AIESEC Personal Branding Seminar

16.4.2013 14:00—16:00

AIESEC is the world’s largest student organization which provides leadership opportunities for young people to further develop their potentials and skills.

This time, AIESEC HY (Helsingin Yliopisto) – is organizing a leadership seminar focusing on Personal Branding for all university students in Helsinki region.

Have you ever heard about the concept of developing “Personal Branding”? How a good self-branding person can advance his/her career opportunities in the competing world? Do you know how to brand yourself?

In order to ensure the best experience for the audience, we have invited experienced speakers to share the knowledge in the field.

They are:

Ms. Harini Chari (Brand Communication at AmCham, Personal Brand Strategist)

Mr. Janne Korpi (Chief Account Officer, Quru Oy)

Ms. Kirsti Lehmusto (Communications Director, University of Helsinki)

Join us to improve your performance and create your self-competitive advantage in the rapidly changing world.

The event is free of charge but we have limited space for participant, so please register using the link. You will get confirmation to the event on April 14th at latest.

Register Here: