Murskaveljekset VII

26.5.2019 11:00—18:00

Otaniemen Smash-mestaruus on jälleen katkolla!

Right before summer we still have time to play Smash! Murskaveljekset is a Super Smash Bros. tournament hosted by Computer Science Guild for residents of Otaniemi and students of Aalto University. The championship series continues at Otakaari 20 upstairs on Sunday the 26th of May, 2019.

Murskaveljekset VII features singles (1v1) and doubles (2v2) events in the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The singles event this time around will use Squad Strike 3 vs. 3 game mode.

Players participating in the events have to be present at the venue on the day of the tournament by 12:00 AT THE LATEST. In the tournament format, players are split into pools and compete to advance into a double elimination bracket to play for the championship. Players are recommended to play friendlies and warm up while the pools are constructed.

Please note that alcoholic beverages are not allowed at the venue.

Don’t hesitate to contact Jussi ”Katshuma” Hirvonen (+358 400832746) in case of any questions.


  • Battlefield / Battlefield forms
  • Final Destination / Ω forms
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Smashville
  • Town and City
  • Kalos Pokémon League


  • Singles: Squad Strike 3 vs. 3, 7 minutes.
  • Doubles: 3 stocks, 7 minutes.
  • All tournament sets are BO3 (best of three), except finals, which are BO5.
  • Format: Tag Team (Singles, Echo Fighters cannot be chosen as part of the same team.)
  • FS Meter: Off
  • Spirits: Off
  • Damage Handicap: Off
  • Items: None and Set None
  • Stage Morph: Off
  • Stage Hazards: Off
  • Team Attack: On (Doubles)
  • Launch Rate: 1.0x
  • Underdog Boost: Off
  • Pausing should be turned off. In the event that a tournament game is paused, the opposing side can demand that the pausing player forfeits their current stock.
  • Score Display: Off
  • Show Damage: Yes
  • Sudden Deaths are never played. If the game ends up in Sudden Death because time ran out, victory goes to the side with the least damage. (In the event that damage was even or players died at the exact same time, a tiebreaker game is played with 1 stock and 3 minutes.)
  • The first stage of a set is determined as follows: one player strikes 2 stages, then the other player strikes 2 more stages, and finally the player who struck first selects from the remaining two stages. Players should use rock-paper-scissors to determine who strikes first.
  • The loser of the previous game has character counterpick and suggests 2 legal stages for the next game. The winner of the previous game decides between those two stages.
  • Dave’s Stupid Rule: Players cannot suggest stages they have already won on during the set.
  • Gentleman Rule: If both sides are in complete agreement, nonlegal stages may be chosen.
  • For the first game of a set, players may demand Double Blind Character Selection. (In DBCS one player first tells their characters in secret to a third party. The other player then selects their characters, after which the third party reveals the first player’s character selection.)
Jussi Hirvonen 0400832746