Brunssi ylijäämäruoasta

U-wing lobby

Otakaari 1

14.10.2016 11:00

Did you know that
… approx. 1/3 of the food produced in the world for human consumption is lost or wasted?
… the associated costs are estimated at 143 billion € in the EU alone?
… large quantities of food are wasted because of quality standards that overemphasize appearance?
…the behaviour of consumers plays a huge part in reducing food waste?

In developing countries 40 % of losses happens at post-harvest and processing levels, and in industrialized countries over 40 % of losses occur at retail and consumer levels. Tons and tons of perfectly edible food are discarded at retail level simply because of appearance, like irregularities in shape or size.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Visit AYY Development cooperation week’s Leftover Food Brunch to find out more about how we can reduce food waste and use leftover food.

You will get to experience delicious finger food made from leftover food donated by From Waste to Taste ry. Two special guests will also be joining us to talk about their activities in the sustainable food business:

Johanna Kohvakka from the Finnish organization From Waste to Taste ry
Ling Choi from the startup Froodly

AYY Global Development week