ARENA Career Fair 9.11.2016

Aalto University School of Business, Main building

Runeberginkatu 14-16

9.11.2016 09:30—16:00


Welcome to the 25th anniversary ARENA Career Fair!

ARENA Career Fair is the leading recruitment and contact event for companies and university business students in Finland

ARENA Career Fair will be organized for the 25th time at the Aalto University School of Business’ Main building on Wed 9th November from 9:30 am to 4 pm. This year over 50 interesting employers will be attending. At the fair you have a chance to meet potential employers, practise your job hunting skills – and who knows – even land a job!

Why to visit?

  • Meet over 50 exciting exhibitors at stands
  • Get to know potential employers by attending  several employer presentations.
  • Polish up your application papers or LinkedIn profile together with a HR professional at the CV & LinkedIn Clinic
  • Have your CV picture taken for a small fee (3€) in CV photo shooting

Would you like to know more?

  • Follow us on Facebook, where the ARENA-On-Line virtual fair is underway! Companies are updating interesting information for example about their trainee programs and career stories.
  • Get to know the fair guide which will be mailed for all the 3rd to 5th year students. You can also pick up your copy from the Entrance Hall (Töölö) or Otaniemi (Otakaari 1, U-wing) around one week before the fair.
  • Check out the ARENA web page for enrolled exhibitors, detailed fair programme, and tips on how to prepare for the fair.


ARENA is organized by Aalto University School of Business and Hanken School of Economics and is targeted especially to all business students (including industrial engineering) of Aalto and Hanken.

Note: Free buss transportation between Otaniemi and Töölö. More info on ARENA web page and Facebook.

See you at the ARENA Career Fair!


Aalto University School of Business and Hanken School of Economics