AEGEE-Helsinki Italian Evening!

20.4.2012 19:00—02:00 21.4.2012

In English below.

Rooma, espresso, huippumuoti, taide – haluaisitko viettää perjantai-iltasi italialaisissa tunnelmissa, Aegeen parissa?

Jos vastauksesi on ”SI!”, tule Aegee-Helsingin Italia-iltaan perjantaina 20.4. Paikkana on KY (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21B, 3. kerros), jossa ovet aukeavat klo. 19.00. Aloitamme klo 19.30 Italia-painotteisen ohjelman. Tarjolla on italialaista purtavaa ja boolia, mutta kannattanee ottaa mukaan myös oma vino, limoncello tms.

Sisäänpääsymaksu on 2 euroa vuoden 2012 jäsenmaksun maksaneille ja 3 euroa ei-maksaneille.

Dress code: Italian Style

Benvenuto a tutti!

Rome, espresso, high heels, fine arts – do you feel like spending your Friday night in Italian atmosphere with a heavy dose of Aegee-spirit?

If your answer is ”SI!”, come to Aegee-Helsinki’s Italian Evening on Friday 20.4. The venue is KY (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21B, 3.floor) and the doors open at 19.00. At 19.30 we will start with some light program, which includes Italian activities. Italian snacks and punch will be served but it is not a bad idea to bring your own wine, limoncello etc. with you.

The entrance fee is 2 euro for those who have paid the annual fee of Aegee-Helsinki for the year 2012 and 3 euro for the others.

Dress code: Italian Style

Benvenuto a tutti!
