How to order a student card

How to order a student card – instructions for spring 2016

First: Come to AYY’s service point to join the student union and to pay the membership fee (cost 58 e for spring term 2016).

Second: Go to university student services to register your status as a student. This is important, since the provider of the student cards checks your student status from the university.

Third: Order the student card (cost 15,1 e). Unfortunately the provider of student cards has problems with card payments at the moment and the online payment can only be done with Finnish online banking codes. If you have these or a friend of yours has these, you can order the card online. If you don’t have access to internet banking, fill in the card ordering form here (.xlsx) (you don’t need to care about the last three slots (payment info, date and toimituspaikka)). Save the file to your computer and send it as attachment to Also send a passport photo or a clear facial photo of yourself in electronic format to AYY to be included in your card. If you study at Aalto Arabia campus, and visiting AYY’s service point in Arabia is more convenient for you, send your documents to After sending the card information form and your picture, come to AYY service point to finalize the order of your card. At AYY you can pay by cash or by card (the card costs 15,1e).

Fourth: It takes a few weeks to process your card. You will receive an e-mail to your aalto-e-mail once you can pick up the card at AYY service point.