Get your dream job with LinkedIn -lecture


Get your dream job with

Tuesday, 7th February 2017
Time: 16:15 ~ max until 18:00
Location: Nokia hall B-200 (Aalto University School of Business main building in Töölö, Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki)

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional face to the world! During this lecture Mikkel Preisler, Senior Account Executive from LinkedIn will share their best tips and tricks to make your profile do the work for you. Main focus is on leveraging and expanding your network and perfecting your digital representation.

We’ll also give you a guided tour of other functions on the platform and teach you how to use LinkedIn in the best possible way. We’ll of course guide you to your dream job, but we’ll also show you how the recruiters can find you!

Enrollment: confirm your participation by Monday 6th February 3 pm by filling in the requested information at https:// Public/Event/ Apply.aspx?EventID=623.

Join also our FB event!

For all Aalto University & Hanken students!
Event language: English

Aalto University School of Business Career Services with LinkedIn
The event can also be found from Aalto CareerWeb events.



Please note. If you enroll in a training, employer presentation, CV-Clinic or other similar session, and you cannot participate, you must cancel your enrollment as soon as possible, but latest 24 hours prior to the event (by following the instructions received in the enrollment confirmation email). Please acquaint yourself with the Toimintaohjeistus ilmoittautumisessa / Signing up to events before enrolling.

Aalto University School of Business Career Services

Aalto University School of Business Career Services