AVP Masterclass: Post-deal value creation

13.2.2019 13:00—14:00

Keskiviikkona 13.2. klo 13-14
AVP Space (Maarintie 8, 02150 Otaniemi) 

Sealed the deal? Your work doesn’t end there. On the opposite, the time directly after a deal is the most critical for maximizing value creation – or destroying it right to begin with.

This AVP Masterclass is run by a true expert of the subject, a successful start-up and growth investor Dr. Ainomaija Haarla! Join us to hear her point of view on post-deal value creation as she will share some hands-on, practical advice based on her own experiences. See the Facebook event below for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/237721693786295/. 

WHAT: AVP Masterclass – Post-deal value creation
WHEN: Wednesday 13.2. at 1pm
WHERE: AVP Space on Maarintie 8, 2nd floor (Otaniemi)
WHOM: Everyone interested in entrepreneurship and investing

Aalto Ventures Program
Elettra Virtanen