AIESEC Aalto: Global Village

Aalto Design Factory

Betonimiehenkuja 1

18.4.2013 18:00—21:00

Imagine tasting delicious food from a South American country, playing a traditional Asian game, and receiving a souvenir from a new Eastern European friend, all in one day! Sounds cool to you? Experience it in Global Village.

Global Village is an event where our table hosts (international students coming from 10+ countries) introduce their own cultures through traditional food and performances to you. You can participate either by signing up as a host (registration and more info here ), or by attending as a guest to experience the event’s global atmosphere. Surprises are waiting!

Here’s our awesome agenda:

18 – 18:15: Opening
18:15 – 19: Eating the lovely food!
19 – … : let the games begins! <you can still eat the food 😉 >

In short:
What? Global Village event, organized by AIESEC Aalto
When? 18th of April
Where? Design Factory – Betonimiehenkuja 1 Espoo