kampusjaosto/otaniemen-romupyorakerays/

All collected bikes that are in good condition will be sold in September. Then is your chance to buy yourself a working bicycle at an affordable price!

Website: /ylioppilaskunta/vapaaehtoistoiminta/jaostot/kampusjaosto/romupyorakerays/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/279134525956075/
Questions and inquiries regarding the collection: kampusjaosto@list.ayy.fi


4. Take part in planning the Student Center by the 15th of June

Take part in the development work of the Student Center on the opiskelijakeskus.fi website!

The opiskelijakeskus.fi website is now open! Check them out, browse the ideas and add your own. The Student Center is a joint venture by the Aalto University Student Union (AYY), the Aalto University Business Students (KY) and Teknologföreningen (TF). The plan is to create a building for all students on the Otaniemi campus, next to the metro station entrance and the Harald Herlin Learning Center.

A Student Center seminar was held in April 2018, , johon osallistui edustajia erityisasemayhdistysten puheenjohtajien neuvostosta, edustajistosta ja AYY:n jaostoista. The goal of the seminar was to brainstorm what kinds of facilities, functions and services the center could have.

The ideas gathered onto the opiskelijakeskus.fi website are results of the seminar. Anyone can browse the ideas, like them and add their own ideas. We will go through the most popular ideas on Friday, the 15th of June, with further planning in mind. So, visit the website and add your own top ideas. What would you want the Student center to have?

The Board members in charge of the Student Center are Emma Savela (real estate) and Noora Tanska (community). Both can be reached via their emails at firstname.surname@ayy.fi.



5. Share your ideas on AYY’s advocacy policies by the 31st of July

In what societal questions should Aalto people be especially active in? How should AYY react to subsistence, equality and sustainable development?

The Aalto University Student Union is updating its policy papers this year. At the same time, the current policy papers will be combined into a single document. The idea is to create a document that ensures that AYY’s advocacy work is transparent and in line with the members’ opinions.

By taking the survey, you can bring new issues and ideas to the policy paper preparation work: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vaikuttaminen/share-your-ideas-on-ayys-advocacy-policies/


6. Service office’s summer opening hours

AYY’s service office in Otaniemi will be open at exceptional hours during the summer:

– The office is closed on Midsummer Eve (Fri 22nd June) and between 9th July and 27th July (key distribution service for one-time rental facilities on Mondays between 14:00 and 17:00).
– The housing services’ telephone service is closed between Mon 2nd July and Wed 1st August.
– Exceptional opening hours of the cashier service: weekdays from 1st to 8th June 12:00–14:00, from 2nd to 6th July 12:00–14:00.

You can check the full opening hours and contact details of the service office on the AYY website: /yhteystiedot/#Otaniemi


7. The weekly newsletter will return on the 20th of August, material instructions

This is the last weekly newsletter of spring 2018.

The weekly newsletter returns on the 20th of August, week 34. The deadline for the material for the first newsletter of the fall is exceptionally on Monday, the 13th of August at 10:00. Dot down the dates if you know you have stuff to put in during August!

Send your pieces to tiedotteet@ayy.fi. Remember that the recommended length is 500 characters, with a maximum of 1000 characters (including spaces).




8. The Year of Arts blog series: 20 years of glorious metal at the heart of Otaniemi

Can you live without screeching guitars and double bass drum combos?

In the Year of Arts blog series, Metal Club MökÀ tells us about its activities as a herald of metal music and about the MökÀfest festival, held in Otaniemi in August.

Read to find out why metal music is art: /blogi/2018/06/05/year-of-art-20-years-of-glorious-metal-at-the-heart-of-otaniemi/?lang=en


9. A shifting piece of art to be built next to VĂ€re

Artist Gloria Lauterbach’s piece “Kreuzstrasse” has won the VĂ€re Wall Art competition, which sought for ideas for a piece of art on the 70-meter wall standing beside the new buildings, VĂ€re and the Business school. The contest was open for every student of Aalto University and garnered a total of 26 contestants.

The winning design won the jury with its strength. Lauterbach is a postgrad student at the School of Arts and Design.

“The copper roof, green with patina of the ages and the birch growing from within depict slow change”, Lauterbach opens her plan. There is a wish for a participatory part in the piece, which the artist will design later together with the Aalto University Student Union.

The jury also decided to award the second-place piece and give an honorary mention. The second place was “Piiri” by information technology student Emil Fihlman and Arts postgrad Mollu Heino. The honorary mention was awarded to “Aalto Shape Shifters” by Arts student Anna Björklund.

Read more: http://www.aalto.fi/en/current/news/2018-05-31-002/

VĂ€re Wall Art contest: http://wall-art.aalto.fi/
More information on art at the Aalto University: http://showcase.aalto.fi


10. Two new members needed for Kino Sheryl Oy’s Board

Kino Sheryl Oy is a movie theater owned by the Aalto University students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Its aim is to promote high-quality cinema and a diverse film culture.

In the Arthouse-inspired movie theater, we show both award-winning art films and new movies requested by the audience, collaborate with film festivals and provide film education for children.

Kino Sheryl’s Board meets about six times a year and is responsible for the company’s guidelines. As stated in the Limited Liability Companies Act, the Board is also responsible for overseeing the company’s operations and finances.

As a Board member, you get the chance to influence the Helsinki movie theater scene and promote a diverse film culture. We hope that our members are familiar with the screening of films, love movies and have experience in business or organizational activities.

Send your questions and applications to kino.sheryl@gmail.com no later than on the 21st of June 2018. Enter “Hallitus/Board” as the title of your email. Attach a freeform application + CV as a single PDF with the email.




11. DASH – Design + AI 16.6.

Interested in Design and AI – and how these two work together? Wanna meet with other design-minded people eager to discuss the topic?

Come to the DASH – Design + AI event on June 16th to brunch with us and hear more about the future possibilities of design from our inspirational speakers.

More info in Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/173712296679454/
Tickets here: https://holvi.com/shop/aaltoes16/product/6cd79ebbee3845c377438f0ff2eec0eb/


12. Afterwork at Smökki on the 3rd of July

The residents of Otaniemi have transitioned to a summer mode, each in their own way. Some withdrawal symptoms of the spring’s event mania can be observed. Hard-working or hardly working friends are nowhere to be found. What do?

The answer is obvious: let’s go to the wellbeing committee’s SmökkiAfterwork on the 3rd of July!

Gather all your friends regardless of their summer plans and come enjoy the sunny weather, a few drinks and great company on this Tuesday evening.

Pub Smökki has it all: world cup football, authentic PubQuiz and a lot more! Refreshments and snacks are available for a small cash fee.

What: Afterwork for the whole Otaniemi
When: On Tuesday, the 3rd of July, 17:00 onwards
Where: Smökki, JÀmerÀntaival 4
Why: Because it’s summer and time for an afterwork in good company!

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/172285916784689/

P.S. A volleyball tournament is also held alongside the afterwork by the AAVA’s sports committee. For more information, check out the newsletter’s item 11 and this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/394287647757015/




13. Smökki Cup 2018

The sun shines and the sand flies when the people in Otaniemi polish up on their beach volleyball skills. But who are the best players of them all?

The Sports Committee wants to find out once again this summer which is the toughest beach volleyball team in Otaniemi. The Sports Committee will organize the Smökki Cup on the 3rd of July on Smökki’s field, where beach pros compete with each other in a beach volleyball tournament.

The games are played around 18:00–21:00. So gather yourself a team and see who strikes the hardest!

The tournament is played among four-person teams, and participation in the tournament costs 8 € (2 €/player). In addition to a place in the tournament, teams will also receive four meal tickets that can be used to buy food at the official after-game party, the SmökkiAfterwork.

Teams participating in the tournament can bathe at Ossinsauna, which is just a short walk away from Smökki.

Tournament signup form: http://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/smokki-cup-2018-signup/
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/394287647757015/

There is room only for eight teams, so be quick!

WHAT: Beach volleyball tournament
WHERE: Smökki’s field
WHEN: 3rd of July at 18:00
AFTERPARTY: SmökkiAfterwork


14. Aalto 10K/5K are coming in September, sign up now!

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K sports day will be held on Sunday, the 16th of September 2018! You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice.

The event is free of charge for Aalto people.

Aalto 10K/5k is part of the Espoon Rantamaraton marathon event. The marathon and half-marathon will be run on Saturday, the 15th of September 2018.

WHEN: Sun, 16th of September 2018 between 11:00 and 15:00
WHERE: Otahalli and its surroundings in Otaniemi, Espoo act as the center for the event. All distances start from Otaniemenranta in Otaniemi, on the shore of Laajalahti.

Registration: https://www.rantamaraton.fi/aaltokymppi/ The registration ends on Sunday, the 9th of September 2018, at 23:59.

We are also looking for volunteers for the Aalto 10K/5K event. Volunteers may also participate on the marathons held on Saturday, the 15th of September for free.

More information on the event at Into: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=4857131




15. Join Aalto Squad – apply by 8.8.

Aalto Squad combines all the student ambassador activities in bachelor’s and master’s level in Finnish, Swedish and English. As a Squad member, you’ll get to promote Aalto with fellow students, staff members and prospective students.

We are looking for student ambassadors willing to help us with student recruitment and marketing, to share stories about their life and studies at Aalto on web and social media, and to promote Aalto and its programmes at various student recruitment events and school visits.

We will recruit about 20 students to work with us starting from September 2018. The Squad members are selected for one academic year.

As a member, you’ll receive a monthly compensation (€150), Aalto merchandise e.g. a sweater, and an iPad. Your travel costs are covered while presenting Aalto.

Apply by 8th of August 2018 via Webropol at http://tinyurl.com/aaltosquad2018 Applications will already be processed during the application period. In August, we will organize a group interview for selected candidates.

How does this sound? Contact us at admissions@aalto.fi if you have any questions!



This is the Aalto University Student Union weekly newsletter 24/2018. You can find news concerning AYY, its associations and sections in this newsletter, in addition to other useful information.

If you want your own piece to be a part of the weekly newsletter, send it in its finalized form to tiedotteet@ayy.fi by Thursday 10:00 if you want it out the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length is 1 000 characters.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at: /en/associations/association-newsletter

Do you want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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