Where to get help?


Welcome to AYY!

Hi, new student! A warm welcome to Aalto University – and of course to AYY, the Aalto University Student Union.

We have collected an information package on this page to help you get started with your student life. Keep in mind that you can always turn to AYY’s staff if you have any questions related to student life. You can find our contact information here.

See you in the autumn!


Student Union housing and services

The Aalto University Student Union owns apartments that are rented to Aalto University students.

First-year students and students moving from outside the Helsinki metropolitan area are given priority when distributing apartments. You can apply for an apartment as soon as you have received confirmation of being accepted to Aalto University.

When applying for an AYY shared apartment, first year students receive a so-called “freshman point” that gives them priority over students who have studied at Aalto for longer. To receive the point, you must apply for an apartment before the end of July or end of December, depending on when you are starting your studies.

Applying for an AYY apartment

Unfortunately, AYY cannot provide student apartments for all Aalto University students, so you should also look for a home through other channels. Check these out, for example:

Other services

In addition to apartments, AYY does advocacy work for its members and offers them various other services. For example, AYY members can rent sauna and meeting facilities and a van at very affordable prices.

You can find out more about AYY’s member benefits and services here.

The Otaniemi service office at Otakaari 11 helps you in housing matters and other issues related to the Student Union’s services. You can find the office’s opening hours here.

Associations and volunteering

There are more than 200 associations operating within AYY’s sphere of influence, from subject associations and guilds to sports clubs and hobby associations. If you want to continue your old hobby or start a new one, you can do it in the Aalto community!

Find out more about associations operating within AYY here.

You can also take part in the Student Union’s activities by working as a volunteer. AYY’s volunteers organize numerous events every year and work with international and corporate cooperation matters, among other things. Volunteers are the heart of AYY – by volunteering, you can have an impact on what the Student Union does and what it looks like.

Most of AYY’s volunteer recruiting takes place at the end of the year, in November–December, but the search for project-based tasks may be open also at other times. Follow AYY’s communications for example via Facebook.


Student financial aid and the student card

Student financial aid

Finnish student financial aid consists of the study grant, student loan and meal subsidy. You can also apply for general housing allowance separately.

Please note that unfortunately, international students are usually not eligible for student financial aid – see following links for details.


You can order your student card through the Frank service. Frank offers both a digital and a traditional, plastic student card. For 15€, you can add the international ISIC license to both cards, entitling you to over 150,000 benefits in more than 130 countries.

The digital student card Frank App is an official student identifier tag. You should download and activate it immediately after paying your AYY membership fee. It opens up hundreds of discounts, including student restaurants and cheaper commuter tickets from VR and HSL.

A plastic student card with Debit MasterCard services offered by Danske Bank is free to all university students. Without the payment service, the card costs 15.10€ + delivery fees.

More information on different card options and delivery can be found on the Frank website.

Please note that after receiving your plastic student card, you will need to get a year tag for it. You can get one from AYY’s service office in Otaniemi, for example.


Health and well-being


Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) looks after the health of university students.

After paying the Student Union membership fee, you can receive help from FSHS in the areas of general, oral and mental health when you need it. Appointments are made by phone, and FSHS has a callback service. Contacting FSHS and general health appointments are always free of charge.

In order to use the services as efficiently as possible, you should create a user account for FSHS’s electronic Self service. You can use the service to handle your appointments and other health-related matters electronically.

You can use the services of any FSHS unit anywhere in Finland. When FSHS is closed or you are unable to book an appointment, you can use your local health center’s regular or on-call services.

FSHS units in the Helsinki metropolitan area:

  • Otaniemi: Otakaari 12, Espoo
  • Töölö: Töölönkatu 37 A, Helsinki

Other well-being services

Is your student life not going as it should? You don’t need to be alone with your problems!

If you have challenges related to your studies, you can contact your school’s student counseling services or the Aalto study psychologists.

Study psychologists guide and support students in challenges related to learning, motivation, self-regulation, stress management and studying capacity. You can reach the study psychologists via email: opintopsykologit@aalto.fi

You can turn to the Aalto chaplains if you want to have a confidential discussion about anything related to life, work, studying or relationships.

The Aalto chaplains are available to all members of Aalto regardless of religion or worldview. Contact them:

  • Jenny Vainio
    050 365 2256
  • Anu Morikawa
    050 4644 375

The student support center Nyyti is a nationwide association that promotes the mental well-being and studying capacity of students.

The association organizes group chats and online courses, among other things, on topics related to student well-being. Anyone who has questions related to mental health or coping and well-being can join the chat and groups.

More information: www.nyyti.fi/en/

University sports and exercise – UniSport

UniSport provides affordable sports services to all Aalto members. UniSport’s selection of services includes e.g. group exercise, ball games, gyms and various courses.

Sports centers are available in Otaniemi, Kumpula, Meilahti, Töölö and at the University of Helsinki’s city center campus. Training Cards and per-visit tickets are permanently affordable for all Aalto University students.

More information: www.unisport.fi


Transport in the Helsinki metropolitan area

Students under 30 years of age whose place of residence is within the HSL area (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Kerava, Kirkkonummi, Vantaa) and who have a valid discount entitlement on their travel card are eligible for a student discount (-50%) in public transport in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Visit the HSL website for more information and the student discount application form.

Routes and timetables for public transport can be found in the HSL Reittiopas service at www.reittiopas.fi

You can also use city bikes in Espoo and Helsinki between the end of the spring and the start of the autumn. You can use the city bikes after you have paid the 30 € annual fee, and there are several city bike stations also in the campus area. You can find more information about the service here.

Students are also entitled to discounts on VR’s (trains) and Matkahuolto’s (coaches) long-distance journeys. Keep in mind that these discounts require you to have a valid student card with a year tag!

Have you encountered any inappropriate behavior? AYY is here to help you

The Aino magazine and Helsingin Sanomat have published news pieces on inappropriate parties organized in Otaniemi. The Aalto University Student Union commits to the goal of Aalto University in offering all students an equal and egalitarian environment.

Racism or other forms of inappropriate treatment should not be tolerated. Overreactions can be prevented by discussing and learning from past mistakes.

AYY wants to be involved in creating a safe environment for all students of the Aalto University, regardless of the background of any student or situation, and in supporting the associations operating in its sphere of influence in fulfilling this goal.

AYY organizes training to association actives every year. In January 2018 a first time training on ”Turvallisesti tapahtumissa” (Safe at events) , where event security which takes all participants into account on matters both physical and other was under review. 

AYY continues to organize training pertaining to event security. ”Turvallisesti tapahtumissa” training material can be requested from jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi

If you have encountered any inappropriate events or learned of an inappropriate event working in AYY’s sphere of influence, contact the specialist on associations at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi.

If you have encountered or witnessed inappropriate treatment or harrasment, you can contact our trained harrasment contact personnel Minna Mäkitalo hairinta-nainen@ayy.fi or Lauri Jurvanen hairinta-mies@ayy.fi..

The harrasment contact personnel service is confidential and your email will only go to the harrasment contact person. No action will be taken without the consent of the offended party.

Read more on receiving help in harrasment situations: /jasenille/mistaapua/

More information can be asked from Secretary General Niko Ferm, niko.ferm@ayy.fi

Emergency Housing Coordinator to help with accommodation at the start of the semester

News Bulletin




The start of the semester is always a challenging time, but it is especially so to those, who start it in a new country. AYY’s goal is to anticipate issues and students’ needs, which is why AYY together with Aalto University hire an Emergency Housing Coordinator on a yearly basis. The Coordinator helps Finnish and international students who are without housing at the start of the semester.

This autumn AYY’s Housing Coordinator will be Katarina Naumanen. Naumanen is a 22-year-old student in Aalto Business School whose life consists of work, studies and soccer. She moved to Helsinki a year ago, having spent a year in USA playing soccer.

“I’m a semi-professional soccer player, which is why getting a job often works on the conditions of soccer schedules,” Naumanen says. “That is why I’m happy to work on a short-term project like this.”

Naumanen applied to AYY because she was interested to peek behind the curtain of her student union. She has previously worked in the private sector, but she’s happy to get a new kind of job experience.

“As a student I’m interested in seeing all different kinds of services the student union provides to students, and also play my own part in providing and improving these services,” Naumanen says. “In my job I will be able to help with students’ everyday life first hand. It’s challenging, but I’m sure it’s going to be very interesting!”

AYY’s Emergency Housing Coordinator will help those members, who have had trouble getting accommodation for the autumn of 2017. The Coordinator helps with finding the apartment, organizes temporary accommodation and answers general questions on housing issues.

Please find the Coordinator’s contact information and phone service times here: /en/housing/apartment-seekers/emergency-housing/contact-details/

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for about 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY works as an advocate for its members, especially in matters of educational politics and social issues relating to studies.

Additional information:

Service Manager Riitu Nuutinen, riitu.nuutinen@ayy.fi 050 520 9450

Secretary General Niko Ferm, niko.ferm@ayy.fi p. 050 520 9415

FSHS opening hours during Christmas time

All our units are closed from 24 December 2014 to 4 January 2015. There are also unit specific differences in the Christmas time opening hours. See the list below for your local FSHS unit’s opening hours for Christmas 2014. Check the exact opening hours in the Christmas time from your own unit’s page.

Travel advice -service and  Health councelling -online service is closed from
17 December 2014 to 6 January 2015.

The emercency number in Finland is 112. The number is intended for genuine emergencies where someone’s life may be danger.

Espoo: The FSHS unit in Espoo is closed from 24 December 2014 to 4 January 2015. When our unit is closed: On business days you should primarily contact your local municipal health centre.

Helsinki: The FSHS unit in Helsinki is closed from 24 December 2014 to 4 January 2015. When our unit is closed: Contact the City of Helsinki health centre or your local municipal health centre. Oral health (in urgent cases): Haartman hospital. Viikki service point is closed from 18 December 2014 to 13 January 2015.

Please note that you will have to pay a fee for this service and that the FSHS will not compensate you for the costs.

FSHS’s appointment fees to rise in 2015

Appointment fees charged by the Finnish Student Health Service will rise on 1 January 2015. This is because the state’s rental subsidy received by the FSHS is to be halved.

Student appointment fees will rise for certain specialist services and long oral health appointments. General practitioner, public health nurse, dental hygienist, short dentist appointments (max. 10 min) and mental health appointments will remain free of charge for students.

The new fee for specialist appointments (except for psychiatrists) is €24, and the fee for dentist appointments subject to charge will rise with €2.

The charge for no-show appointments will rise from €25 to €35.

Fees for FSHS certificates subject to charge will also rise, while some changes will be introduced to the issuing of certificates.

Read more http://www.yths.fi/filebank/2980-Hinnasto_1_1_2015_alkaen_ENG.pdf .