Maailmanvaihto ry. esittelee vapaaehtoistyömahdollisuuksia

13.10.2016 12:15—13:30

Would you like to be a person to contribute to our World as a volunteer? During the AYY Global Development Week, you will get familiar with different volunteer organizations.

In this event, Maailmanvaihto will have 1 hour session to introduce its voluntary works on 13th of October. The event will start at 2:15 pm and the place is Y229A, Otakaari 1.

Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland is a non profit civic organization created by young people. ICYE (International Cultural Youth Exchange) Finland offers multifaceted voluntary work opportunities within local communities and international organizations in more than 30 countries all over the World.

AYY Global Development week, Maailmanvaihto ry.