English-speaker-friendly show of Teekkarispeksi

Aleksanterin teatteri
25.3.2014 19:00—22:00

English-speaker-friendly show of Teekkarispeksi on March 25, 2014

Teekkarispeksi, the biggest student musical in Finland, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with DANSE MACABRE – a musical spectacle on 18th century Spanish inquisition, mystical decadence and seduction.

The acting, singing and dancing are complemented with improvisation and every show is unique: the audience is able to influence the events that happen on stage.

This ”speksi” is a tradition unique to the student cultures of Finland and Sweden, so make sure that you experience one!

The special English-speaker-friendly show on March 25 will provide a summary of the plot in English.

This is a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with Finnish student activities and to brush up your Finnish!


More information and ticket reservations: evgenia.antonova@aalto.fi (see also http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi).
