Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament – Murskaveljekset IV

5.11.2017 12:00—23:00

The premier Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament in Aalto University, Murskaveljekset, is coming once again! Murskaveljekset IV takes place at Energy Garage on Sunday, the 5th of November.

Murskaveljekset brings together the Smash players of Aalto to have fun and compete for the title of ”best player in Otaniemi.” The event happens twice a year and is completely free.

Players do not register online. Participating players have to sign up on the day of the tournament by being present at the venue by 13:00 AT THE LATEST. The tournament begins at 14:00. Players are recommended to use the time in between to warm up before the tournament begins.

Murskaveljekset features a singles (1v1) tournament and a doubles (2v2) tournament. In the tournament format, players are divided into pools where everyone plays each other once. The highest placing players and teams will advance to a double elimination bracket to play for the championship.

Contact Jussi ”Katshuma” Hirvonen (+358 400832746) in case of any questions.




  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination / Ω Forms
  • Smashville


  • Lylat Cruise
  • Town and City
  • Dream Land 64


  • 2 stocks.
  • 6 minutes.
  • All tournament sets are BO3 (best of three), except finals, which are BO5.
  • Team Attack On.
  • Items None and All Off.
  • Equipment Off.
  • Customisations Off.
  • Handicap Off.
  • Pause should be turned off. In the event that a player pauses the game during a tournament match, the opposing side can demand that the pausing player forfeits their current stock.
  • Sudden Deaths are never played. If the game ends up in Sudden Death because time ran out and both teams had the same amount of stocks remaining, victory goes to the side that had the least damage. (In the event that the damage was even or players died at the exact same time, a tiebreaker match is played with 1 stock and 3 minutes.)
  • The first game of a set is always played on a starter stage. Players should use rock-paper-scissors to determine who gets to pick the stage. The loser strikes one stage, and then the winner picks one the remaining two.
  • The loser of the previous game picks the next stage and has character counterpick.
  • The winner of the previous game has 2 stage bans in a BO3 set, and 1 stage ban in a BO5 set.
  • Dave’s Stupid Rule: A player cannot pick a stage they have already won on during the set.
  • Gentleman Rule: If both sides are in complete agreement, nonlegal stages may be chosen.
  • Before the first match of a set, players may demand Double Blind Character Selection. (In DBCS one player first tells their character to a third party. The other player then selects their character, and after that the third party reveals the first player’s character selection.)
Jussi "Katshuma" Hirvonen
Jussi Hirvonen +358 400832746